Zerwekh / Gaglione | Mosby's Medical Terminology Memory NoteCards | Buch | 978-0-323-08273-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 102 mm x 152 mm

Zerwekh / Gaglione

Mosby's Medical Terminology Memory NoteCards

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 102 mm x 152 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-08273-0
Verlag: Mosby US

These handy, removable flashcards help you learn and remember important medical terminology using humor, illustrations, and mnemonics as learning aids. They're an excellent study and review tool, with coverage of terms related to body systems, diagnostic procedures, pharmacology, body position and direction, and other basic medical terms.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction to Basic Terminology

- Introduction to Medical Terminology

- "Seeing" Medical Terminology - NEW

- The Root of the Word - NEW

- Combining Forms

- When to Use a Combining Vowel - NEW

- Suffix - It's at the End of the Word

- Suffix Knights of Procedures and Interventions

- Medical Equipment Suffixes

- Suffixes and Surgical Issues

- Suffixes that Describe Pathology

- "RR" Suffixes

- Prefix - It's at the Beginning of the Word

- More Prefixes - NEW

- Pronunciation - NEW

- Rules for Using Singular and Plural Forms

- Guidelines to Unusual Plural Forms - NEW

- Guidelines to Unusual Plural Forms (continued) - NEW


Anatomical, Positional, and Directional Terms

- Anatomical, Positional and Directional Terms

- Anatomic Position - NEW

- Directional Terminology - NEW

- Anterior and Ventral

- Superior and Inferior

- Posterior and Dorsal - NEW

- Cephalic and Caudal

- Medial and Lateral - NEW

- Ipsilateral and Contralateral

- Unilateral and Bilateral

- Proximal and Distal

- Supine and Prone

- Basic Examination Positions

- Supinate and Pronate

- Palmar and Plantar

- Afferent and Efferent


Body Cavities and their Divisions

- Body Cavities

- Dorsal Cavity

- Cranial and Spinal Cavities

- Ventral Cavity

- Thoracic Cavity

- Abdominal and Pelvic Cavities

- Planes of the Body

- Horizontal Plane

- Vertical Plane

Cells: Human Building Blocks

- Cells: Human Building Blocks

- Cytology

- Stem Cells

- Sources of Stem Cells

- Cell Membrane

- Cytoplasm

- Nucleus

- Chromosomes

- Genes

- Tissue

- Tissue Types

- Epithelial Tissue

- Connective Tissue

- Muscle Tissue

- Nerve Tissue

- Tissue Pathology

- Anaplasia

- Aplasia

- Dysplasia

- Hyperplasia

- Hypertrophy

- Hypoplasia


Congenital Disorders

- Congenital Disorders

- Anomaly

- Dominant and Recessive Genes

- Genetic Disorders

- Cystic Fibrosis

- Down Syndrome

- Hemophilia

- Huntington's Disease/Huntington's Chorea

- Muscular Dystrophy

- Phenylketonuria

- Sickle Cell Anemia

- Tay-Sachs Disease



- -logist and -logy

- Anesthesiology

- Cardiology

- Dermatology

- Geriatrics

- Gynecology

- Hematology

- Histologist

- Immunology

- Neonatology

- Neurology

- Oncology

- Ophthalmology

- Orthopedics and Other Related Fields

- Otorhinolaryngology

- Pathology

- Pediatrics

- Psychiatry

- Urology


Body Systems and Main Structures

- Body Systems and Structures

- Musculoskeletal System (muscul/o, skelet/o)

- Bone Tissue (oste/o, osse/o)

- Joints (arthr/o)

- Cartilage (chondr/o)

- Muscles (my/o)

- Muscle and Fascia

- Ligaments and Tendons (tendin/o, ten/o)

- Muscle Pathology

- Introduction to Cardiovascular Terms

- Arteries (arteri/o, arter/o)

- Veins (phleb/o, ven/o)

- Blood Cell Types and Components

- Extravasation

- Atherosclerosis

- Angiography

- Immune System's First Line of Defense

- Immune System's Second Line of Defense

- Immune System's Third Line of Defense

- Lymphatic System

- Lymph Vessels

- Spleen

- Lymph-Related Blood Cells

- Respiratory System

- Nose and Pharynx

- Structures of the Lungs

- Breathing - NEW

- Tonsils

- Mucous and Mucus

- Gastrointestinal System

- Mouth, Esophagus, and Stomach

- Abdomen and Stomach

- Nausea

- Small and Large Intestine

- Liver, Pancreas, and Gall Bladder

- Urinary System

- Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Prostate, and Urethra

- -uria vs Urea

- Nervous System

- Spinal Cord

- Structures of the Brain

- Eye

- Core/o and Corne/o

- Ear

- Integumentary System

- Skin

- Associated Structures of the Integumentary System

- Sweat Gland Related Issues

- Infection and Inflammation

- Laceration and Lesion

- Strata and Striae

- Endocrine System

- Pituitary Gland

- Thyroid Gland

- Parathyroid Glands

- Adrenal Glands

- Pancreas

- Thymus Gland

- Testes

- Ovaries

- Menstrual Disorders

- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Types of Diseases

- Types of Diseases

- Disease, Malaise, Dysfunction

- Infectious Diseases

- Organic Disorders

- Iatrogenic Disorders

- Idiopathic Disorders

- Nosocomial Infections

Diagnostic Procedures

- Diagnostic Procedures

- Vital Signs

- Signs, Symptoms, and Syndrome

- Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Prognosis

- Acute, Chronic, Remission, and Relapse

- Assessment Tools

- Laboratory Tests

- Urinalysis

- -centesis

- Radiology

- CT Scan


- Fluoroscopy

- Diagnostic Sonography


- Palliative Measures

- Anti-, -lytic, -cides

- Potentiation and Synergism

- Drug and Idiosyncratic Reactions

- Routes of Drug Administration

Don't Confuse These!

- -ectomy, -stomy, -tomy

- Supination and Suppuration

- Cyt/o vs Cyst/o

- Os vs Oste/o

- Sacr/o vs Sarc/o

- Palpation and Palpitation

- Arteri/o, Ather/o, Arthr/o

- Fissure and Fistula

- Myc/o, Myel/o, My/o

- Ileum and Ilium

- Pyel/o, Py/o, Pyr/o

- Perone/o, Perine/o, Peritone/o

- Phall/o vs Phalang/o

- Prostate and Prostrate

- Vesic/o vs Vescul/o

- Viral and Virile

- Trauma and Triage

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