Zhang | Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Research | Sonstiges | 978-3-03795-924-4 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 628, 446 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Applied Mechanics and Materials


Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Research

Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03795-924-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 628, 446 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Applied Mechanics and Materials

ISBN: 978-3-03795-924-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the2nd international conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Energy Engineering (ICMMSEE2014), September 20-21,2014, Changsha, China.

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).

The 87 papers are grouped as follows:

Chapter 1: Materials Science and Technologies,

Chapter 2: Applied Mechanics,

Chapter 3: Mechanical Engineering, Equipment and Control,

Chapter 4: Geoengineering and Applied Energy Research,

Chapter 5: Industrial Engineering and Information Technology

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Inorganic Clay/Sodium Lignosulfonate Graft Acrylamide and Maleic Anhydride Adsorbent CompositesMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Al-Zn-Mg-Cu AlloyPreparation of Adsorbent Composites Based on Bentonite/Sodium Lignosulfonate-g-AMStudy on Ni Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide for MethaneAcoustic Emission Study of Corrosion Fatigue Crack Propagation Mechanism IdentificationSynthesis and Characterization of Melamine-Formaldehyde Resin for Foaming UseSynthesis and Characterization of 3-Difluoroaminomethyl-3-methyl Oxetane and its HomopolymerThe Existence Form and Distribution of Mn in Production of Tungsten ProductsCoat of Epoxy Resin Filled with Nano-Al2O3 and MoS2 Erosion Wear Resistance and ApplicationPreparation and Characterization of the Sulfonated Polymer/Non-Woven Fiber Composite Catalytic Membrane for EsterificationMicrostructure and Properties of Q345E Lamellar Tearing Resistant Steel SAW Welding JointsHigh Temperature Cylinder Sleeve Design Research Self-Lubricating MaterialsCatalysis Nanomaterial Research for NO High Temperature CylinderBioceramic Scaffolds Manufacturing by Laser 3D PrintingThermodynamic Assessment of B2O3-SiO2 Binary SystemThermodynamic Assessment of SiO2-ZrO2 Binary SystemThrough-Thickness Strain and Texture Gradients of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloy Sheets Produced by Snake RollingThe Effects of Nano-SiO2 on the Chemical Composition of Layers on Aluminum Alloy by Micro-Arc OxidationMemory and Threshold Resistance Switching in Pb0.8La0.1Ca0.1Ti0.975/Zn0.99La0.01O HeterostructureMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of TiAlON/TiAlN/TiAl FilmsFactors Influencing Viscosity of Twin-Tail Hydrophobically Associating Polymer Weak GelCompatibilisation of Epoxy Resin on TPEE/PA6 BlendsPolyaniline Hybrid with Inverse Opal Structure for Fabrication of Thermoelectric MaterialsEffect of Pressure and Temperature of Solution Treatment on the Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of AZ91D AlloyProducing High Quality CaCO3 by Phosphogypsum with New Ammonia-Base Carbonation MethodSynthesis of Ionic Hydrophobic Associating Polymer and it?s Aqueous Solution?s Viscosity CharacteristicsThe Nonlinear Random Vibration of a Clamped Rectangular Thin Plate in Magnetic FieldStudy of Metal Seal of Coiled Tubing Wellhead Hanging DeviceResearch on the Fatigue Assessment Method for Steel Pressure Vessels Containing Surface DefectsThe Analysis Pressure Drop between Initial Station and 1#valve when Lan-Zheng-Chang Product Pipeline ShutdownOn Stress Conditions Producing Crack-Free Matrix Metal-Brittle Inclusion Interface inside Heavy ForgingsSoft-Sensing Model of Deformation of Welded Steel Structure Based on FLS-SVM and its ApplicationThree-Dimensional Ballistic Equations of Rocket Considering the Elastic EffectsDesign and Experimental Simulation Analysis of a Kind of Prestressed Cementing Drillable AnchorDesign Research of Intake Compensation Device for Improving the Dynamic Performance of Diesel Engine in Plateau EnvironmentLocation of Partial Discharge Source Model Based on Transformer Single-WindingA Designing Method of Underwater Controller Based on Trajectory-Tracking Control Law for Underwater Profile Monitoring VehicleA New Way to Eliminate the Phenomenon of Trapping Oil in Gear PumpsThe Correlation between Time and Frequency Dynamic Performance of Control SystemDesign of Battery Fast-Swap System for Electric VehicleDynamic Simulation of Air Suspension with Auxiliary ChamberResearch on Impacting Loads between Metro VehiclesHow to Eliminate Machining Marks on the Surface of Impeller Blades by CimatronE CAMOne Detection and Diagnosis System of a Certain Ordnance Equipment Based on ?C/GUI Embedded Graphic User InterfaceStudy on Prediction Deflection of at the Girder Midspan of Large Tonnage Gantry Crane Rigid LegsMotor Faults Detection Based on Vector Transformation and Amplitude DemodulationEnergy Consumption and Energy Saving Research Status of Air Compressor SystemThe Research of the Non-Circular Contour Grinding Speed Optimization and NC ProgrammingDynamic Analysis of Electrical Control Components under Tank Gun Firing ImpactModeling and Simulation of the Ultrasonic Motor which Using Bending Vibration TransducerAnalysis of Catalytic Degradation Reaction Mechanism on Gasoline Engine Three-Way CatalystsDesign and Research on Automatic Control System Based on PLCDynamic Sensitivity Research for the Spindle of High-Speed Grinder Based on the Artificial Neural NetworkDesign and Test Research on Voice Coil Actuator Used for Active Isolation PlatformThe Analysis of Field Characteristics and Measurement for Centrifugal Fan and 90? Bend PipeNumerical Simulation Analysis of Car Overtaking on SST Turbulence ModelResearch on Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Plate Fin Type Intercooler in Turbocharged Natural Gas EngineThe CFD Analysis of Internal Flow Field in Turbocharger CompressorThe Study of Resonant Frequency of Horn and Circular Tool of Ultrasonic Milling SystemThe Application of Oil Monitoring Technology in the Marine Hydraulic SystemExperimental Study of Ejectors? Effect on the Performance of Pulse Detonation Rocket EngineStudy on the Thermal Performance of VSC-HVDC Cooling Plate Using Staggered Micro-GrooveExperimental Research on Phase-Change Cooling for High-Power ChipTheoretical and Computational Research of Heat Radiant Transfer in CylinderTwo High Activity Catalysts for the Reforming of Coke Oven Gas to H2 and CO in BCFNO Membrane ReactorImpact Energy of Gas-Solid FlowsSimulation and Analysis for a Heat Recycle System on the Sidewall of Aluminum Reduction CellsExergy Analysis of Energy Consumption for Central Air Conditioning SystemA Novel SPES/PES Catalytic Membrane for Production Biodiesel: Optimization by Central Composite DesignDiscussions on the Formation Mechanism of High-Angle Reverse Faults in Sanan Oil FieldStudy on 3D Fine Structural Modeling of Typical Block in Sanan Oilfield, DaqingResearch on Column Flotation of Sliming Molybdenum Tailings Using Ultrasonic Pre-TreatmentThe Structural Characteristics and Distribution of Sand Body of the Layer 7 of YanChang Formation in Ordos BasinFault Activity?s Controlling Effect on Source Rock an Example from Bohai Sea AreaHydrocarbon Accumulation Dominant Factors and Modes of Minghuazhen Formation in Chengdao AreaCharacteristics of Deep Abnormal High Pressure and its Controlling on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Zhanhua SagPrediction of Classification of Rock Burst Risk Based on Genetic Algorithms with SVMReservoir Dynamic Study in BZ 13-1 OilfieldVRLA Battery SOH Estimation Based on WCPSO-LVSVMIntroduction and Exploration of Qualification on Prototype Series of Nuclear Classified Heat Exchanger Tubes of RCC-M SpecificationStandard Requirements and Localization Development Trend for Nuclear Power Plant Key Components MaterialResearch on Radical Innovation Technology Forecasting Based on Technology Evolution TheoryResearch of Cloud Manufacturing Execution Path Optimization Based on Adaptive Ant Colony Algorithm on Hadoop PlatformResearch of Virtual Assembly Simulation SystemThe Research of Point Cloud Data Processing TechnologyDisplacement Measuring Method of Flexible Boom Based on MATLAB Video ProcessingSoft-Sensing Model of Flatness Error on the Surface of Machining Workpiece and its Application

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