Yadav / Vymazal / Srivastava | Emerging Developments in Constructed Wetlands | Buch | 978-0-443-14078-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Yadav / Vymazal / Srivastava

Emerging Developments in Constructed Wetlands

Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-14078-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-14078-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Emerging Developments in Constructed Wetlands aims to provide comprehensive, up-to-date information on recent trends and advances in the domain of constructed wetlands. The book contains consolidated insights into distinctive research areas with application potential and commercialization possibilities. It also offers access to updated fundamental knowledge, current trends, and research advances worthy of potential implementations in the field. Although there has been significant research progress in the domain of constructed wetlands over the last years, there is no book available with actual case studies to meet growing demands.
Yadav / Vymazal / Srivastava Emerging Developments in Constructed Wetlands jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

I. New research experience with microbial assemblage, vegetation, substrate materials, pollutants, and wastewater 1. An updated overview of plant species used in constructed wetlands 2. A global scenario of new substrates utilized in constructed wetlands 3. Coupling of constructed wetlands with other technologies for optimum performance 4. Development, advances, and mathematical modeling in treatment wetlands for eutrophic aquatic ecosystems 5. Understanding of biogeochemical network of redox-active elements in constructed wetlands for controlling/improving the treatment performance 6. Life cycle assessment of constructed wetlands: measuring their contribution to sustainable development 7. A revisit of constructed wetlands technology-microbial density and diversity and their relation to pollutant removal 8. Constructed wetlands clogging-a deeper understanding and remediation strategies II. Experience on New generation of constructed wetlands coupled with microbial electrochemical technologies 9. The emergence of constructed wetlands coupled with microbial electrochemical technology: historical development and the potential applications 10. Pollutants removal in constructed wetlands coupled with microbial electrochemical technology 11. Bioelectrochemically assisted wetland: the METland concept 12. Microbial electrochemical technology for biosensing purposes in constructed wetlands 13. Greenhouse gases emission control using constructed wetlands coupled with microbial electrochemical technology III. New experiments with design, configuration, and layout 14. Modular and transportable constructed wetlands 15. TAYA-an intensified constructed wetlands technology 16. Constructed wetlands inspired Phytorid technology for wastewater treatment application using 17. Green walls for wastewater treatment 18. Design recommendations to support green walls for urban water reuse guidelines 19. Green walls and green roof-some experiences from the field 20. Floating treatment wetlands: a futuristic approach for industrial wastewater treatment IV. Performance intensification of constructed wetlands 21. Intensification of French-type verticalflow treatment wetlands using complementary treatment steps and adapted operating conditions 22. Emerging development in application, design, and operations & maintenance of aerated treatment wetlands 23. Bioaugmentation in constructed wetlands for performance enhancement 24. New experiences to address the performance slowness in constructed wetlands in a cold climate 25. Application of biochar as an innovative substrate in constructed wetlands/biofilters for wastewater treatment: performance and ecological benefits 26. Combining the large-scale rotating biological contactors and integrated constructed wetlands for improving river quality 27. Estimating the removal rate coefficient for intensified wetlands utilizing reactive media for treating high-strength wastewater: an N-k-C* approach V. News functions 28. Wetland community expertise in the new nature-based solutions and circular economy vision 29. Valorization prospects of plant biomass generated in constructed wetland for bioenergy production 30. Fecal sludge management using constructed wetlands 31. Understanding removal of microplastics in constructed wetlands: processes, performance, and impacts 32. Implementing constructed wetlands for wastewater and sludge treatment in hot and arid climates: existing solutions and future challenges

Srivastava, Pratiksha
Dr Pratiksha Srivastava is currently a Postdoctoral fellow at Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain. She did her Ph.D. studies at the University of Tasmania, Australia. She has a large number of publications in the domain METs. Her main focus is on high-rate wastewater treatment using METs. She is among the pioneer who developed electrode-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation in Constructed wetlands coupled with microbial electrochemical technology. The work has gained considerable attention among scientists. Based on her significant contribution to sustainability research, she received the prestigious Green Talent award from the German Federal Ministry in 2017. She is also a recipient of the Nuffic fellowship, the Netherlands, and many other competitive grants and national and international levels.

Vymazal, Jan
Jan Vymazal graduated from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, the Czech Republic in 1980 and received a Ph.D. at ITC in 1985. Between 1985 and 1991 he was affiliated with Water Research Institute in Prague at the department of wastewater treatment. In 1991 Jan joined Duke University Wetland Center, North Carolina, the USA as a visiting scholar. During his stay at

Duke University until 1993, he focused on the wetland plant communities in Florida Everglades. Between 1994 and 2006 Jan worked as a freelance researcher focusing mostly on constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.

In 2007, he joined the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He is currently a professor and Head of the Department of Applied Ecology and vice-rector for research and science. Jan has authored more than 160 papers indexed in the Web of Sciences with over 11,000 citations an and H-index of 51, wrote two books and edited nine books on

natural and constructed wetlands. He is chief editor in the Ecological Engineering (Elsevier publication) journal and Editor in Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier publication).

Yadav, Asheesh Kumar
Asheesh Kumar Yadav is a Principal Scientist and Associate Professor at CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, India. He completed his doctoral study at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and postdoctoral studies at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. Currently, he is working as Marie Curie Fellow at Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. He is the pioneer of constructed wetlands coupled microbial Electrochemical technology (CW-MET) for energy production, wastewater treatment, and other environmental applications. He received numerous awards like Marie Curie Fellowship; Indo-American Research Professorship (American Society of Microbiology); Four times winner of Erasmus Mundus Scholar Awards for teaching and research in universities in Germany, Poland, Sweden, Portugal; Winner of VLIR scholarships of Belgium; and Nuffic fellowship of the Netherlands. Besides this, He got an adjunct faculty position at the University of Tasmania, Australia. He is interested in developing low-cost energy generating and saving wastewater treatment systems with capabilities of resource recovery. Moreover, he is invested in developing circularity and sustainability in water and wastewater treatment systems.

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