Yazyev / Litvinov / Lapina | Materials and Technologies in Construction and Architecture III | Sonstiges | 978-3-0357-2745-6 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 1011, 202 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Materials Science Forum

Yazyev / Litvinov / Lapina

Materials and Technologies in Construction and Architecture III

Erscheinungsjahr 2020
ISBN: 978-3-0357-2745-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 1011, 202 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Materials Science Forum

ISBN: 978-3-0357-2745-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

This volume contains papers presented at the International Scientific Conference "Construction and Architecture: Theory and Practice for the Innovative Development" (CATPID-2020, 26-30 September 2020, Nalchik, Russia). Collected papers raise important problems in construction and architecture: from ideas and projects to ways for their implementation and optimizing of existed engineering decisions.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Recipes of Knitting Systems Alkaline Activation Using Natural Raw Materials of the Chechen RepublicStructural Formation of a Clinkless Cement Binding Alkali Battery with Thermoactived MargelStructural Formation of the Cement Pastes Based on the Concrete Modified Dispersed Mineral ComponentsThe Activation Technology for the Surface Modification High Voltage Electric Field Dispersed Mineral Additives for ConcreteThe Cement Mechanical Activation Effective Application Field DeterminationSilicate Brick with Reduced Density and Thermal ConductivityThe Study of the Quartz Sand Bio Consolidation Processes as a Result of Carbonate Mineralization by Urolithic BacteriaPressed Composites Based on Gypsum and Magnesia Binders Modified with Secondary ResourcesEffect of Calcium Synthetic Hydro Silicate Additives on the Cement Systems’ Technological CharacteristicsOn the Influence of Cross-Section and Reinforcement of Reinforced Concrete Constructions on the Concentration of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete with Frame StructureThe Reinforced Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion Degradation Inhibition with Nitrates of Alkali and Alki-Earth MetalsThe Production Technology of the Ceramic Brick Soft Molding Based on Opoka-Like RocksThe Glass Powders’ Dispersion Effect on the Glass-Reinforced Concrete Performance PropertiesTheoretical Substantiation of the Foam Concrete Strength Formation LawsMass Compositions Calculation on the Basis of Argillites at Ceramic Tiles ProductionThe Effect of Fine Dispersed Slag Component on the Slag Portland Cement PropertiesUtilization of Waste from Thermal Power Plants in High Performance Materials’ ProductionRaw Materials in East Donbass Based on Waste Piles Processing Screenings for the Large-Sized Ceramic Stones’ ProductionInvestigation of the Various Binders’ Effect on the Lime Binder Carbonate Hardening Process for its Use in Additive TechnologiesFiber Foam Tuffcrete Structure and Properties Formation on the Basis of Volcanic Tuff Dusting WasteGypsum-Cement Composites Based on Volcanic AshSynthesis of Modifiers in the System Cao-Sio2-H2O and their Influence on the Non-Autoclave Silicate Materials’ Properties Using Aluminosilicate BinderPhysical and Mechanical Properties and Biological Resistance of the Calcareous Composites on Activated Mixing WaterSome Questions of Shrinking Concrete Deformations with Extending Additive on Porous Fillers in Kabardino-BalkariaFrame Polymerbetons Based on Fillers of Different NatureCement Composites’ BiostabilityThe Influence of Salts’ Presence in the Materials on their Moisture and Thermal Conductivity

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