Yue / Bertagnoli / McAfee | Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine | Buch | 978-1-4160-3994-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 816 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Yue / Bertagnoli / McAfee

Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine

Advanced Techniques and Controversies
Erscheinungsjahr 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4160-3994-5
Verlag: Saunders

Advanced Techniques and Controversies

Buch, Englisch, 816 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4160-3994-5
Verlag: Saunders

New motion-preserving devices are revolutionizing spine surgery.but the learning curve for these operations is steep, and great attention must be given to patient and device selection and the perfect execution of each procedure. Only one reference spells out exactly how to perform these new techniques.and its peerless author team, comprised of key investigators involved in the devices' actual clinical trials, is uniquely qualified to help you get the best results! These global leaders in this area discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the full range of non-fusion technologies.and present the step-by-step, richly illustrated operative guidance you need to achieve optimal outcomes!
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Spine Surgeons/Orthopaedists and Neurosurgeons

Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Introduction to Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine (Editor: James Yue)

01 The Basis for Motion Preservation Surgery: Lessons Learned from the Past, Alvin McKenzie
02 History and Evolution of Motion Preservation, Rajiv K. Sethi, Lionel Metz, & David S. Bradford
03 Classification of Spine Arthroplasty Devices, Karin Büttner-Janz
04 Advanced Applied Anatomy for Spine Arthroplasty, Alexander Vaccaro & Wolfgang Rauschning
05 Biomechanics of Nonfusion Devices: Novel Testing Techniques, Standards, and Implications for Future Devices, Boyle C. Cheng & William C. Welch
06 Material Properties and Wear Analysis, Nadim James Halleb, Marcus Wimmer, & Joshua J. Jacobs
07 Preclinical Evaluation of Dynamic Spinal Stabilization: Animal Models and Basic Scientific Methods, Bryan W. Cunningham & Paul A. Anderson
08 Indications and Contra-indications for Lumbar Nonfusion Surgery: Patient Selection, James J. Yue & James P. Lawrence
09 Indications and Contraindications for Cervical Nonfusion Surgery: Patient Selection, Paul C. McAfee
10 Quantitative Motion Analysis of Motion Preserving and Fusion Technologies of the Spine, John A. Hipp & Nicholas D. Wharton
11 Invasive Diagnostic Tools, Todd Alamin
12 Adjacent Segment Degeneration and Adjacent Segment Disease: Cervical and Lumbar, Andrew P. White, David Hannallah, & Alan S. Hilibrand
13 Statistical Outcome Interpretation of Randomized Clinical Trials, Fred Geisler
14 Socioeconomic Impact of Motion Preservation Technology, Richard D. Guyer & Donna D. Ohnmeiss

Part II: Surgical Considerations to Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine (Editor: Paul C. McAfee)

Approach Techniques: Primary

15 Technique of Anterior Exposure of Lumbar Spine, Bauer E. Sumpio
16 Management of Complications of the Anterior Exposure to the Lumbar Spine, Kristina Spate & Bauer E. Sumpio
17 Lateral Approaches to the Lumbar Spine: The Antero-lateral Transpsoatic Approach, Rudolf Bertagnoli
18 Minimally Invasive Posterior Approaches of the Lumbar Spine, Jean-Charles Le Huec & Richard Meyrat
19 Lumbar Endoscopic Posterolateral (Transforaminal) Approach, Christopher A. Yeung, Victor M. Hayes, Farhan N. Siddiqi, Anthony T. Yeung
20 Cervical Approaches: Anterior and Posterior, Domagoj Coric & Daniel Oberer

Part III: Cervical Total Disc Arthroplasty (Editor: Paul C. McAfee)

21 Primary Indications and Disc Space Preparation for Cervical Disc Arthroplasty, Jacob M. Buchowski & K. Daniel Riew
22 The Bryan® Artificial Disc, Rick C. Sasso & Larry Martin
23 The Prestige® Cervical Disc, Vincent C. Traynelis
24 Porous-Coated Motion Cervical Arthroplasty, Paul C. McAfee
25 ProDisc-C® Total Cervical Disc Replacement, Rick B. Delamarter & Ben B. Pradhan
26 The NeoDiscT Elastomeric Cervical Total Disc Replacement, Andre Jackowski, Alan McLeod, Chris Reah, Bryan Cornwall, Lukas Eiserman, & Alex Turner
27 Mobi-C®, Jacques Beaurain, Pierre Bernard, Thierry Dufour, Jean-Marc Fuentes, Istvan Hovorka, Jean Huppert, Jean-Paul Steib, & Jean-Marc Vital
28 The CerviCore® Cervical Intervertebral Disc Replacement, Jonathan R. Stieber, Jeffrey S. Fischgrund, & Jean-Jacques Abitbol
29 Secure®-C Cervical Artificial Disc, Scott A. Rushton, Joseph M. Marzluff, & Jeffrey McConnell
30 CerpassT Cervical Total Disc Replacement, Scott H. Kitchel, Lukas Eisermann, Alex Turner, David Cutter, & Bryan Cornwall
31 Kineflex CT Cervical Artificial Disc, James Rappaport
32 DISCOVERT Artificial Cervical Disc, Douglas G. Orndorff, Kornelis Poelstra, & Todd J. Albert
33 The M6 Artificial Cervical Disc, Alejandro Reyes-Sanchez, Avinash Patwardhan, Jon E. Block
34 Complications of Anterior Cervical Approaches: Cervical Revision: Approach-Related Considerations, Paul C. McAfee
35 Cervical Disc Replacement Revisions: Clinical and Biomechanical Considerations, Luiz Pimenta, Roberto Díaz, Paul C. McAfee, Andy Cappuccino, Bryan Cunnin

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