Yarlagadda / Choi / Kim | Computer and Information Technology | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 1772 Seiten

Yarlagadda / Choi / Kim Computer and Information Technology

Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03826-400-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

E-Book, Englisch, 1772 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-03826-400-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Forum on Computer and Information Technology (IFCIT 2013), December 24-25, 2013, Shenzhen, China. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The 335 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Databases, Data Processing and Data Management, Chapter 2: Parallel and Distributed Computing,Chapter 3: Computer Network Technology and Applications, Chapter 4: Software Engineering, Chapter 5: E-Commerce and E-Government,Chapter 6: Multimedia Technology and Application, Chapter 7: Computer Vision and Image Processing Technology, Chapter 8: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Algorithms and Computational Mathematics,Chapter 9: Computer Aided Design and Research, Chapter 10: Communications Technology and Signal Processing, Chapter 11: Electronic Devices and Embedded Systems, Chapter 12: Intelligent Instruments, Techniques for Detection and Testing, Sensors and Measurement, Chapter 13: Automation and Control, Chapter 14: Information Technologies in Engineering Management, Chapter 15: Enterprise Resource Planning and Management System, Chapter 16: Information Technologies in Education
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Preface and Conference Organization
Chapter 1: Databases, Data Processing and Data Management
A Framework for Processing Water Resources Big Data and Application
Accurate Location in Batch Dynamic Provable Data Possession
Construction of Data Warehouse Platform in Continual Quality Improvement
Research on Technology of CRM Stored Procedure
Research on the Integration Technology of Marine Environmental Protection Data
Research on SQL Performance Optimization of CRM Stored Procedure
Design of E-Archives Portfolio System Based on Signature Technology
MLTwig: A Multi-Layer Tree Pattern Matching Approach for XQuery
Research and Implementation on Compression, Encryption, Storage and Retrieval System for Massive Data
The Research of Distributed Bitmap Index
Analysis of Distributed Computing Architecture Search Principle Based on Hadoop
Study of Network Public Opinion Classification Method Based on Naive Bayesian Algorithm in Hadoop Environment
Study on Object-Storage System Metadata Load Balancing
Research on PPHIIS Based on Ontology Model
Online Data Compression Technique for Real Time Data of Energy Management System in the Industrial Production
Chapter 2: Parallel and Distributed Computing
Time Synchronization Method for Parallel Traffic Simulation Framework
Comparison of Parallel Computing Methods for Fast Cone-Beam Reconstruction with Similar Optimization Strategies
Research on Parallel Yen Algorithms on GPUs Using CUDA
Parallelization Analysis of Dissolved Gases in Transformer Oil Based on Random Forest Algorithm
GPU Accelerated Reconstruction in Compton Scattering Tomography Using Matrix Compression
Parallel Scheduling Algorithms Investigation of Support Strict Resource Reservation from Grid
Chapter 3: Computer Network Technology and Applications
A Dynamic Back-Off Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks
A Fast Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm for WIA-PA
Research on Network Security Issues and Security Model
The Web Foreign Language Teaching Research Based on P2P Technology
A Multi-Redundancy Structure Model of Cloud Computing Digital Library
A Novel Mobility Management Scheme for Hierarchical MIPv6 Network
A Novel Response Time-Driven Replica Selection Approach for Cloud Computing
A Secure Mobile Payments Protocol Based on ECC
A Security Routing Protocol Based on Convergence Degree and Trust
A Trust System Design for Future SCADA Network Security
The Micro-Blogging Network Leading Group Recognition Algorithm
The Design and Implementation of an Optimized MPTCP Data Scheduling Algorithm
The Design of PMP-AODV Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Network
An Attribute Mapping Technique for Secure Interoperation in Multi-Domain Environments
An Authentication Scheme Based on the Light-Weight Rainbow Signature for Wireless Sensor Network
The Application of Data Mining in the Honeypot System
Cloud Security System Construction and its Concrete Realization
Semantic-Preserved Index Constructing for RDF-Based Resource in Structured P2P Network
Simple Encryption Research Based on Heterogeneous System
Research on P2P Network Resource Search Method
Robustness of Autocatalytic Set in a Model of Evolving Network
Routing Methods and Scheduling Patterns in MIMO WMN Virtual Model
Research on MANET-Based Reliable Zone Routing Protocol
Research on Improved Floyd Routing Algorithm in Opportunistic Networks
Research and Realization of Custom Form Realization Method Based on HTML and XML Technology
Research of Improved Network Access Authorization Mechanism Based on Elliptic Curve
Friend-Based Prediction Routing Protocol in Socially-Aware Opportunistic Networks
Identifying High-Distributed Low-Rate QoS Violation Based on Multi-Stream Fused HMM
On General Number Field Sieve and its Polynomial Selection
Measuring the Use of Real-Name Policy in Micro-Blogging of China
Researches on Brittle Seam Mining Based Situation Assessment and Prediction Mechanism of DDoS Attacks in Cloud Computing Platform
A Framework for Service Composition Based on Template
Secure Access Platform Improved System Based on Regional Division
DMEDD-SCCS: The DMEDD (Designated Message Encryption for Designated Decryptor) Protocol for SCCS (Secure Cloud Commerce System)
Task Scheduling Research Based on Dynamic Backup in Cloud Environment
Multipath Routing
Design and Implementation of P2P Instant Messaging Tools in LAN
Research of Parasitic Communication Model Based on Network Behavior Features
Chapter 4: Software Engineering
A Dynamic Malware Detection Approach by Mining the Frequency of API Calls
A General Framework of Professional Image Processing System Based on UML
Using Context to Discern User Tasks on Desktop
A Research into the UML Legend in the Waterfall Model Development
The Research and Design of Library OA System
An Automatic VMF Bit Analysis Tool Generation Method
Software Engineering Based on Object Management Petri Net
Software Status Identification Based on Message Authentication Technology
Research on the Chessboard Representations of Checkers
Differences in Visual Programming for GIS
Quick Task Queue Management Software Design
Implementing Trustworthy Service Flow Based on Improved HQPSO Algorithm
A Hardware Sandbox Using Processor Virtualization for Untrusted Native Code
UOFilter: A Whitelist-Based Filter for Unintended Objects in Web Pages
Realization of a 3D Model Render on Mobile Terminal Based on X3D
For Search Engine Optimization Strategy Analysis of Website Design
Parameterized Test Using Formal Semantic of Program Language
Technique of Javascript Code Obfuscation Based on Control Flow Tansformations
Chapter 5: E-Commerce and E-Government
Examining Consumers Adoption and Continuance Intention of Online Group-Buying from User Experience Perspective
Study on Recommendation Method Based on Product Evaluation Concept Tree and Collaborative Filtering Algorithm
Study on the Design of Virtual Apparel Fitting System and the Application of Motion Capture Technology in Electronic Commerce
Study on the Personnel Training Mode of E-Commerce Major
Study on the Trusted Operating Technology for Mobile E-Commerce System Secure
Consumer’s Decision-Making Behavior in Online Shopping: An Integrated Analysis
Research on Development of Female Tourism E-Commerce Market Based on Market Segmentation
EDI in E-Commerce Application and Safety Measures
Effect of E-Commerce on Development of Enterprises
Factors and Models Analysis of Consumer Trust on E-Commerce
Qingdao Integration Practice of E-Cloud and Cloud Computing Disaster Recovery
Research and Application of Mobile Agent in E-Commerce System
Cryptanalysis of a Certificateless Partially Blind Signature
Chapter 6: Multimedia Technology and Application
3D Video Transmission System for China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting
Research and Implementation of Intelligent Traditional Chinese Headdress System in Computer Animation
The Research of 3D Mouth Animation Synthesis Driven by Continuous Chinese Text Based on Mpeg-4
The Study of Client Design in the Background of Personalized and Customized E-Textbook
The Architecture and Implementation of Interactive Broadcasting Based on CMMB
Comparison and Analysis of MAC Protocol in Multimedia Communications
Research on Time-Domain Correlation Technique Based on ZC Sequences in OFDM System
Realization of Automatic Keystone Correction for Smart Mini Projector Projection Screen
Music Recommendation with Collaborative Filtering for Mobile Services
Implementation of Smart Home Terminal Based on OpenWrt
Digital Watermarking Based on Wavelet and Chaotic Mapping
Basedon Multi-Screen Integration Workflow Scheduling Program Authoring Management System Design and Implementation
Research of Television Boot-Strap Information Delivery Based on User Profiles
Chapter 7: Computer Vision and Image Processing Technology
A Method of Extracting Inter-Object Spatial Relationship in Remote Sensing Image Objects
A New Image Segmentation Model
A User Preferences Modeling for Intellegent Dissemination of Remote Sensing Image
An Affine SIFT Matching Algorithm Based on Local Patch Shape Estimation
Analysis of Gaussian-Hermite Moment Invariants on Image Geometric Transformation
Super-Resolution by POCS-SIFT Approach
Automatic Schizophrenia Prediction Using Palm-Print Line Features
Classification-Based Character Segmentation of Image
Study of Fingerprint Image Feature Extraction Algorithm
Study of Fingerprint Image Preprocessing Technology
Spatial Topological Relationship for Remote Sensing Image Analysis
Overview of Pixel Level Image Fusion Algorithm
Image Retrieval Based on the Characteristics of Concentric Circular Regions
A Fast Extraction Method of Water Boundary Based on the Landsat TM Image
A New Perspective Shape from Shading Approach for Hybrid Surfaces
Non-Western Script Based Off-Line Handwritten Signature Technology: A Survey
Research of Computer-Aided Diagnosis about Pulmonary Interstitial Pathology Based on Wavelet Decomposition
A New Local Self-Similarity Descriptor Based on Structural Similarity Index
Study on Pole in the Application of Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
Leaf Boundary Extraction with a Wind Noise Method
The Design and Implementation of Track Region Segmentation Algorithm
Fisheye Lens Distortion Calibration Based on the Lens Charactetic Curves
Real-Time Video Stabilization Based on Smoothing Feature Trajectories
Age Classification Based on Feature Fusion
GPU Based Cone Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction by the Inexact Alternating Direction Method
Binocular Stereo Matching Method Based on Parallax Waveform Analysis and Conjoint Measurement of Saliency Map
Git Recognition with Incomplete GEI Based on Random Forests
Research on Geometric Positioning Algorithm of Vision System in High Speed and High Precision Chip Mounter
A Weighted Motion Compensation Interpolation Method for Improving Side Information in Distributed Video Coding
A New Image Irradiance Equation for Perspective Shape from Shading of Hybrid Surfaces
A Ship Detection Model in Optical Satellite Image
Covariance Tracking Algorithm on Bilateral Filtering under Lie Group Structure
Evaluation and Comparison of Thresholding Segmentation Techniques
Head Pose Estimation via Direction-Sensitive Feature and Random Regression Forests
Triangle Rasterizer Based on the Barycentric Arithmetic
Individual Tree Detection from High Spatial Resolution Imagery Using Color and Texture Features
An Optimized Video Capture and Preprocessing Strategy Based on FPGA
Fabric Image Edge Detection Based on Octonion and Echo State Networks
A Data Parallel Implementation Scheme of Geometric Operations
A Comparative Study of Color Space Conversion on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multicore
Chapter 8: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Algorithms and Computational Mathematics
A Clustering Algorithm Based on Gravitation
Trend Analysis of Product Function Using Sequential Pattern Mining
The Satellite Attitude Control Law Design Based on Machine Learning
A Novel Distributed Jointly Sparse Optimization Algorithm
A Research on Smart Tourism Service Mechanism Based on Context Awareness
A Novel Quantum Genetic Algorithm in TSP
Acoustic Articulatory of Uyghur Phonetics
Stability of Number-Processing Based on Information Granularity Associative with Parietal Cortex
Research on Intelligent Decision Method Based on Grey System Theory in the Prediction of Grain Yield in Jilin Province
Research on Level Effect-Based Fuzzy Prediction Method
Research on Automatic Tagging of Parts of Speech for Tibetan Texts Based on the Condition of Random Fields
Fast and Effective Algorithm of Iris Localization Based on Hough Transform
On Fuzzy Abundant Semigroups
Improved Self-Adaptive Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition of Lhasa Tibetan
Text Classification Using SVM with Exponential Kernel
Fractal Analysis of the Optimal Objective Function
Application of EEG Analysis in Cognitive Science
Approaches of Ontological Concept Mapping Based on Multi-Strategy
Fast Collision Detection Algorithm Based on Parallel Doubling Technology
External Appearance and Internal Decoration Design of Loader Based on Eye Tracker
Collision Detection Based on SIMD Model
Preliminary Study of Cellular Automat on Mobile Computing Application
An Improved Method of Short Text Feature Extraction Based on Words Co-Occurrence
Effect of Delay on the Synchronization of Weakly Coupled Neurons via Inhibitory Chemical Synapses
Chapter 8: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Algorithms and Computational Mathematics
An Enhanced Fuzzy Information Retrieval Model Based on Linguistics
Term Weighting: A Multi-View Fuzzy Ontology Based Approach
The Properties Related to the Moment Generating Function of the Fuzzy Variable
The Boundedness of Function Associated with Divergence Form Operator on LP
Applied Convergence Results of Relaxed Matrix Multisplitting Chaotic Methods for H-Matrices
Strong Consistency of Maximum Likelihood Estimators n Exponential Sequential Model
Estimation on Unknown Function of a Class of Generalized Nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm Type Difference Inequality with Iterative Summation
Generalized Nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm Type Sum-Difference Inequality
Construct and Analyze K-Hash Function Based on Chaotic Dynamic S-Boxes
Research on Computer Aided Index System Establishment of SWOT
Chapter 9: Computer Aided Design and Research
The Research and Implementation of Virtual Laboratory Based on VRML
An Effective Cell Spreading Method for Force-Directed Global Placement
The Application of Computer-Aided Design in Architectural Decoration Design
Cloth Simulation Based on 1/F Noise Method
Chapter 10: Communications Technology and Signal Processing
MGF-Based Effective Capacity for Generalized Fading Channels
Study on Channel Estimation in Time-Varing Amplify and Forward Relay Networks
A Pilot Design Method Based on Cyclic Shift PTS
Research of FH-MFSK Underwater Acoustic Communication Based on Non-Binary LDPC Codes
Generating Idempotents of Quartic Residue Codes over the Field
Negotiation Protocol for Location Privacy
On the Security of a Certificateless Signature Scheme
Irregular Sampling of GPS Signal for Real-Time Implementation of Pipelined PFFT
Modulation Recognition of MQAM Signals Based on Semi Supervised Clustering Theory
The Optimized Scheme of CDR Collecting and Abnormity Monitoring
Shorten LDPC Codes with Better Performance
Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Distribution of OFDM Visible Light Communication Systems
Dynamic-Dual-Threshold Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Algorithm Based on D-S Evidence Theory
FPGA-Based Improved Decoding Algorithm of LDPC Codes
An Improved Parameter Estimation Algorithm Based on FFT for LFM Signal
Payload-Distributed GEO Communication Satellite System and Opportunistic Network Coding Based Cooperative Information Exchange
FrFT Angle Division Multiple Access with Optimal Time-Frequency-Angle Resource Distribution
Efficient LLR Optimization Based on GMI for LDPC Coded BICM Systems
A Novel Approach for PAPR Reduction of NC-OFDM System
Covariance-Based Wavefield Separation and its Application in Crosswell Seismic Data
A Novel Decoupled LOS Rate Estimator for Terminal Guidance
Coarse-To-Fine 3D Randomized Hough Transform for Dim Target Detection
Simulation on the Track Integration of Radar System and ADS-B
Blind Complex Source Separation Based on Cyclostationary Statistics
Wavelet De-Noising Method Based on a New Kind of Threshold Function
EKF with Measurement Noise Estimation Based on Wavelet Transform and Application for Target Tracking
Chapter 11: Electronic Devices and Embedded Systems
A New No Op Amp Full CMOS Voltage Reference Circuit
A Threshold Speed Computation Algorithm in Adaptive DVS Scheduling
Application of the Infrared Self-Learned Remote Controller in Smart Home
The Application of UKF Algorithm for 18650-type Lithium Battery SOH Estimation
A High-Performance Sigma-Delta Modulator in 0.18µm CMOS Technology
A Large Signal Model to Improve Linearity of Rf Power Amplifier
Design of a Low-Phase-Noise LC Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Wireless Communication in the Application of the Intelligent Substation Distributed Test System
DSP Based Novel High Voltage High Frequency Electric Source with Self-tuning Ability
Design of DC-DC Module for 300W Photovoltaic Inverter
Maximum Power Control of Thermoacoustic Linear Generator in Discontinuous Conduction Charging Mode
Chapter 12: Intelligent Instruments, Techniques for Detection and Testing, Sensors and Measurement
An Integrated Measurement System for Pyromagnetic Effect of Prefabricated Defects Polymer Materials
Handheld Lighting Circuit Detector Based on Alternating Electric Field
The Test System of PXI-Based Aeronautic Equipment
A Review of Research of Life Detecting Radar
Research on Manchester Coded Mud Pulse Signal Extraction
Fault Diagnosis Method Research of Avionics Systems Based on Testing
Multi-Temperature Parameter Display System Design
Implementation of Electric Data Sheet Based on Virtual Instrument
Intelligent Instrument for Measuring Eutectic and Co-Melting Point of Freeze-Drying Material
A Fault Diagnosis Model for Power Transformer Using Association Rule Mining-Based on Rough Set
Design and Realization of Monitoring System for Offshore Platform Transformation and Distribution Equipment Based on OPC Technology
Influencing of Spatial Information Distribution and Transformation Model on Quality of Coordinate Transformation
Evaluation of Lake Eutrophication Based on the HJ-1 Satellite Multispectral Data
The Research of Auto-Composing Test Paper Technology Based on Genetic Algorithm
A Multi-Stage Method for Deterministic-Statistical Analysis: A Weibo Case and Measurement Studies
Network Agent Based on VISA Framework for Instruments
A Greenhouse Environment Monitoring Platform with Characteristic of Video Surveillance
Analysis on the Impact of the Data Acquisition Board on the Performance Indicators of the Virtual Multi-Channel Pulse Height Analyzer
An Improved Routing Algorithm Based on LEACH for WSN
Design and Implementation of Wireless Node Based on Zigbee Protocol for Image Acquisition
RSSI Ranging Algorithm Based on Polynomial Piecewise Fitting
Theoretical Framework and Research Methods of Poyang Lake Smart Water Resource Monitoring Based on WSN and 3S Technologies
Using Rank-Defect Free Net Adjustment to Optimize GPS
An Improved Congestion Control Mechanism Based on Mobile Agent for Wireless Sensor Networks
Distributed Malicious Nodes Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
A High-Throughput Imaging Spectrometer Based on Over-Scanning
Communication between LabVIEW and PLC Based on Native Implementation of HostLink Protocol
Compressed Sensing-Based Data Gathering in WSN
A Wireless Sensor Network Node Coverage Discriminant Model Based on the Average Distance of Neighbor Node
Automatic Sedimentary Microfacies Identification Algorithm Based on Activity Layering
Design and Realization of the Kalman Filter Based on LabVIEW
Construction and Application of Remote Sensing Based Evapotranspiration System in Hai Basin
Preliminary Analysis on the Wind Retrieval Method in Nowcasting
Chapter 13: Automation and Control
A Class of Difference Inequality and an Application to Discrete-Time Control Systems
The Pest Management Model with Impulsive Control
The Control Algorithm Research of Yarn Tension for Winding Machine Based on Grey Prediction Model
An Improvement of IED Configuration Tool and Modeling for Transformer Condition Monitoring IED
Research of Trajectory Planning of a High-Altitude Long-Range Gliding Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Study of Electric Power Grid Based on Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Model
A Solution for Single Point of Failure of Cloud Computing Platform in Electric Power Corporation
Study on a Pneumatic Inspection Micro Robot
Study on Energy-Saving Control System of Smart Home
Study on Improved APF Algorithm for Autonomous Mobile Robot
Design and Implementation of Serial Communication for Automatic Titanium Alloy Sorting System
Research on High-Quality Dual-Redundancy Aircraft Rudder Servo System Simulation
PID Control of Maglev Levitation System Based on Disturbance Observer
Multi-Robot Formation Control Based on the Artificial Potential Field Method
Design and Realization of Intelligent Electricity Processing Task System Supporting for Multiple Time Dimensions
Design of Library Smart Bookshelf Based on RFID
The Optimization Strategy of Loop Closing Operation in Self-Healing Distribution Network
Example Research of Numerical Control Innovation of the Common Machine Tool
A Security Test and Evaluation Model for Electric Industrial Control Systems
Research on Control Model for Spare Parts Inventory Based on the Optimal Replenishment Cycle
Chapter 14: Information Technologies in Engineering Management
Analysis of Usability of ECDIS Human-Machine Interface
An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Multiobjective Redundancy Allocation Problem in Repairable System
Optimal Study of the Reverse Logistics Network for Municipal Solid Wastes
A Novel Design Method of Questionnaire
The Simulation and Optimization of Job-Shop Equipment Based on JACK
Risk Management of Medical Devices in the Healthcare IT Network
A Hybrid GA-ACO Algorithm for Distribution Network Planning Considering Distributed Generators
Researches on the Construction of Information Support System for Major and Key Military Transportation Projects
Design and Implementation of 3D Earthquake Marking System Based on OpenGL Technology
Design and Implementation of TCM Constitution Clinical Decision Support System
The Analysis of Resistances that Hamper the Use of BIM in China
BIM Technology in the Application and Development of China's Construction Industry
Design of a Greenhouse Visualization System Based on Cloud Computing and Android System
Chapter 15: Enterprise Resource Planning and Management System
The Matching and Evolutionary Path Model of IT and Business Alignment Based on Dynamic Capabilities
The Dynamic Programming Model for Investment Decision of Enterprise
The IT Capabilities Driven Model and Evolutionary Model: Based on the Integration View of Competitive Strategy, Resource-Based View and Dynamic Capabilities
The Biggest Critical Failure Factors in ERP Implementation
Study on the Method of Manufacturing and Marketing Integration for Iron and Steel Enterprises in the ERP Environment
Research on Group Management Based on Maturity Model
Research and Implementation of Animal Experience Management System Based on Workflow
Modeling Analysis of BMP by the Center of Artifact
The Resource Configuration Effect’s Simulation Calculations of the VAT Pilot Reform Based on the CGE Model
A Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm Based Cost Compensation for Service-Workflows
Crowd Evacuation Simulation Based on WebGIS
Demand Prediction of the Rarely Used Spare Parts Based on the BP Neural Network
Research on Optimization Scheduling Problem in Complex Conditions
Research on Retrieval System for Soil Taxonomy
Financial Crisis Warning Analysis for Companies Based on BP Neural Network
Shaanxi Forest Zoning Management Information System Design and Implementation
Research the Methods of the New Generation of Information Technologies to Promote the Development of Wisdom Agriculture
The Research on Key Technologies of IOT in Agriculture Based on Semantic SOA
EcoSmart: A Survey and Sector Analysis of Mobile Phone Application Market for Fuel Consumption Reduction
Application of Information Management System for Insurance Agents Based on Service Oriented Architecture
Study on Related Party Transactions and Decision-Making Behavior of Controlling Shareholder Based on SPSS Software Technology
Components Replenishment Policy for ATO Producer Based on Consumer Choice Behavior
Research on Knowledge Service Oriented Expert Management System
Design and Realization of Instant Computing Electric Cost System for Various Pricing Mechanism
Developing a Framework for Information Sharing of Heterogeneous Systems in Southwest of China
Study of Patient Waiting Time in the Emergence Department: An Example of a Medical Center in New Taipei County, Taiwan
A Manufacturing Execution System for Discrete Industry
Research and Construction of the Enterprise Competitive Intelligence System
A Network Capacity Perspective of Transmission and Diffusion of Cluster Risk Based on Focal Enterprises
Chapter 16: Information Technologies in Education
LMS and Power Point Physics Lectures
The Study of User Model of Personalized Recommendation System Based on Linked Course Data
The Multi-Linkage of Training Platform for Rural Labor Force Transfer in Cybertimes
Analysis on the Reform of Computer Teaching for Computational Thinking Ability in Fine Arts Academies
Study on MVC-Based Teaching System Design in Engineering Colleges
Mode for Cultivation of Diversified Informationized Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents Research and Practice
Regional Comprehensive Reform Experimental Zone Professional Research Universities
Research on Information Technology Innovation and Three-Dimensional Entrepreneurship Diversified Personnel Training Practice Teaching System
Study on the Mode for Cultivation of Diversified Informationized Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents Based on Five Systems
The Effective Teaching of Computer Network - Taking "OSPF Routing Protocol" Unit as an Example
The Application of Social Networking Websites in Promoting English Communication
The Adult Education Self-Help Study Platform Based on Internet
The Functions of Multimedia and Internet Technology in Content-Based English Study in China
The Application of Multimedia and Network in Promoting English Learning and Communication
Intelligent Realization of Teaching Courseware Framework System
Analysis on Mobile Learning by Using Smart Phones among Chinese University Students
Research on Information System in Statistics and Analysis on the Cultivation and Education of the Nursing Postgraduates from the Prospective of Social Needs
Learner Autonomy in Multimedia Communication Environment
Construction of Home-School Interactive System Based on Information Polymerization Distributed Technology
The Theory Study and Construction Countermeasures of Eco-Learning Behavior in Energy Enterprises
The Application of Cloud Model in Teaching Quality Monitoring and Evaluation

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