Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 886, 750 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Advanced Materials Research
Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 886, 750 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Advanced Materials Research
ISBN: 978-3-03795-706-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Material Science, Environment Science and Computer Science, (MSESCS 2014), January 11-12, 2014, Wuhan, China.
The 160 papers are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Materials Science and Processing Materials;
Chapter 2: Chemical Technologies and Materials;
Chapter 3: Environmental Engineering;
Chapter 4: Microbiology, Biomaterials and Biotechnologies;
Chapter 5: Engineering Solutions for Machinery;
Chapter 6: Technologies in Energy Supply and Saving;
Chapter 7: Data Processing and Algorithms of Computational Mathematics in Engineering Science;
Chapter 8: Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
Weitere Infos & Material
Research on Formability of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy at Room TemperatureEffect of Mineralizer Concentration on ZnO Crystals Synthesized by Hydrothermal MethodCorrosion Inhibition of Sodium Hexametaphosphate for Carbon Steel in KCl SolutionThe Effect of the Electro-Deposition Temperature to the Texture of Silicon Steel SampleStudies on Synthesis Mechanism of Fe-Si AlloyEffect of Temperature and Pressure on the Nitrogen Content of High Nitrogen SteelEffect of Bottom Blowing Time and Bottom Blowing Rate on the Nitrogen Content of High Nitrogen SteelEffect of Extrusion on Mechanical Properties of Spray Forming 8009 Heat Resistant Aluminum AlloyResearch on the Second Phase of Spray Forming Al-8.5Fe-1.3V-1.7Si Aluminum AlloyAlloy Design of New Ni-Based Structural Materials for Electrolytic Reduction and its Corrosion Behavior in Lithium Molten SaltNumerical Simulation and Optimization of "Non-Catalytic Reduction" Process for Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Based on Properties of MaterialsA Study of the Fire Resistance against Structural Materials of H-Section Made of SS 400 by Boundary Conditions at High TemperatureExperimental Research on Lead-Zinc Separation of Refractory Lead-Zinc OreEffect of Subcritical Quenching on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of EH36 AlloyA Comparable Study on the Effects of Pristine and Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Schwann CellsEffect of Aging Treatment on the Microstructures and the Magnetic Properties of the Sintered Nd-Fe-B MagnetProgress on Mg2Si Thermoelectric MaterialsExperimental Fabrication and Property Research of Thermo-Sensitive Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nano-MicrocapsuleIndirect Enzyme-Linked Immune Method for the Detection of Binders in Ancient Chinese TextilesCharacterization of a Novel Zeolite Synthesized from Coal Fly AshPreparation and Process Research of Starch/Thatch CompositeStudy on the Microstructure and Properties of WC Steel Bonded Carbide by Composite Electroslag RemeltingInfluence of Heat Treatment Process to Advanced Steel Matrix Composites of Engineering Machinery EquipmentSERS-Active Ag Decorated Polymer Nanorod Substrate Fabricated by the Combination of Photochemical Reduction and Nanoimprint TechnologyStudy on Wear Behavior of Plasma Arc Cladding of Tunneling Machine PickBehavior of Flow Stress of Al-Mn Alloy during Hot CompressionStructure Characterization of Fe-21Cr-17Mn-2Mo-Nb-0.83N Alloy Processed by Surface Mechanical NanocrystallizationExperimental Study on Geometric Optimization of Thermoelectric GenerationDynamic Characteristic of AlN Precipitate in Production of High Strength and Low Carbon Steel in FTSR TechnologyCharacteristics of Deposition Precipitation Process in Production of High Strength and Low Carbon Steel in FTSRRotation Feature of Three-Dimensional Tile Self-Assembly Molecular Structure for Efficient Microprocessor MaterialMechanical Reliability of Oxidized Zircaloy-4 Alloy Nuclear Cladding Tube in CompressionSynthesis and Photochromism Studies of 1-(2-methyl-3-benzothiophene)-2-[2-methyl-5-(4-aminomethanephenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopenteneSynthesizes and Properties of 1-[2-methyl-5-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-thieny-2-[2-methyl-5-(3-methoxy-4-formyphenyl)-3-thienyl] perfluorocyclopenteneSynthesis and Properties of [1-(2-Methyl-5-pheyl-3-thienyl)-2-(2-methyl-5-(4-cyanophenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopentene for Fluorescence SwitchSynthesis and Properties of 1-[2,5-dimethyl-3-thienyl]-2-[2-methyl-5-(p-N,N-dimethylaminophenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopenteneEfficient Synthesis and Properties of a Photochromic Hybrid Diarylethene Bearing a Pyrimidine MoietySynthesis and Properties Study of 1-(2,4-dimethoxyl-5-pyrimidinyl)-2-[2-methyl-5-(3-methylbenzene)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopenteneSynthesis and Photochromism of 1-(2-methyl-1-benzothiophene)-2-(2-methyl-5-aminomethane-3-thienyl)perfluorocyclopenteneSynthesis and Photochromism Studies of 1-(2,4-dimethoxyl-5-pyrimidinyl)-2-[2-methyl-5-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopentenePhotochromism, Kinetics and Fluorescence of 1-(2-methyl-3-benzofuranyl)-2-[2-methyl-5-(4-cyanophenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopenteneSynthesis and Properties of 1-[(2-methyl-5-chloro)-3-thienyl]-2-[(2-methyl-5-(2-fluorophenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopenteneSynthesis and Photochromic Properties of 1-(2-methyl-1-phenyl)-2-[2-methyl-5-(4-formylphenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluoroyclopenteneEffect of Bore Liquid Flow Rate on the Structure and Performance of Poly(vinyl chloride) Hollow Fiber MembraneThe Way of Obtain C5H7O+ Fragments Laser-Induced by Cycloheptanone Ion Excited StateEasy Precipitation Method for Preparation of Cerium Added La2O2SO4 Used for Oxygen StorageHard Template Route for Synthesis of Mesoporous Spinel Type Oxides with Ordered StructureStudy on Technology of Pre-Hydrolysis Pretreament in Bagasse Dissolving Pulp Preparation ProcessThree-Dimensional Electrode Used for Low Concentration Wastewater Containing Cu2+Study on Countermeasures of Water Pollution Accident after Chemical Industry FireMonodispersion Soot Interference Attached on the Protection Windows on NO2 Concentration Accuracy Using NDIRProtection Windows Interference of the Multidispersion Soot on NDIR NO2 Concentration AccuracyWindows Multidispersion Soot Interference on SO2 Concentration Measurement Accuracy Using NDIRExposure and Carcinogen Risk Assessment to Human Beings Caused by Cd in Pearl River BasinEnvironment Protection with Analysis of Relations between Independent Innovation and Development of the Green EconomyPb Contamination and Pb Isotopic Signinatures in Roadside Dusts in Hebi City, ChinaTransition of Land Cover Characteristics at Wild-Fired WatershedAbsorption of Hg (II) Form Aqueous Solution onto Double Crosslinked Amphoteric Cassava Starch ResinExperimental Study of EGR on Performance andEmissions of a Turbocharged DME EnginePreparation of Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Arrays and Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl OrangeCharacteristics of Heavy Metals Pollution in Roadside Dusts in Chang'an Street of Beijing CityOccupational Exposure Assessment of CaCO3 Nanoparticles Using a Multi-Metrics ApproachEnrichment and Detection of Dichlorvos and Methamidophos on Carbon NanotubesResearch on Applied Technology and Tidal Current Control with Numerical Simulation of Pulandian BayOn Evaluation Model of Green Technology Innovation Capability of Pulp and Paper Enterprise Based on Support Vector MachinesSelection and Application of Green Packaging MaterialsGrowth and Development of Feijoa with Different Plant Shape and in Greenhouses EnvironmentBiological Species and Environment Study on Overwintering Protection of Raspberries and Blackberries and their Growing and DevelopmentDifferent Rootstocks and Physiological and Biochemical Change of SUM Cherry in Greenhouse EnvironmentGrowth Effects of Pb stress on Seedling of Lactuca sativa L. and Brassica campestris L.sspEnvironment Effects of Tuberose Forcing Culture by Different Planting Dates and VarietiesOn the Rigid-Lid Hypothesis Application to the Flow Simulation of Step-Feed A/O ProcessVelocity and Sludge Distribution Simulation of the Aerobic Tank of Step-Feed A/O ProcessApplication of Different Biomaterials in Achilles Tendon Repair for Exercise InjuryHydroxycamptothecin Stealth Liposomes: Containing TPGS as a Novel PEGylated Long-Circulating Coating MaterialPreparation and Antibacterial Activity of One Novel Leather MaterialBiological Species and Environment Study in Microsystins Causing Apotosis in HeartRelationship between Concentration of Fine Particulate Matter and Plasma vWF Level in Healthy Young AdultsUsing 16S rDNA as Target Site for Homologous Recombination to Improve the Alkaline Protease Production of Bacillus alcalophilusApplied Technology in Evoked Auditory Response In Vivo Animal Cochlea by 980nm Pulsed Laser LightStructure Improvement and Performance Analysis of a Coupling Component for Board-Level Photoelectric InterconnectionDesign and Simulation of Self-Adapting Anti-Interference Algorithm with Information Technology in Satellite NavigationResearch on Applied Technology with PID Control Theory and Design MethodsTechnology Study on the Different Cognitive Process of Stereopsis between Crossed and Uncrossed Fine DisparityResearch on Task-Based Usage Control Core Models in Workflow for Manufacturing EnvironmentApplied Technology in Digital Telescope Camera?s Research and Design Based on DSPStudy on Electronic Materials with Performance of Meander-Line Inverted-F AntennaStudy on Anti-Noise Materials with Multi-Level Filter Based on the Adaptive Noise Cancellation SystemThe Control Method with Energy Saving of the Inflow Turbulence for Router Cooling FanOscillating Mechanics by Vector Graphics Means to Explain Phase Balanceable Principle Basing on Tri-Port OscillatorNomograms for Determination of Effective Length of the Unregular Frames Based on Mechanics and Steel StructurePseudo-Dynamic Test Analysis of Space Steel Frame with T Steel ConnectionDrag Coefficients Acting on Two Tandem Cylinders of Different DiametersLift Coefficients and Pressure Distribution Acting on Two Tandem Cylinders of Different DiametersResearch on Cylindrical Launcher with Cylindrical Launch Parameters SimulationMethod of Calculating Chamber Earth Pressure of EPB ShieldResearch and Application of Slope Stability Analysis Method Based on Engineering Mechanics and Engineering MaterialsVortex Shedding with Fluid Mechanics from Two Cylinders of Different Diameters in a Tandem ArrangementThe Surface Deformation Law with Engineering Mechanics Caused by Construction of Tunnels with Large Section and Small IntervalFinite Element Analysis of Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel Based on the Laminated Plate TheoryOptimization of Fracturing Fluid Flowback Based on Fluid Mechanics for Multilayer Fractured Tight ReservoirInfluence of Fracture Parameters on the Productivity of Fractured Horizontal Well Based on Fluid Mechanics in Tight Gas ReservoirEnvironmental Study with Analysis the Characteristics and Safety Distance of LPG Pool FiresUtilization Technology of Metallurgical Waste HeatThe Application of ZigBee in Hot Rolling Energy Management SystemA Method with Energy Saving for Investment Decision of Wind Power Project Based on TOPSISResearch on Energy Saving for the Case Analysis of Building Energy Conservation in Xichang CityResearch on Implement of the Application of Demonstration of Renewable Energy Source in Architecture in Liangshan StateStudy of Lithium Bromide-Water Binary Solution in the Application of Hot Springs Geothermal EnergyThe Path Segmentation Algorithm of Microgrid Distribution Network on Reliability EvaluationResearch on Applied Technology in Modeling Buck Switching ConverterInformation Technology in Circuit Design of On-Line UPSAn Intelligent Operational Model of Weather Modification in Yunnan ProvinceResearch on Applied Technology of Palmprint Recognition Based on Fisher Linear Discriminant and Improved PCA AlgorithmResearch on Information Technology with Character Pattern Recognition Method Based on Rough Set TheoryResearch on Applied Technology with Characteristics of Different Inversion Method Based on AIC SelectionResearch on Applied Technology in Comparison of the Traditional Inversion Method and the AIC MethodResearch on Information Technology with Wine Quality Evaluation Based on Neural NetworkThe Design of Real-Time Face Detection System for Smart HomeResearch on Information Applied Technology with Analysis of Auction Data Fluctuations of Flowers Based on Generalized Autoregressive Conditional HeteroscedasticityResearch on Information Applied Technology with Data Analysis of Flowers Auction Data Based on Cointegration and Granger CasualtyResearch on Information System for Teaching Quality Evaluation Model of Business English Translation Based on SVMThe Research and Design of Image Processing System Based on FPGA and DSPInformation Technology in an Improved Moving Target Detection AlgorithmApplied Technology in Assembly Line Balancing Based on Genetic Algorithm and SimulationIntelligent Parameters Identification of Radar Echoes in Yunnan ProvinceInformation System in Image Classification Based on SVM and Color Clustering AnalysisBioinformatics Study with an Implementation of Two Feature Extraction Algorithms for Protein SequencesResearch on Image Technology with Image Recognition of Wheat Diseases Based on Multi-Fractal and LVQ Neural NetworkResearch on Information Applied Technology with Swarm Intelligence for the TSP ProblemNew Tabu Search Algorithm for Multi-Vehicle and Multi-Cargo Loading ProblemComparison of Heuristics for Resolving the Traveling Salesman Problem with Information TechnologyEvaluation of Ground Thermal Infrared Camouflage Based on Dynamic DEA ModelApplied Technology for Usage Control Model in Pervasive ComputingSemantic Web Technologies and 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