Yang / Morgan / Wang | The Strategies of China's Firms | Buch | 978-0-08-100274-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 320 g

Yang / Morgan / Wang

The Strategies of China's Firms

Resolving Dilemmas

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 320 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-100274-2
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

This book aims to analyze how China's firms in the consumer electronics (CE) sector have developed their business strategy and corporate governance during the reform process. This book examines the CE sector in particular because it is one of the country's most important and dynamic manufacturing sectors and one of the earliest market-oriented sectors.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Hailan Yang, Stephen Morgan. The Ways of Development of China's State-Controlled Firms, the Case of the Consumer Electronics Sector;
2. Hailan Yang, Mitch Casselman, Bowen Liu. The Impact of the ownership Strucutre of Business Group on the Listed Affiliated Firms;
3. Changfeng Wang, Yan Han. Linking Properties of Knowledge with Innovation Performance;
4. Qing Cao, Zeki Simsek and Hongping Zhang. Modelling the Joint Impact of the CEO and the TMT on Organizational Ambidexterity;
5.Jie Shen. Labour Litigation in China;
6.Mengyao Chen. The Overseas Location Strategies of Chinese Transnational Corporations;
7.Tingli Liu, Songling Yang & Qianqian Shi. Research on the Relationship among Large Shareholders and its Economic Consequences of Listed Companies in China;
8. Jing Qian. What Matters in the Relationship between Mentoring and Job-related Stress? The Moderating Effects of Proteges' Traditionality and Trust in Mentor;
9. Ying Wang, Yanfei Zhu and Miao Jiang. Causality on Operating Efficiency of Real Estate developers in China;
10.Ying Wang, Pengying Bai, Ertao Wang. Evaluation on Core Comptetitiveness of Real Estate Enterprise Based on Value Chain;
11. Jinwei Zhu, Yuanyuan Wu. The Transformation of the Chinese Photovoltaic Industry under Globalization----the Revelations from the Bankruptcy Reorganization of Suntech;
12.Linyan Yang, Shimeng Tong. An Empirical Study on Electronic Word of Mouth Influence on Consumer's Purchase Decision;
13. Linyan Yang, Rui Gao ,Shimeng Tong. Research on the Online Shopping Problems behind Double Eleven Shopping Festival

Wang, Ying
Ying Wang engages in teaching and research in the area of real estate and economics at School of Management of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology in China. She completed her PhD degree of Economics at Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2008 and acquired her bachelor degree of Real Estate Management in 1997 and master degree of Management in 2000 at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. She worked at City University of Hong Kong in and King's College London as a visiting academic in 2014. Her research is situated at the urban development issues and the theory and methodology of real estate investment.

Morgan, Stephen
Stephen L. Morgan is the Dean of the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, and Professor of Chinese Economic History in the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies (SCCS) at the University of Nottingham, UK. He joined the SCCS at Nottingham in September 2007 after 13 years at the University of Melbourne where he was as lecture and laster senior lecturer in Asian economic history. He has more than 30 years of experience studying and writing about China. In an earlier life, he was a journalist with, among others, the Standard Newspapers in Melbourne, a China-based contributor to the South China Morning Post, the chief correspondent of the Hong Kong Standard, as well as the assistant political and business editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review. His primary research lies in the fields of economic and business history from the 18th to the 20th centuries of China, while mostly teaching graduate and undergraduate programmes in international business and strategic management.

Yang, Hailan
Hailan Yang teaches at the Business School, Shandong Jianzhu University in China. She gained her PhD Degree in International Business from the Management and Marketing Department of Melbourne University. She also has a BA in International Economics from Shandong Finance University and a MA in Political Economics from Shandong University of China. Her research focuses on the impact of cultural, social and economic changes on China's companies. Over past 10 years she has been involved in many projects including research on diversification of China's companies and the reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises. Based on her research experience in China, UK and Australia, she has not only gained a deep insight into Chinese companies, but also into the differences and similarities between enterprises in China and Western companies. She acted as a trainer in the Global Business Strategy Company in Melbourne from 2005 to 2007. She developed a new workshop entitled 'The State of Corporate Governance in China'. As a trainer with Global Business Strategies, she provided regional briefings and business orientation and negotiating workshops on China for clients doing business in China. She specialized in providing the company executives in Australia with a deeper insight into Chinese companies and their internal mechanisms.

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