Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm
Reihe: Oxford Core Texts
Oxford Core Text
Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm
Reihe: Oxford Core Texts
ISBN: 978-0-19-856494-2
Verlag: Oxford University Press
genetics) with a major emphasis on clinical relevance. These are followed by consideration of subjects of specific medical importance such as the haemoglobinopathies, developmental genetics, cancer genetics and pharmacogenetics, with due attention to topical and evolving issues such as pharmacogenomics, gene
therapy and therapeutic cloning. The final chapters provide an explanation of the genetically related clinical skills and competencies expected of a medical student, together with an overview of the principles of clinical genetics, a rapidly developing clinical specialty which now impinges on almost every aspect of medical practice.
Over 150 illustrations have been included to demonstrate important principles and commonly encountered genetic disorders. Each chapter contains a brief review of a major landmark publication to provide a historical context for more contemporary developments. To help sustain the student's interest and to emphasise the potential importance of genetics in medicine, large numbers of clinically related vignettes have been included covering controversial issues, such as gene patenting and the UK
Biobank, together with case histories and brief biographies of famous figures from history and the arts who have suffered from, and successfully coped with, a genetic disorder.
Aimed primarily at undergraduate medical students, this book should also appeal to genetic counsellors, and specialist nurses working in clinical genetics.
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- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Botanik Pflanzenreproduktion, Verbreitung, Genetik
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Tierkunde / Zoologie Tiergenetik, Reproduktion