Wu | Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Systems | Buch | 978-0-12-407711-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 560 g


Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Systems

Efficient Probabilistic Methods and Aerospace Applications

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 560 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-407711-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Featuring aerospace examples and applications, Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Systems presents the very latest probabilistic techniques for accurate and efficient dynamic system reliability analysis. While other books cover more broadly the reliability techniques and challenges related to large systems, Dr Bin Wu presents a focused discussion of new methods particularly relevant to the reliability analysis of large aerospace systems under harmonic loads in the low frequency range. Developed and written to help you respond to challenges such as non-linearity of the failure surface, intensive computational costs and complexity in your dynamic system, Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Systems is a specific, detailed and application-focused reference for engineers, researchers and graduate students looking for the latest modeling solutions.

The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press Aerospace Series publishes titles that cover the latest advances in research and development in aerospace. Its scope includes theoretical studies, design methods, and real-world implementations and applications. The readership for the series is broad, reflecting the wide range of aerospace interest and application, but focuses on engineering.

Forthcoming titles in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press Aerospace Series:

Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Systems. Wake Vortex Control. Aeroacoustics: Fundamentals and Applications in Aeropropulsion Systems. Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Design. Unsteady Flow and Aeroelasticity in Turbomachinery
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<p>Engineers and researchers working in aerospace systems reliability.</p>


Weitere Infos & Material

1: Introduction

2: Technical Background

3: Theoretical Fundamentals of the New Approach

4: Application to a 2D System

5: Application to a 3D Helicopter Model

6: Complete Combined Approach

7: Conclusions and Future Work



Wu, Bin
Dr. Bin Wu is Assistant Deputy Chief Designer at COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) and Director of the Laboratory of Computation and Numerical Simulation at Beijing Aeronautical Science and Technology Research Institute, Beijing, China.

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