Wu / Zou | Securing the Safety of Navigation in East Asia | Buch | 978-0-85709-489-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Gewicht: 620 g

Wu / Zou

Securing the Safety of Navigation in East Asia

Legal and Political Dimensions

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Gewicht: 620 g

ISBN: 978-0-85709-489-6
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Safe navigation of the seas is of global importance. Sea lanes provide vital connections for the growth of the global economy and the wellbeing of people everywhere. The sea lanes are of particular importance for the East Asian region, as most trade is undertaken on the ocean. Booming economies in the region such as China and Vietnam put more pressure on sea lanes, triggering concern for the safety of navigation. Securing the Safety of Navigation in East Asia identifies salient issues for academic debate, and further explores those that have practical implications for the safety of navigation in East Asia. Contemporary maritime security concentrates on safe navigation and inhibiting transnational crimes, including sea piracy and maritime terrorism. Maritime environmental security and search and rescue at sea are also important. Securing the Safety of Navigation in East Asia is structured into four sections: the first part introduces the topic, and looks at the safety of navigation and the search for a cooperative mechanism. The second part considers the international legal framework and its implications for East Asia. The third part presents national perspectives on the safety of navigation, and fi nally part four considers navigational issues in the South China Sea.
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Weitere Infos & Material

About the editors and contributors

Part 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Safety of navigation in East Asia: seeking a cooperative mechanism



Issues identified and discussed

Prospects and conclusion

Part 2: International legal framework: implications for East Asia

Chapter 2: Navigating the currents of legal regimes and realpolitik in East Asiaâ?Ts maritime domain



UNCLOS and freedom of navigation

Safety of navigation in East Asia

Military activities in EEZs

Fishing activities in disputed waters

Commercial activities in disputed waters

Threats to US commercial interests

Incidents involving Chinese ships and the Philippines

China-Vietnam cable cutting incidents

Current trends in military modernisation China

United States

The Philippines



Political implications: the way ahead


US military activities in China's EEZ

Fishing in disputed waters

Commercial activities in disputed waters

Chapter 3: Compulsory pilotage and the law of the sea: lessons learned from the Torres Strait



UNCLOS and regulation of navigation

Compulsory pilotage, the IMO and the UNCLOS

Torres Strait52

Straits of Malacca and Singapore83

Concluding remarks

Chapter 4: Navigational rights and marine scientific research: a further clarification?



Marine scientific research and the UNCLOS

State practice

Chinese regulations

Hydrographic surveying and marine scientific research


Part 3: Safety of navigation from national perspectives

Chapter 5: South Korea and the safety of navigation: uncertainty derived from undefined fences



South Korea v. North Korea1

South Korea v. China

Zou, Keyuan
Keyuan Zou is Harris Professor of International Law at the Lancashire Law School of the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK. He specializes in international law, in particular the law of the sea and international environmental law. Before this he worked in Dalhousie University in Canada, Peking University in China, University of Hannover in Germany, and the National University of Singapore. He is Academic Advisor to the China National Institute for South China Sea Studies and the Centre for Ocean Law and Policy of Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. Keyuan is member of the ESRC Peer Review College and the Commission on Environmental Law of the IUCN, and has published over 60 refereed papers in 30 international journals and eight single-authored and co-edited books, as well as being an editorial board member of international journals such as Ocean Development and International Law.

Wu, Shicun
Wu Shicun is President of the National Institute for the South China Sea Studies, a sole national-level think-tank in China specializing in South China Sea studies and a wellrespected expert in the field of the South China Sea Studies. His research focuses on history and geography on the South China Sea, ocean boundary delimitation, international relations and regional security issues. He has considerable expertise and numerous publications to his credit.

Shicun Wu is currently President of the National Institute for the South China Sea Studies located in Hainan, China. He was visiting scholar to the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of John Hopkins University in 1998, to the Seminar on the Dynamics of US Foreign Policy—Regional Security sponsored by U.S. Government in 1999, and visiting senior research fellow at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in 2001 and at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2008. His research focuses on the history and geography of the South China Sea, ocean boundary delimitation, international relations and regional security strategy.

Keyuan Zou is Harris Professor of International Law at the Lancashire Law School of the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK. He specializes in international law, in particular the law of the sea and international environmental law. Before this he worked in Dalhousie University in Canada, Peking University in China, University of Hannover in Germany, and the National University of Singapore. He is Academic Advisor to the China National Institute for South China Sea Studies and the Centre for Ocean Law and Policy of Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. Keyuan is member of the ESRC Peer Review College and the Commission on Environmental Law of the IUCN, and has published over 60 refereed papers in 30 international journals and eight single-authored and co-edited books, as well as being an editorial board member of international journals such as Ocean Development and International Law.

Contributors include: Kazumine Akimoto, Ramses Amer, Robert Beckman, Alberto A. Encomienda, BA Hamzah, Nong Hong, Seokwoo Lee, Jianwei Li, Mingjiang Li, Nengye Liu, Donald R. Rothwell, Carlyle A. Thayer, Shicun Wu and Keyuan Zou.

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