Martina Zelenáková is associated professor in the field of environmental engineering at the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia. In the framework of her scientific-research activities she has focused on solution of water management problems, rainwater management, environmental impacts assessment and separately on the assessment of environmental risks in river basins in relation to flood events, drought and water pollution. The results of her scientific-research work have been published in national and international journals, scientific conference proceedings, proceedings of national and international conferences. She is author of three educational textbooks and six monographs, she has cooperated in solving of national and international projects, of which in six cases she has been the principal investigator of the project.
Gabriela Hudáková graduated master degree and PhD degree in the field of environmental engineering at the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia. Her scientific work as well as her thesis was devoted to rainwater management and design of infiltration facilities. She was participating in project implementation regarding the rainwater management in urban areas and she published the results of her research in scientific proceedings of national and international conferences.Agnieszka Stec currently works at the Department of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rzeszów University of Technology Poland. She does research in Environmental Engineering focusing on rainwater management, rainwater utilization, drainage systems in urban areas. Her most recent publication is 'The impact of land use and urbanization on drainage system.' She is participating in research as well professional projects.