Willig | Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology | Buch | 978-0-335-23634-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch


Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23634-3
Verlag: Open University Press

- Why use qualitative research in psychology?

- How is qualitative research in psychology carried out?

- What are the major debates and unresolved issues surrounding this form of research?

Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology is a vital resource for students new to qualitative psychology. It offers a clear introduction to the topic by taking six different approaches to qualitative methods and explaining when each one should be used, the procedures and techniques involved, and any limitations associated with such research.

Throughout the new edition, material has been re-organized and updated to reflect developments in the field, however Carla Willig's style of writing, popular with students and lecturers alike, remains unchanged. The book examines:

- Reflexivity and ethics

- The benefits of the different approaches and comparisons of them

- Appropriate ways of writing up research

This edition contains more interactive exercises and tasks in order to help students understand what they are learning, as well as three qualitative research reports with annotations highlighting key issues for novice researchers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of boxes

chapter one: From recipes to adventures

How, and what, can we know?




Critique of the ‘scientific method’

Feminist critique of established epistemologies

Social constructionism

Epistemology and methodology

Qualitative research

Overview of the book

Three epistemological questions

Further reading

chapter two: Qualitative research design

General principles of qualitative research design

The research question

Choosing the ‘right’ method

Semi-structured interviewing

Participant observation


Focus groups

Further reading

chapter three: Grounded Theory

Basic principles of Grounded Theory

An example of Grounded Theory

Versions of Grounded Theory

Limitations of Grounded Theory as a method for psychological research

Three epistemological questions

Further reading

chapter four: Phenomenological methods


The phenomenological method

Phenomenology and psychology

Descriptive phenomenology

Interpretative phenomenology

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Doing Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Analysis of an individual case

Worked example

Integration of cases


Writing up

An example of IPA

Limitations of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Three epistemological questions


Further reading

chapter five: Case studies

Research methods for psychological case studies

Types of design for case study research

Procedural issues

An example of case study research

Limitations of case study research

Three epistemological questions


Further reading

chapter six: Discursive Psychology

The ‘turn to language’

Discursive Psychology and Foucauldian Discourse Analysis

Discursive Psychology

An example of discourse analysis

Limitations of discursive psychology

Three epistemological questions

Further reading

chapter seven: Foucauldian Discourse Analysis

Selecting texts for analysis

Procedural guidelines for the analysis of discourse

An illustration of the application of the six stages to an interview extract

Limitations of Foucauldian Discourse Analysis

Three epistemological questions

Key differences between Discursive Psychology and Foucauldian Discourse Analysis

Further reading

chapter eight: Working with memories

Narrative psychology

Memory work

Why memories?

Data collection and analysis

‘Saying sorry’: an example of data analysis in Memory Work

Limitations of Memory Work

Three epistemological questions


Further reading

chapter nine: Quality in qualitative research

What constitutes ‘good’ qualitative research?

Epistemology and evaluation

Evaluation of the methods introduced in this book

Some caveats

Opportunities and limitations in qualitative research

A word about technology

‘What’ and ‘how’

Further reading

Appendix one: What is understood by ‘dominance’? An interpretation through memories

Goran Petronic

Reflexive preface






Analysis of memories

Comparison of memories



Appendix two: A qualitative study of the occurrence of abuse in one heterosexual and in one lesbian relationship

Kris dew Valour

Reflexive preface







Carla Willig lectures at City University, London, UK. She has been teaching courses on qualitative methods in psychology for many years. Her research and publications are concerned with the epistemology and application of discourse analytic work and, more recently, phenomenological research methods.

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