Yarlagadda | Advances in Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics | Buch | 978-3-03835-290-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 472 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1120 g


Advances in Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics (IFCEM 2014), August 27-28, 2014, Zhuhai, China
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03835-290-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics (IFCEM 2014), August 27-28, 2014, Zhuhai, China

Buch, Englisch, 472 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1120 g

ISBN: 978-3-03835-290-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics (IFCEM 2014), August 27-28, 2014, Zhuhai, China. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The 82 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making System in Industry, Management and Education; Chapter 2: Computer Networks, Communications Technology; Chapter 3: Software Development; Chapter 4: Technologies and Methods of Data and Signal Processing: Chapter 5: Sensors, Testing, Detection, Measurement and Monitoring Technologies;Chapter 6: Modern Technology in Electronics and Circuits; Chapter 7: Mechatronics, Industrial Robots, Automation and Control Technologies
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Preface and Conference Organization
Chapter 1: Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making System in Industry, Management and Education
Design and Implementation Virtual Reality Systems for Vocational Education
Electrical Marketing Application System Training's Auxiliary Means that Based on VBA
Passenger Flow Prediction of Exhibition Based on ARMA
The New Media Influence Ranking of Provincial Satellite TV Based on Fuzzy Math Method
Information-Based Entrepreneurship Related Fields of Research to Promote the Development of Strategic Emerging Industries
The Research and Application of Intimacy in Microblog
Similarity Detection’s Application Using Chi-Square Test in the Property of Counting Method
Realization of Email Address Register Validation on Engineering Machinery Service Platform
Design and Implementation in Project Based Case Learning System for Education in Software Engineering
Research of Information Integration for the Grid Panoramic Information Platform Based on SOA
Research on the Construction of Library Knowledge Service Platform
Research on Performance Evaluation of Finance Transportation Projects Based on Fuzzy Neural Network
An Improved Independent Component Analysis with Reference
The Research of BIM Theory Applied in Decision Making of Commercial Building Green Retrofit
Study of Crew Scheduling System for High-Speed Railway
Key Technologies for High-Speed Railway Timetable Parameter Design Based on Train Operation
Study on High-Speed Railway Train Scheduling Based on Integration of Management and Control
Similarity Measure between Vague Sets Based on Products
The Decision-Making Method of Web Services Composition Based on Action Patterns of Open Fuzzy Petri Net
Barcode-Based Service-Oriented Material Flow Technology for Complex Product Assembly
Research on the Influence of Combination Information-Sharing on Supply Chain Performance
Design of Logistics Management System Based on Workflow
Research on the Change of Automobile Marketing Mode with Development of Mobile Internet
Research and Development of Power Dispatching Management System Based on Transmission, Distribution and Marketing Data Integration Platform
Chapter 2: Computer Networks, Communications Technology
A Dynamic Load Balancing Method with Available Bandwidth Information
An Effective Multicast Stream Scheduling Mechanism in Passive Optical Networks
An Improved TCP Congestion Control Algorithm in High Speed Satellite Links
Distributed Potential Field Based Routing with Priority Connection Probability for NDN
Domain Names Based on Fault Tree Analysis
Performance Evaluation of Ethernet Passive Optical Network for Smart Grid
Real-Time Validation for Satellite Navigation Signal Simulation System
The Design of Heterogeneous Network Integration Gateway System Based on Multi-Threaded
Chapter 3: Software Development
Building Agent Software with JADE Framework
The Design and Realization of 3D Virtual Campus
Applied Research of Somatosensory Game Based on Kinect and Unity 3D Data Integration Technology
Research of Automatic Software Test Platform with Virtualization Technology
Chapter 4: Technologies and Methods of Data and Signal Processing
A New Method of Image-Based Virtual Space Based on Image Array Interpolation
Design and Implementation of a New Efficient Embedded Image System
Design and Implementation of Digital Television Closed Caption
Fast Image Retrieval Based Weighted Color AutoCorrelogram and LSH Indexing
Image Identification Technology of Branches in Loquat Trees
Problems of KDD Cup 99 Dataset Existed and Data Preprocessing
Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Based on Improved Statistical Region Merging
Research on China Imaging Altimeter Planning Problem for Area Target Observation
Simulation Research for Petal Color
Speech Coding Based on Compressed Sensing and Sparse Representation
Static Gesture Recognition Based on RGB-D Depth Information
A Calculating Method for Adaptive Human Shadows Moving Target Detection Algorithm
Research on Feature Extraction and Optimization of Cashmere and Wool Fiber Based on Digital Image
Terminal Aimpoint Selection Algorithm Based on Convex Hull Technique
Stochastic Resonance in a Complex Nonlinear System Driven by Complex Periodic Signal and Noise
A Forecasting Research on Population Size of Jilin Province Based on Grey GM (1,1) Model
A Tag-Based Improved LDA and Web Page Clustering Analysis
Applied Research of Weighted K-Means Algorithm in Social Networks
Cluster-Gossip Based Distributed Kalman Consensus Filter Algorithm with Energy Efficiency
Two-Subpopulation Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Pheromone Diffusion
Chapter 5: Sensors, Testing, Detection, Measurement and Monitoring Technologies
A Novel Distributed Compressive Wideband Spectrum Sensing Method in Cognitive Radio Networks
Bias in Amplitude Estimation of a Sine Signal with Known Frequency due to the Rounding Quantization Noise
Big Data Sensing Information Processing Platform for Intelligent Traffic
Conductor Galloping Prediction Method Based on MEMs 3D Dynamic Displacement Sensors
Design and Calibration of a Six-Axis Force Sensor for Docking Mechanism
Detection Circuit Design of Lab-on-a-Chip at 340nm Ultraviolet Light Spectrum
Fast Frequency Sweep for Multiple PEC Objects RCS Computation Based on the Characteristic Basis Function Method
Fault Diagnosis of Gear Box Based on BP Neural Network
Fault Manager of Diagnostic System in the Gasoline Engine ECU
Stereoeffect of Armored Target with Passive Millimeter Wave Detection
Study of SnO2 Gas Sensor Accelerated Degradation Test
Study on Monitoring Bacillus Subtilis Fermentation Process by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
Found Robust Calibration Model in Fermentation Process by Combining Different Sample Sets
Chapter 6: Modern Technology in Electronics and Circuits
A Low Power Reference Buffer Used in High-Speed High-Precision Pipelined ADC
A Novel Three-Phase Current Source Active Power Filter
Artificial Neural Network Based CNTFETs Modeling
Research on Efficiency of Solar Cell Integrated with Energy Management Circuitry on Chip
A CMOS Bandgap Reference with Temperature Compensation
Ultraviolet LED Light Source System for Lithography
Chapter 7: Mechatronics, Industrial Robots, Automation and Control Technologies
PMSM Sensorless Field-Oriented Control System Based on Sliding-Mode Observer
Research on Adaptive Load Sharing Control for Multi-Motor Synchronous Driving System of Shield Machine
Research on the Vision Control System for Modular Robot
The System Structure Design and Test of Small UAV Airborne Pod
Carrier Rocking Motion Model Based on Stress Analysis
The Design of City Lighting Monitoring Platform Based on WSN and Android
Implement an Indoor Low Frequency Noise Reduction System Based on FXLMS Algorithm

Ed. Prasad Yarlagadda

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