Xu / Li | Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Information Technology II | Buch | 978-3-03835-293-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 298 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 670 g

Xu / Li

Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Information Technology II

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2014), September 27-28, 2014, Wuhan, China
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03835-293-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2014), September 27-28, 2014, Wuhan, China

Buch, Englisch, 298 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 670 g

ISBN: 978-3-03835-293-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2014), September 27-28, 2014, Wuhan, China. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The 60 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Material Science and Chemical Engineering; Chapter 2: Construction and Environmental Engineering; Chapter 3: Machinery, Automation and Control;Chapter 4: Communication, Computational Algorithms and Applied Information Technology
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Preface, Committees and Sponsors
Chapter 1: Material Science and Chemical Engineering
Study on the Preparation Process of Photocatalysts by the Acidolysis of High Titanium Slag with Hydrochloric Acid
Preparation of Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil with Excellent Properties
The Limy Composite Binder with the Use of the Synthesized Aluminosilicates
A New Geometric Model for Three-Dimensional Braided Composites
Dielectric Relaxation Measurements in La1.94Ba0.06Mo2-yWyO9-d (y=0, 1.0) Oxide-Ion Conductors
Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Fiber Concrete after High Temperature
Electrospun Nanofibers for Fast Dissolution of Naproxen Prepared Using a Coaxial Process with Ethanol as a Shell Fluid
Study on Mg-Y-Mishmetal-Zr Alloy Melt Reaction
The Influence of Modified Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) on the Properties of PA6/PTFE Blends
Experimental Study on De-Fluorinating by Adding Dilute Alkali in Wet Phosphoric Acid Extraction Organic Phase
Problems and Countermeasures in the Application of the Fire Chemical Detection Equipment Based on Material Properties
Metal-Catalyzed Synthesis of a Monomethine Cyanine
Efficient Synthesis of DiAZT Triphosphate
Preparation of Bis-Functionalized 1,4-Diaminobutane Derivatives
Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized 3-Aminopropanols
Preparation of Adenosine-Containing Artificial Dinucleoside Triphosphates
The Factors Affecting the Surface Properties of W-Implanted H13 Steel
Synthesis and Photochromism Studies of 1-(2,5-Dimethyl-3-Thienyl)-2-[2-Methyl-5- Pyrenyl-3-Thienyl]Perfluorocyclopentene
Synthesis and Properties of 1-(2-Cyano-1,5-Dimethyl-4-Pyrryl)-2-{2-Methyl-[5-(4-Methylene-Hydroxyl)Phenyl]-3-Thienyl}Perfluorocyclopentene
Synthesis and Application of 1-[2-Methyl-5-Phenyl-3-Thiophene]-2-[2-Methyl-5-Phenyl-(4-Vinyl)-3-Thiophene]Perfluorocyclopentene
Synthesis and Properties Study of 1-(2,4-Dimethoxyl-5-Pyrimidinyl)-2-[2-Methyl-5-(3-Cyano)-3-Thienyl]Perfluorocyclopentene
Research on Photochromic Materials with Synthesis and Properties of 1-(2-Methyl-3-Benzothiophene)-2-[2-Methyl-5-(3-Cyanophenyl)-3-Thienyl]Perfluorocyclopentene
Synthesis and Properties Study of 1-[2-Methyl-5-(3-Trifluoromethyl)-3-Thienyl]-2-[2-Methyl-5-(9-Phenanthrene)-3-Thienyl]Perfluorocyclopentene
Synthesis and Properties of 1,2-Bis[2-Methyl-5-(9,9-Dihexyl-Fluorene)-3-Thienyl]Perfluorocyclopentene
Synthesis, Photochromism and Fluorescent Switch of 1-(2-Methyl-1-Benzofuran-3-Yl)-2-(2-Methyl-5-(4-Benzylazide)-3-Thienyl)Perfluorocyclopentene
Synthesis and Properties of 1-[2-Methyl-5-(3-Cyanophenyl)-3-Thienyl]-2-[2-Methyl-5-(4-Pentylphenyl)-3-Thienyl]Perfluorocyclopentene
Applied-Information Technology in Concentration Depth Profile of Multi-Charged Mo Ion Implantation
Chapter 2: Construction and Environmental Engineering
Research on Formation, Influence and Regulation of Eco-Environmental Frangibility of Recreation Area of Urban Islets in River
Study on Ultrasonic Degradation of Methyl Orange Wastewater by Modified Steel Slag
Architecture Study on the Whole Lifecycle Management of Construction Contract in the Large Construction Projects
Hydromechanics Study on Lahars of the Erdaobai River Basin, Changbai Mountains, China
Recovery of Copper by Electrodeposition Method from Electroplating Wastewater
Buckling of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells of Desulphurizing Tower under Wind Loading
Numerical Simulation on Characteristics of Nitrate Nitrogen Leaching under Different Irrigation Levels
Shape Optimization Design of Gravity Buttress of Arch Dam Based on Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Method
Determine the Reinforcement Effect of Gravel Layer on a Sandy Foundation
Seismic Mechanics and Engineering Application Analysis of Shear Wave Velocity Inferring
Information Processing in Significance in Legislation of China’s Environmental Protection Tax - Viewed from the EKC Curve
Chapter 3: Machinery, Automation and Control
Effects of Different Vents Location on Flow Characteristics of Air Conditioning
Design of Bilateral Automatic Window Cleaning Device Based on Solid Edge
Comparing and Simulation of APF Control Strategies with Time Varying Inductive Load
Dynamic Optimization of Ship Boiler Startup Based on Modelica and JModelica.org
Study on Residual Strength of Corroded Pipes
Study on Calculating Takeoff Distances on Non-Dry Runways
Applied Technology in Simulation of Photovoltaic Cell Model Based on MATLAB/Simulink
Finite Element Analysis on Hybrid City Bus Frame Based on ANSYS-Workbench14
Applied Information Technology in Fault Diagnosis of Marine Lube Oil System Based on Bayesian Network Inference
Applied Technology in Diaper-Based UTI Testing for Elder People by Using Nitrite Ion Selective Electrode
Chapter 4: Communication, Computational Algorithms and Applied Information Technology
Design of the High-Speed X-Band Frequency Hopping Source
Design of the Millimeter-Wave Receiver
Design of the Millimeter-Wave Microstrip Array Antenna
Research on the Circular Polarization Microstrip Array Antenna
Research on the Angle Measurement Algorithm for Low-Speed Target of Radar
The Design and Application of Information and Communication Networking Training Needs Analysis Simulation System
Applied-Information Technology with Mutil-Agent Cooperation in Education Model Control Engineering
Applied-Information Technology in Short-Term Wind Speed Forecast Model for Wind Farms Based on Ant Colony Optimization and BP Neural Network
Study on Content Distribute Mechanism of Cloud Storage
Self-Cooperative Network Coding in Deep Space Communications
Applied-Information Technology and Data Processing in Determination of Subjective Weights in Multiple Attribute Decision Making
Applied Technology with an Improved EGO Algorithm for Incremental Kriging

Eds. B. Xu and H.Y. Li

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