Zhou | Advances in Civil Engineering, ICCET 2011 | Sonstiges | 978-3-03795-067-8 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, 3529 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g


Advances in Civil Engineering, ICCET 2011

Erscheinungsjahr 2011
ISBN: 978-3-03795-067-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Sonstiges, Englisch, 3529 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

ISBN: 978-3-03795-067-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

This compilation of peer-reviewed papers covers the subjects of geotechnical engineering, bridge engineering, geological engineering, seismic engineering, tunnel, subway and underground facilities, hydraulic engineering, coastal engineering, surveying engineering, water supply and drainage engineering, heating, gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning works, disaster prevention and mitigation, environmentally-friendly construction and development and cartography and geographic information systems. The work will be of value to anyone working in these fields.
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Method to Identify the Critical Slip Surface of Side Slope via the Deformation Field and Stress Field Calculated through Deformation Modulus Elastoplasticity Strength Reduction MethodStudy on Interaction between Mini-Pile and Slope under the Effect of OverloadingEvolutionary Structural Topology Optimization for Cantilever Construction of Continuous Rigid-Frame BridgeCapacity Analysis of Anti-Slide Pile with Concrete Filled Steel TubularExperimental Investigation into Multistage versus Conventional Triaxial Compression Tests for a C-Phi SoilGeneration Mechanism of Coal Pillar Rock BurstNumerical Simulation of Transient Electromagnetic Response of Unfavorable Geological Body in TunnelDry and Wet Cycle Tri-Axial Test Research of SiltStudy on Antiseismic Measures of Tailings DamA New Method to Analyze Seismic Stability of Cut Soil SlopeResearch on Ultimate Friction?s Depth Effect of Soil around Bored PileResearch and Development of Pneumatic Anchor Rock Driller & Drilling ToolsMechanical Deformation Characteristics of Hard Rock in Deep ExcavationEffect of Complex Initial Stress Conditions on Dynamic Deformation Behaviors of Compacted LoessNumerical Analysis of Faults on Deep-Buried Tunnel Surrounding Rock Damaged ZonesLarge Scale Triaxial Rheological Apparatus Development and Granular Soils Rheological Properties AnalysisNumerical Simulation for the Excavation in Tunnel ConstructionDiscussion of Evaluation Index in Probabilistic Slope Stability AnalysisExperimental Study of Loess Structural Strength and Resistance CoefficientMechanical Characteristics Analysis of Type ? Terminal Restricted Configuration Transition Section for CRTS? Slab TrackNonlinear Dynamics Mechanism for Stability Control of the Overlapped Tunnels SystemInterpreting Ultimate Capacity of Driven Piles with S-lgt Curve and Davisson Offset LimitSeepage Analysis and Construction Practice of Anchorage Circular Foundation Excavation in Long-Span Suspension BridgeA New Reliability Analysis Mehthod of Karst Roof Under Pile TipStress Evolution and Deformation Control Technology for Deep Mining Influenced RoadwayStudy on Critical Length-Diameter Ratio of Cement-Soil Pile Composite Subgrade under Rigid FoundationGas Drilling Cuttings Breaking on ReturnDetermination, Derivation, Influence and Discussions of Parameters for Deformation Analyses with Duncan-Chang Modified E-B Model3D FEM Analysis of Effects on Adjacent Pipelines by Pit ExcavationStudy on Bearing Capacity of Incline-Pile Groups in Thick Soft SoilDuncan-Chang Nonlinear Elastic Model Considered Loess StructureMulti-Parameter Identification of Geomembrane Viscoelastic-Plastic Creep Constitutive Model by Genetic AlgorithmAnalysis of Dynamic Responses of Bridge-Subgrade Transition of High-Speed RailwayDynamic Simulation of Underground Excavation and Support Based on Three-Dimensional Finite Element MethodExperiment Study on the Durability of Geotechnical Prestressed Anchorage Structure under Cyclic LoadingDevelopment of Model Test System for Grouting Simulation in Flowing Water and Study of the Diffusion Form of Anti-Dispersion GroutStudy on Mechanical Model of Pile Under the Horizontal Axial Load EffectEvaluation on Features of Soft Foundation Engineering and Bearing Layer of Pile in Jiaxing CitySettlement and Deformation Laws of High Loess-Filled Embankment Based on Centrifugal Model TestExperimental Study on Shear Mechanical Characteristics of Cohesionless Granular MaterialA New Estimation Method for Penetration Depth of Displacement Pile Based on a New Type Cone Penetration TestA Monitoring Test Study on Soft Clay Treatment by Preloading with Plastic Drainage PipeMultifunctional Piezocone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical PracticeComparison for the Results from 2D and 3D Analysis for Slope StabilityPractical Calculation of Highway Foundation Settlement of the Yellow River Alluvial PlainExperimental Comparison Study on Behavior of Combined Piles Composite FoundationStudy on Bolt Support Technology for Large-Span Rectangular Coal RoadwayAn Experimental Study of Soft Rock Roadway with Anchored Support Structure Based on Nested Mechanical Analysis ModelStudy on Capacity Bottlenecks Identification and Elimination of XiErQi Station in Beijing MTR Based on Simulation MethodNumerical Analysis and Evaluation on Supporting Parameters in CoalNondestructive Monitoring Experiments on Length of CFG Piles by GPRMechanism of Muzhuping Landslide to Water Fluctuation and Rainfall in Shuibuya ReservoirAnalysis of Two Cracks Vertical to the Isotropic Plane in Transversely Isotropic BimaterialsExperimental Investigation on Triaxial Rheological Mechanical Properties of Biotite Granitic GneissResearch about Different Molding Methods? Effect on the Resistance against Frost and Shrinkage of Cement Stabilized GravelSoil Parameter Identification Based on Field Monitoring Value of Displacement and Stress in Pit Retaining StructureStudy on Landslide Early Warning of Mayanpo Slope at Xiangjiaba Hydropower StationModel Test of Socketed Depth?s Influence on Bearing Mechanism in Rock-Socketed PileApplication of Hybrid Genetic Algorithm in Ground Stress InversionStability Evaluation on High Rock Slope of Open-Pit for Ash StorageAn Experimental Study on Basic Engineering Properties of Paper Sludge Ash (PS Ash)Analysis on Types of In Situ Stress Field and its Effect to Roadway in Deep Coal MinesNumerical Analyses for Layered Foundation by Coupling Finite and Axis-Radiate Infinite ElementsLiquefaction Features in Mianyang Region in Wenchuan EarthquakeAnalysis of the Influences of Soil Parameters on the Settlement of Storage Tank FoundationResearch on Stability of an Excavated High SlopeMotion Situation and Kinetic Energy Analysis for Ore Pass of Underground MineImpacts of Different Pile Parameters on Stress and Settlement of Composite FoundationResearch on Dynamic Impedance Function for Horizontal Vibration of Single PileResearch on Treatment Scheme Optimization for Slope Based on Analytic Hierarchy ProcessNumerical Simulation of Stress Distribution in a Tilted Transversely Isotropic Rock StratumAnalysis for Drain Design of a Especial Rock Slopes under Rain InfiltrationIncorporating Set-up Effects into Pile DesignStudy of Fast Drained Consolidation of SiltResearch on the Relief Degree of Land Surface (RDLS) Calibration Coefficient of Highway in Plateau Mountainous AreaNonlinear Active Earth Pressure Distribution Based on Coulomb's TheorySmall Strain Dynamic Characteristics for SoilsParameters of Muzhuping Landslide in the Shuibuya ReservoirInternal Force and Deformation Analysis of Pile-Brace Support Structure of Foundation Pit Considering Deformation CompatibilityExperimental Study on Vibration Propagation of Rail TransportEffects of Active Filler Selection on Foamed Bitumen Mixture in Western AustraliaFLAC3D Numerical Simulation Study on Deformation of Subgrade Construction ProcessComparative Analysis on Neutral Point Distribution in Rigid Pile Composite Foundation on Collapsible Loess in High Speed RailwayNumerical Simulation on the Influence of Mining-Induced Fractures Field on Gas Drainage and its ApplicationMechanical Analysis of Enclosure Pile under Different ConstraintsRectification Treatment of Digging and Watering along Horizontal Direction for Resident BuildingParticle Flow Simulation of Rock Uniaxial Compression ProcessStudies on Influence of Tunnel Surrounding Rock Stability Analysis Based on Material Yield CriterionsModel Test of Mechanical Characteristics of Cantilever Retaining Wall with Mutual AnchorResearch on the Supporting Mechanism of Gravity Retaining Wall with Grouting Anchor in High Filling EmbankmentExploration and Practice on Remote Monitoring & Management of Excavation EngineeringResearch on Peak-Hour Carrying Capacity of Passenger Stations of Passenger Dedicated LinesNumerical Simulation of Regional Stress Field under Complex Geological ConditionDynamic Consolidation Test Study on Silt and Silt SoilPreliminary Study on Shear-Flow-Creep Experiment for the Fracture of Hard-RockPrepartion and Atypical Mechianical Performance of Epoxy Asphalt Cement Mortars Composite Material for High Speed RailwayResearch of Slope Back Analysis Based on Inclination Monitoring DataNumerical Simulation of the Crack Propagation Processes in Rocks with Double JointsRock Damage Constitutive Equation Based on Weibull Distribution of IntensityDynamic Response of Horizontal Bedded Rocky Slopes under Earthquakes and Influence of Ground Motion ParametersOrthogonal Test for Impact Factor of Rigid Frame-Continuous Combined BridgeSimulation and Analysis for Laterally Loaded Pile in ClayModel Experimental Research on Anti-Sliding Characteristics of the Frame Anti-Sliding PilesSoft Soil Microstructure Character Analysis with CTResearch on Preparation of Jointed Rock Mass Samples in SiteCorrosion Mechanism of Similar Soil Slope Corroded by Acid Mine Drainage and its Reinforcing Treatments in Metal MinesAn Optimization Model of Extension Sets on Supporting Scheme for Foundation Pit and its ApplicationExperimental Study on the Anisotropic Properties of Undisturbed LoessA Project Practice about the Foundation Treatment of a High-Rise Building with Large Space Requirement at the Ground FloorAnchorage Effect on Fractured Rock and Cavern StabilityOptimization on Gateway Section of Soft Coal Seam and Hard Roof and Supporting TechnologyCreep Test of Hard Rock and Modified Generalized Kelvin Creep ModelLiquefaction-Induced Damage of Banqiao School Following the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 EarthquakeDimensional Influence of Tunneling on Adjacent Pile FoundationDiscussion on Design and Construction of Soil and Foundation in Coastal Saline Soil AreaDeformation Analysis of Adjacent Metro during Deep Pit ExcavationStudy on Calculation Method of Stresses under EmbankmentInfluence of Joint Set with Different Angles on Rock Behaviour and Cavern StabilityCoupling Numerical Analysis for Excavation of Deep FoundationGround Deformation Rule Induced by Shield Tunneling ConstructionStability Analysis of a 3D Vertical Slope with Transverse Earthquake Load and SurchargeStudy on Different Methods of Computing Consolidation Coefficient by Excess Pore Pressure Dissipation Datum on CPTUDesign and Application of Spiral Protruding Multi-Disk PilesInfluences of Horizontal Initial Stress and Slope Angle on Stress Distribution in Mountains and Cavern StabilityStudy of Stability Analysis and Reinforcing Technique on Counterrendency Fracture Rock SlopeEffect of Compaction Degree on Soil-Water Characteristic Curve of Chongming ClayStudy on Earth Pressure on the Top of Trapezoid Ditch-Buried CulvertsDetermining the Contact-Length and Critical-Value for Deformed Foundation with Curvature Variation in Mining AreaResearch on Mechanical Property and Economic Effect of Contractible Concrete Filled Steel Tube SupportAnalysis of Slope Stability for West Project of Side Slope in XiaoLongtan OpencastSeepage Analysis for Qianjiangping Landslide Applied Three Gorges Reservoir Water Level and Heavy RainfallNumerical Simulation of the Rock Bolts Non-Destructive Testing Based on ANSYSNumerical Study on 3D Surface Crack GrowthCellular Automata to Simulate Crack Propagation of Quasi-Brittle MaterialsDust Generation within the Vicinity of Malmberget Mine, SwedenApplication of Damage Rheology Model in Study on an Underground Cavern GroupDynamic Response of an Elastic Foundation on Transversely Isotropic Saturated Soil to Harmonic Torsional LoadingAnalysis of Urban Rail Transit Based on Complex NetworkPerformance of Permeable Asphalt Pavement during Rainfall InfiltrationNovel Computational Implementations for Stability AnalysisStudy of a High Slope Stability Considering the Stochastic Distribution of Rock Joint SetApplication and Mechanism to Support Tunnel Adjoining with Soft Rock Masses by Yielding Inverted Arch of Composite StructuresStudy on Inhomogeneous Collision Effect of Curved Girder Bridge under Seismic ActionAnalysis on Seismic Pounding of Curved BridgeBridge Design Basic Wind Speed Based on the Joint Distribution of Wind Speed and DirectionApplication and Inversion on Mechanical Parameters of Pipe Shed Support Layer for the Subway Passing Through the Existing StructureEconomical Effects of Using Subway in the Reduction of Fuel ConsumptionSimulating Responses of Buried Steel Pipe Crossing Reverse FaultAssessment and Study on Seismic Fortification Standards of Highway Bridge in Wenchuan EarthquakeMulti-Span Closure Construction and Optimization Analysis of the Main Channel Bridge on the Left Branch of Beijiang RiverThe Research on Dynamic Performance of Straight Going Fast Assembling Car OverpassLarge Eddy Simulations of Flow past a Circular Cylinder with/without an Upper RivuletConcrete Random Damage Prediction Model under Seawater Chemical Erosion EnvironmentNovel Hanger Design to Improve the Robustness of Through Arch BridgesReliability Analysis of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge by Improved Response Surface MethodResearch on Stability Calculation of Variable Section Slender Pier with Initial EccentricityThe Reinforcement and Optimum Design of JiShan BridgeResearch into the Parameter Influence on Coupled Vibration Analysis of High Speed Train and BridgeGreen Building Design Practices - Analysis of the Design of Leisure Office CenterStudy on Housing Performance Evaluation Model Based on Hierarchical Potential Support Vector MachineResearch on Embodiment and Utilization of Environmental Value Oriented Spatial Planning of Harbin Marginal AreaFinite Element Analysis on the Bottom Slab of Box Beam in Zhaohua Beijiang Bridge under Radial ForceResearch on Design Vehicle Load for Long-Span BridgesAnalysis of Vehicle Loads on Guangzhou-Shenzhen ExpresswayInfluence of Pile-Soil-Structure Interaction on the Dynamic Characteristics of Cable-Stayed BridgeSafety Control Research of Steel U Girder of Composite Bridge with Incremental Launching ConstructionData Base for Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs and Evaluation for CCES EquationFailure Mechanism of Reinforced Concrete Rib Arch Bridge under Near-Fault EarthquakesIsolation Effect Analysis for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau BridgeDynamic Behaviors of a Fractional Order Viscoelastic Two-Member TrussResearch on the Key Technology in Steam Curing for 32m Simple-Supported Box Girder of High-Speed RailwayExperimental Study on the Maximum Allowable Hydration Temperature for 900t Box Girder of High-Speed RailwayTemperature Field Test and Research of Box-Pier and Box-Girder for Long Span Continuous Rigid Frame BridgeStudy on Space Nonlinear FE Model of Composite Beam Cable-Stayed Bridge with Three TowersResearch about the Dynamic Ice Response of Concrete Structure in Environment with Freezing-ThawingEffect of Soil Conditions on the Strength of Cemented Soil with Deep Bidirectional MixingElatic Bending and Buckling of Steel-Concrete Composite Plate Considering Slip EffectStrength Test of Parallel Carbon Fiber Bundle for Prestressed BridgeExperimental Research on Using Heat Shrinkable Material to Protect Prestressed AnchorComparative Research on Different Combination of the Rain-Wind Induced Vibration ModelsSimply Supported Box Girder Bridge Vibration Control with MR-TMDFinite Element Analysis on Dynamic Response of Bridge Structures under Moving Loads with Uniform SpeedAnalysis and Design of a Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Beam Footbridge with Corrugated Steel WebSelection of Concrete Creep Analytical Models for Modern Prestressed BridgesAnalysis of the Reasonable Construction Size of Concrete Bridge DeckTesting and Statistics Analysis on Dynamic Response of Expressway Bridge under Various VehiclesThe Study of Foamed Concrete with Polypropylene Fiber and High Volume Fly AshStudy on the Reinforcement and Reconstruction of through Pre-Stressed Truss Arch BridgeProbabilistic Analysis about Shrinkage and Creep Effect of Continuous Steel-Concrete Composite Beams with LHSExperimental Research on the Permanent Prestress of Transverse Prestressing Bundle for the Xiangjiang Yinpenling BridgeAnalysis on Reasonable Structure of Main Girder of Harp Shaped Cable-Stayed Bridge without BackstaysSimulation Analysis of the Pier of Urban Landscape BridgeThe Second Maintenance and Strengthening of Yonghe BridgeStudy on Wind Resistance Strategy and Stability Calculation of a Single-Span Suspension BridgeModel Test for the Pylon of Cable-Stayed Bridge with Double-Tower-Connected and Four Cable PlanesConstruction and Quality Evaluation of Prestressed High-Strength Concrete Hollow SlabsExperimental Study on Ductility and Dissipative Capacity of AAC Block Load Bearing WallsStudy on Dynamic Characteristic of 64m Railway Steel Truss Bridge on Expanding Heavy-Load Transport ConditionVehicle-Bridge Coupled Vibration on Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Arch BridgeDesign of Reinforced Concrete Slant-Legged Rigid Frame BridgeSeismic Effect Analysis of Externally Prestressed Steel-Box Girder BridgeStructural Optimization of Prestessed Concrete Continuous Box Girder Bridges in Highway ViaductRemaining Service Life Prediction of Reinforced Stone Arch BridgeAnalysis of Dynamic Characteristics and Influence of Parameters on Suspension Arch BridgeGeometrically Nonlinear Stability Study of Self-Anchored Arch-Suspension BridgesAnalysis of Equivalent Plastic Hinge Length of High Strength Concrete Bridge Columns by Using High Strength ReinforcementsAnalysis of Ultimate Load-Bearing Capacity of Long-Span CFST Arch BridgesStudy on Reliability Assessment and Mechanics Behavior of Slab Culvert under Heavy TrainThe Model for Predicting the Remaining Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Bridges in-Service and ApplicabilityResearch on Construction Technology of Inclined Pylon of Single Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge without BackstaysLoad-Carrying Capacity Inspection and Evaluation of Existing Pre-Stressed Concrete Hollow SlabStability Analysis of Large-Span Prestressed Concrete Cable-Stayed Bridge under Floating SystemEvaluation for Flood Control Influence on Niujiazhuang BridgeExperimental Study and Evaluation on Bearing Capacity of Slab Culverts in Da-Qin RailwayA New Moisture Keeping Method for Marine Concrete CuringStudy on Load Condition for in Service Bridges in Overload Non-Controlling AreaMonitoring of Concrete Durability and Application in Qingdao Bay BridgeSelf-Vibration Characteristics Analysis of the Yingzhou BridgeExperiment Study on Mechanical Characteristics Box Girder Bridge Considering Deck PavementSeismic Response Analysis of Inclined Leg Rigid Frame Bridge Considering Soil-Pile InteractionReview on the Research of Highway Bridges Seismic Damage AssessmentSeismic Mitigation Analysis of Viscous Dampers for Curved Continuous Girder BridgeAnalysis of Pounding Response for Simply Supported Skew Girder Bridge under EarthquakeProposed Standard Fatigue Truck in Montane Speedway of Southwest ChinaThe Natural Bending Vibration of the Continuous Beam and the Impact Factor of BridgeThe Apply of Anisotropy Equivalent Flow Model in Research of Tunnel Drainage Influence RadiusThe Link Dividing Method for Traffic Information Based on Floating CarTheoretical Investigations on Mechanical Stability and Electronic Structure of NbN under PressuresStudy on the Gob Water Mining Hydraulic Conductivity of Fractured Zone Height Measurement in FujianIntegrated Simulation Test for Distortion and Failure of the Top Rock by Seismic Wave CT and Resistivity Method in Mining Workface ModelFractal Characteristics of Motion Trace Curve of Landslide Monitoring PointsEngineering Loess Landslides Types and some Research ThoughtsStudy on the Effective Reinforcement Depth of Dynamic ConsolidationResearch on Overlying Strata Movement and Deformation under the Conditions of Shortwall and Longwall MiningAn Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of Soils of the Landslide Induced by RainfallRisk Analysis of Shrink and Expansion for Expansive Soils and Improved Expansive Soils in the Xinqiao Airport Runway of HefeiLvliang Typical Loess Landslide Mechanism and CharacteristicsA Nonparametric Estimation on the Relations between Government Public Expenditure and Economic GrowthSimulation on Strain Softening of over-Consolidated Clayey Soil by Binary Medium ModelSeismic Response Analysis of Horizontal Layer Slope with Soft and Hard Rock CombinationDeformation of Reservior Landslide during Reservoir Water FluctuationA Study on the Formation Mechanism and Preventive Measures of Coal-Mining Ground Fissures in the South-West of PingyaoThe Computerized Simulation Software Development of the Bidirectional Pneumatic HammerDevelopment and Implement of a New Shear Creep ApparatusBearing Capacity and Deformation Behaviour of Branch PileStudy on Sustainable Supply Planning of Water Resources in Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry BaseWind Load Analysis on Adherent Billboard Considering the Turbulent WindPhysical Model Test and Forecasting Analysis of Boji Stone LandslidesEffect of Fill Size on the Stability of Barrier DamsResearch on Micro Water-Resisting Property of Top Ordovician Strata in Pingshuo Coal AreaApplication Research of Compaction Pile in Heavy Collapsible LoessStudy on Blasting Propagation at Great DepthMR Damper Semiactive Control for Bridge under Multi-Support Seismic ExcitationStudy on Seismic Behavior of Steel & Concrete Hybrid StructureThe Applicability of Existing Typical Liquefaction Evaluation Methods of Site Soils Based on Shear Wave Velocities for Bachu EarthquakeDetermination and Comparison of Design Ground Motion Parameters in the Small Earthquake Zoning of the Chongqing CityLarge-Scale Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Analysis on Seismic Effect of Fuzhou BasinSimulation of the Seepage Field in the Danjiangkou Reservoir AreaPhysical Parameter Identification of Horizontal Layered Soil without Ground Motion of BedrockRecent Advances in Gravelly Soils Liquefaction EvaluationAdjustments of Ground Motion Input Based on Ground Micro Tremor Test to Determine Ground Dynamic Characteristics and its AnisotropyTunnel Supporting Structure Stress and Displacement Characteristics ResearchDynamic Analysis of Reticulated Shell Subjected to Earthquake ExcitationResearch Review of Seismic Failure Mode of Abutment and Influence on Deck Fall-OffThe Energy ? Based Seismic Response Analysis Method of Arch BridgeDiscriminant Condition of Influencing Dynamic Response for Structure-Equipment SystemDynamic Response Analysis of Vertical Cylindrical Storage Tanks Based on ADINAVulnerability Analysis for Steel Frame Structure Due to Strong EarthquakesThe Non-Stationary Characteristic Study of Multidimensional Ground Motion by HHT Method: A Case Study from the Chi-Chi EarthquakeCharacteristics of Gravelly Soil Liquefaction in Wenchuan EarthquakeA Study of Power Spectral Density Models of Earthquake Ground MotionParticle Flushing and Migration Regularity by Runoff in Different Functional Districts of Beijing CityAnalysis on Energy-Consumption and Earthquake-Mitigation for a High-Rise Building Set Metal Yield DampersDamping Value for Seismic Response Analysis of Long-Span BridgesThe Time History Analysis of the Frame Structure Component Considering Torsion Component of EarthquakeThe Comparative Numerical Experiments of Frequency Features for Earthquake Responds in Liquefiable Field and Elastic FieldCollision Response of Bridge Girder with Shearkeys Subjected to Seismic LoadsVerification of Current CPT-Based Liquefaction Evaluation Method by Bachu Earthquake DataStatistical Analyses of Response Spectra on Medium-Stiff Soil SiteThe Study of the Influence of the Incident Angle, Frequency and Diameter on Blasting Vibration Velocity of the Underground ChamberBase Isolation Systems Employing Variable Friction Dampers Based on a STFT ControllerEffects of Adjacent Ground Treatment on Site Seismic ResponseFailure Mechanisms and Progressive Collapse Judgment Criterion of Space Trusses under Strong EarthquakesSpatial Coherency Function of Seismic Ground Motion Based on UPSAR RecordsApplication of Combination Methods to Estimating Building Separations in TaiwanThe Damage in Arch Bridges during 2008 Wenchuan EarthquakeTransverse Response of Underwater Shield Tunnel to Incident P WavesA Practical Numerical Method for Earthquake-Induced Horizontal Displacement of Submarine SlopeStrength Degradation and Energy Dissipation of Stainless Steel Reinforced Concrete ColumnsInfluence of Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction on Fundamental Period for Frame StructuresGeneral Layout and Key Construction Technologies of Large Scale Centrifugal ShakersThe Experimental Study on Dynamic Characteristic of Diversion Dike?s Foundation SoilAn Improved Method for Fitting Ground Motion Attenuation RelationshipSeismic Performance Analysis of the Special-Shaped Frame Column Structure on Multi-Dimensional SeismicBridges Damage during East-Japan Earthquake on 11th March 2011Main Transportation System Earthquake Damages due to Slope Failure and near Fault Effection in 8.0 Wenchuan EarthquakeExperimental Heat Transfer for Gas-Liquid Vertical Flow inside PipeStudy on Change Regularity of Air Temperature Underground Tunnel Based on Intermittent Operating of Heat PumpReduced-Scale Experiments on Smoke Extraction Capability in Tunnel Fire
In Situ Testing of the Vibration Isolation Effect of the Vibration Isolating TrenchLarge Deformation Prediction and Feedback for a Reservoir Slope near a Large-Scale Hydropower Station in the Upstream of Yellow RiverA Consensus-Based Approach for Information FusionInfluence of Source Distance on the Characteristics of AE Signal from Cement-Based MaterialsFerromagnetic ZnO-TiO2 Core-Shell Nanowire PhotoCatalyst with High Efficiency and RecyclabilityExtraction of Soil Salinization from Remote Sensing Information and LUCC Data Based on Knowledge Discovery over the Arid Area: A Case Study on Kuka County in XinjiangSpatial Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Basis of RS and GISSeismic Analysis of a Low Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge and Application of Lead Shear DamperSimulation Analysis and Process Control of an Arch Bridge for Replacement of Tie BarsTime-History Analysis of Lowpylon Cable-Stayed Bridge with Moving LoadsMeasurement and Characteristics Analysis of In Situ Stress in Expanding Area of Tao?er Coal MineThe Numerical Simulation Research of the Deformation Character for the Soft Clay Foundation in the Unloading ConditionThe Contrastive Research of Direct Shear Test on Different Pile-Soil InterfaceResearch on Shallow Buried and Large-Span Tunnelling Undercrossing a HighwayResearch on Rc Beams Strengthened with near-Surface Mounted Helical Rib BarShearing Stress Model of Damage Bolt in TunnelResearch on Blasting Control Technology for Blast in Shallow Tunnel Crossing Existing BuildingsThe Clay Subgrade Compactness Infuences on Life-Span of Asphalt Pavement in Northeast ChinaResearch on Sunshade Survey of Building in Anshan CityStudy on the Failure Envelope of Suction Bucket Foundation under Torsion Shear LoadThe Methods of Damage Localization and Assessment for Long-Span Reinforced Concrete Arch BridgeField Monitoring and Analysis of Envelope Pile in Shijiazhuang Six-Line TunnelThe Application of VC++ Serial Communication Technology in Real-Time Subsidence MonitoringStudy on Influence of Tunnel Excavation on Seismic Performance of Underground PipelineTechnical Research on Monitor of SLMSS Grider Fabrication for the Passengers Dedicated LineThe Numerical Simulation Analysis on Safety Stability in Underground Space of Urban Track Transportation SystemThe Empirical Formula Research and the Test for the Soft Clay Coupled Consolidation and Creep Character in Different Drainage ConditionsLarge Extrusion Deflection Control Technology for Tunnel in Active Fault ZoneStress Analysis of Metro Shield Tunnel Segment ? Based on 3D Discontinuous Contact Computational ModelComparative Analysis of CRD Method and Three-Bench Method with Temporary InvertInfluence of Shield Tunneling on a Nearby Buried PipelineStudy on Settlement of Highway Bed due to Underground Construction of Crossing Railway TunnelsThe Simulation Analysis of Large Cross-Section Soft Rock Tunnel Excavation under the Bias TerrainStudy on the Interface Mechanical Characteristic of Geotechnical Prestressed Anchorage Bolt under Step Loading by Model TestThe Foundation Liquefaction and Permanent Deformation Analysis of Diversion Dike for Nuclear Power PlantEffect of Blasting on the Adjacent Underground TunnelsThe Application and Design of Geo-Grid in the High Embankment Engineering in AirportAnalysis of Time-Domain Response Characteristics for Transient Electromagnetic in Tunnel Whole-SpaceThe Application of Matter-Element Bayesian Network Model in the Road Damage EvaluationStability Analysis of Tunnel Surrounding Rock Based on Coupled Fluid-Solid TheoryAnalysis on Influence of Shield Tunnel Crossing under Intercity High-Speed Railway StationNumerical Simulation of Lining?s Mechanical Behavior in Subway TunnelThe Pile Reinforcement Effect to the Displacement of Geotechnical Materials in the Stratified Rock SlopeStudy on Poisson Ratio of Soil-Rock Mixture in Low StrainAn Approximate Prediction of Metro Pit?s Sub-Step ExcavationNumerical Simulation Research on Earthquake Induced Dynamic Responses of Underground TunnelStability Analysis of Tunnel Surrounding Rock and Shotcrete Lining and Rock Bolts Based on Strength Reduction Finite Element MethodThe Research of Seismic Active Earth Pressure with Mode of Translation by Horizontal Slices Analysis Method and Shaking Table Tests3D Finite Element Simulation on During Shield TunnelingStudy on the Application of Bolt-Grout Reinforcement in the Deep Soft Rock RoadwayTechnology of Safe and Efficient Submarine Deposit MiningElastic-Plastic Solution of Circular Tunnel Based on Unified Strength TheoryNumerical Analysis of the Anti-Explosion Effects and Anchored Mechanism of Tunnels Reinforced by Bolts under Top ExplosionAnalysis of Temporal-Spatial Effect for Tunnel Construction in the Fault-Rupture ZoneInfluence of PGV on the Internal Forces of Subway StationThe Numerical Simulation of Settlement Characteristics of Storage Tank on the Soft Soil BaseVerification of UDEC Modeling 1-D Wave Propagation in RocksStudy on the Correlation between Strength Parameters and Shear Wave Velocity of Pavement Subgrade SoilTorsional Dynamic Impedance of Pipe Pile Embedded in Viscoelastic Soil Considering Soil-Pile InteractionVB on the Highway Pavement Performance Prediction and Optimization of Maintenance ProgramsStudy on Scouring Stability of Powder Sand Embankment Slope with Cover LayerPrediction of the Toxic and Harmful Gas along the Sichuan-Tibet RailwayAnalysis of TBM Tunnel Behavior in Jointed Rock MassThe Effect of Confinement and Defects on Rock Fracture under Dynamic LoadsStudy on the Structural System of Roof in Fully Mechanized Top Coal CavingStudy on Optimization of Blasting Parameters and its Effect on Anchoring Rock Beam of a Underground WorkshopThe Application and Analysis of Pressure Grouting Technique on Filling Pile Bottom in Coastal AreasAnalysis of Anti-Seismic Fortified Length of Tunnel Portal in High Seismic Intensity AreaThree-Dimensional Dynamic Response Analysis of Shield Tunnel under Train LoadsThe Effect of Slide Mass and Pile Stiffness on Residual Thrust on Stabilizing PilesThe Stability Control Technology of Crosscut while Mining without Coal Pillar in Steep SeamThe Catastrophe Model Research of Rock Instability of Tunnel Blot-Grouting Support StructureDeformation Analysis of Jiagar Twin-Bore Tunnel in TibetAnalysis of the Tunnel Construction and Monitoring Measurement under Complicated Geological ConditionsThe Numerical Analysis of CFG Pile Technology in the Disposing Soft Foundation in GuangWu ExpresswayInfluence of Anisotropic Rock on Tunnel Stability with Consideration of Fluid-Solid CouplingAnalysis of Seismic Dynamic Response of Tunnel in Karst AreasThe Uplift Behavior of Large Underground Structures in Liquefied FieldStudy on Soil Improvement of TBM?S Commencement and Arrival in Water-Rich Sand StratumRisk Analysis during Departure and Reception of Shield in the Yellow River Crossing Tunnel of the Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water DiversionThe Theory and Stability Studies on Composite Bolted Rock MassStudy on Soil Conditioning and Key Construction Parameters of EPB TBM Advancing in Sand-Pebble Layer of Beijing MetroResearch of Affection to the Ground on the Metro Station Driven with Enlarging Shield TunnelsAerodynamic Comfort Analysis of High-Speed Trains Passing each other at the same Speed through a TunnelRelation between Surrounding Rock Displacement and its Size of Shaft on its Self-Weight Body Force ConditionCalculation and Analysis of the Tunnel Lining's Thermal Stress Field under High TemperatureApplication Research of Ground Penetrating Radar Detection on the Metal Structure in Tunnel LiningTwo Dimensional Parametric Analysis of Time Variation Characteristics of Raft Foundation on Saturated SubsoilWater-Inflow Forecast of Submarine Tunnel Based on BP Neural NetworksStudy on Shock Absorption Measures of Highway Tunnel in Karst AreasComparison of Micro-Pressure Wave Radiated Out of Tunnel Exit between Slab Track and Ballast TrackExperimental Research on Mechanical Properties of the early-Age ShotcreteStudy on the Dispersion Curves of Rayleigh Wave in Foundation of ObstaclesSeismic Analysis of Typical Cut-and-Cover Subway Stations in BeijingStudy on the Diffusion Properties of Heavy Metal Copper Ion in Silty ClayStudy on Stability of Underwater Trench of Immersed Tunnel of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau BridgeCalculation Model for Ground Settlement Process of Xi?an Subway Tunnel Non-Synchronous Excavation with Double-LineAnalysis on Optimization Construction Procedures of Small Spacing Tunnel in Xiamen Airport HighwayA Theoretical Model for Estimating the Wear of the Disc CutterDesign and Application of Formwork Loop Wheel Machine in Complex Structure Double-Arch Tunnel with Large Cross-Section and LongitudinalThe Distribution of Shear Stress along the Anchoring Section of Prestressed BoltNumerical Simulation on Mesoscopic Damage Evolution Mechanism of High-Speed Railway Tunnel Lining ConcreteStudy on the Changing Rule of Excess Pore Water Pressure during Dynamic CompactionSurvey and Analysis of the Regularity of the Surface Crack in the Loess Tunnel of the Special Passenger LineStudy on Seepage under the Hinge Joint Stability of Concrete Block SlopeAn Element Splitting Algorithm for Crack PropagationModel Test Study on Failure Mechanism of Unsupported Tunnels Constructed in Soft Rock Masses at Different Cross SectionIntelligent Displacement Back Analysis Method of Three-Dimension Applied in Unsymmetrical Pressure Tunnel with Shallow DepthThe Research on Soil-Structural Dynamic InteractionStudy on the Shaft Height of Natural Ventilation Using Smoking Shaft in Urban TunnelStudy on Dynamic Response and Blasting Vibration Monitoring of Small-Distance TunnelsJudgement Method for Surrounding Rock Stability of Guanjiao Tunnel Based on Catastrophe TheoryThe Analysis of the Influence of Different Rock and Soil Qualities on the Loss of Anchorage ForceStudy on Surrounding Rock Deformation Discipline of Extra-Large Section Super-Shallow-Buried TunnelThe Analysis of the Post Anchorage Foundation of a Certain Bridge with Double Layer Arch TowerDeformation Memory Effect Identification Using Fractal Dimension in the Stress Region above Crack Initiation ThresholdReinforcement with Rockbolts in Underground Powerhouse Excavation Using DDA MethodThe Field Test Study of Interaction between Structure and FoundationThe Solution of Axial Symmetry Elastic Plates on a Bossinesq Subgrade with Displacement Variational PrinciplesThe Solution of Non-Axisymmetric Problems in Transversely Isotropic Elastic Subgrade with Laplace TransformThe 3-D Finite Element Numerical Analysis of Composite Soil Nailing Walls in the Foundation Pit EngineeringModel Test Study on Influences of Layered Rock Mass Dip Angle on Stability of Deep-Buried TunnelThree Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Deformation and Stability of Zone II of Xiazanri Slope DepositPreliminary Study on Application of Metal Members with Corrugated Webs in the Supports of Soft RockThe Stability Analysis of Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall System and the Study of its Reinforcement OptimizationUpper Bound Solution of Rationalized Janbu MethodThe Solution on Problem of Soft Soil Layer?s Collapse in Xin Kailing Tunnel and Evaluations on its EffectStudy on Risk Assessment Method of Water Bursting Disaster in Railway TunnelResearch on Water Environment Problem for Landscape Design of Waterfront DistrictsAnalysis for Temperature Field and Stress of Concrete Volute StructureInvestigations of the Difference in Dam Break Modeling Approaches between 1-D and 2-D Hydrodynamic ModelThe Effect of Netting Dissipaters on Increasing the Efficiency of Energy Dissipation in Vertical DropsComparision between UTM and GRAUSS KRUEGER Projection in NIGERIA Rail ProjectThe Preparation and Research of PVA Embedding Zr-AC Phosphorus AdsorbentProductive Experiment of Combined Process Treating Sewage of Three Gorges Reservoir RegionSimulation of Wind Field on Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge Based on SPTStudy on Safe Thickness of Comparatively Intact Rock Ahead of Karst Tunnel FaceDetermining Relationship between Physical Health Care Settings and Mycobacterium tuberculosisNew Research on Chemical Solidification of Collapsible Loess FoundationDevelopment Analysis of I-Longitudinal Crack in the Vault of Underwater Tunnel Secondary LiningStudy on Application of Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation Method to Expressways Sound BarriersResearch on Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Chloridion in Port Engineering ConstructionSeismic Response Analysis of Different Plane Structure in Horizontal DirectionModel Test Investigation of Rock-Fall Impaction to Cut-and-Cover Tunnel Arch StructureSlope Instability Risk Analysis in Earth Dams Using LHS-MC MethodNumerical Simulation of the Water Entry of a Wedge Based on the Complex Variable Boundary Element MethodNumerical Simulation of Flow over a Spillway with Turbulence ModelStudy on Effects of Softrock-Contained Rockfill for Stress and Deformation of High Core Rockfill DamNumerical Analysis of Ship Wave Loads and Structure Strengthen Analysis on a Wind Power Installation ShipNonlinear Simulation of Interaction between Water and Free Floating ShipStudy on the Beach Protection with the Tetrahedron Like Penetrating Frame GroupsWater Environmental Carrying Capacity Calculation and Protection Measures on Hefang ReservoirStudy on the Properties of Roller Compacted Concrete in the Dam of Jinghong Hydropower StationNonlinear Finite Elements Analysis on Structure of Pumping Station in the Joint Hub of Sluice and Pumping StationParameters Selection of High Pressure Consolidation Grouting for Xiaowan Resisting Force RockmassFlow Characteristics on the Chute with a Concave Surface Influenced by the Air Intake of the AeratorStudy on Proposed Value of Catanchor Coefficient for Large Prestressed PierApplied Research of Quantitative Analysis Methods to Division of Flood Seasonal Phases for Tanghe ReservoirAnalysis on Characteristics of the Rainfall-Runoff in Beizhangdian WatershedStability Analysis of the Abutment Slope in one Hydropower Station Based on Unloading Rock Mass MechanicsResearch on a Flood Impact Assessment of Dazhuangshang BridgeNumerical Analysis of the Stress of Different Cave Development Pathes on Lock Head FloorDigital Image Processing Method Based Partial Differential Equation for Rock?s MicrostructureAnalysis of the Reinforcing Effect of Shiplocks in Karst Region Based on Monitoring and Numerical SimulationExperimental Research for Scour Resistance of Basalt and Carbon Fiber Hydraulic ConcreteA Conceptual Model of Soil Moisture Movement in Seasonal Frozen Unsaturated ZoneEffects of Sediment Dredging on Water Quality of Meiliang Lake3D Numerical Simulation of Majiabian Concrete Gravity DamThe Influence of near-Fault Ground Motions on the Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete FrameStability Analysis of Dam Foundation with Karst CaveWinter Wheat Water Use Efficiency in Different ScalesExperimental Study on Device Parameters of Self-Excited Pulsed Jet to the PerformanceExperimental Research on Interference of Marine Risers with Suppression DeviceCombination of Random Waves and Vessel Motions Effects on the Fatigue Damage of Top Tensioned RiserAnalysis on Sea Bed Evolution around Caofeidian HarbourWith FLAC3D Simulating Analysis the Rock Stability by Stretching Anchor Cables Reinforce on the Reservoir Dam AbutmentDynamic Simulation Analysis of Temperature Field and Thermal Stress of Concrete Gravity Dam during Construction PeriodFinite Element-Based Parametric Investigations of the Stepped-Lap Repairs to Laminated Cylindrical ShellApplying the Methods of Environmental Isotopes and Fuzzy Clustering to Study the Leakage from EmbankmentShear-Lag Effects in Three-Span Continuous Box GirderNumerical Analysis of the Bifurcation Embedded in Anchor Block of a Certain PowerStationStudy on Chloride Ions Erosion Model of Concrete Buildings in Irrigated AreaStudy of the Effects of Rainfall Infiltration on Stability of Geocell Protection of SlopeResearch of the Erosion Mechanism and the Repair Technique about the Concrete Building of High Lifts Water Irrigation ProjectComparative Analysis of Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms for Optimal Reservoir OperationImproved NSGAII with a New Distribution and its Application in Multi-Objective Reservoir OperationAn Experimental Research on Optimization of Trajectory Bucket for Spillway Tunnel Outlet at Sanliping Hydropower ProjectParametric Drawing Based Optimal Design of Aqueduct StructureModification to the Lombardi Slenderness Coefficient of Cracking Potential Assessing for a Large Arch DamResearch on Fuzzy Evaluation for Port Security and Risk Based on AHPThe Space Model of Dynamic Analysis of Seated Large Diameter Cylinder Breakwater under Random WavesStudy on the Yangtze River Estuarine Turbidity MaximumNumerical Experimental Research on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Flow around a Three Dimensional Circular CylinderPerformance Analysis of a Semicircular Free Surface Ocean Structure under the Different Water DepthsExperimental Study on Mechanism of Wave-Induced Silty Seabed FluidizationEffect of Sulfate Ion to Chloride Ion Transmission in Concrete under Flexural LoadCalculation and Analysis of the TBM Construction Rational Buried DepthAutomatic Deformation Acquisition Using Terrestrial Laser ScannerThe Making of Digital Orthophoto Map Based on INPHOOutlier Identification and Correction Online for the Ocean Geomagnetic Parameter MeasurementAlgorithm for VRS Based on Star StructureA Method of Selecting Weight Iteration Based on LS-TLSResearch of Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Region MergingTilt Measurement Research Based on Moirefringetechnique of SLR Digital CameraExperiment Research on Seeking Multinomial Curved Surface Fitting Model of GPS LevelingGravity Anomaly Detected by GOCE in China?s Western RegionStudy on Key Technology in the Control Surveying of Jinan-Qingdao Highway?s South LineAn Improved Wavelet Threshold De-Noising Data Processing Method Research in Deformation MonitoringDetermination of Seasonal Variations of Low-Degree Earth Gravity Field from CHAMP Geometric OrbitsNovel High-Precision Grey Forecasting Model and its Application of Deformation of Tunnel Surrounding RockThe Application of Close-Range Digital Photogrammetry Based on the Neural Network in Crack-MonitoringGM(1,1) Model Based on Least Absolute Estimation of ResidualStudy Improved Background Value Functions of Non-Equidistance GM(1,1) Model in Surveying and Mapping EngineeringMeasurement Techniques of Precasting the No.4 Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge?s Segmental Girders by Short-LineAutomatic Trigonometric Leveling System Based on GPS and ATRFitting the GPS/Leveling Quasi-Geoid Using Bayesian-Regulation BP Neural NetworkResearch into the Model of GNSS Leveling Polynomial Surface Fitting Based on MATLABUtilize Water Square to Transforming Rain Water Engineering in CityThe Coagulation Performance and Floc Properties of Polymeric Ferric Aluminum Chloride - Polydimethyl Diallylammonium Chloride Coagulant during Surface Water TreatmentKinetics of Pumice Catalyzed Ozonation of Trace p-Chloronitrobenzene in Aqueous SolutionEconomic and Environmental Assessment of Pulp and Paper Industrial Wastewater TreatmentApplication of Micro-Flocculation Direct Filtration for Reservoir Water Derived from Yellow RiverThe Simultaneous Removal of Carbon and Nitrogen from the Anaerobically Pretreated Distillery Wastewater in an Anaerobic Expanded Granule Sludge Bed (EGSB) ReactorDewaterability of Aerobic Granular SludgeFactors Influencing the Removal of COD from Coking Tail Wastewater in the Biological Aerated FilterAnalysis of Full-Featured Pump Curve to Study the Impact of Large Diameter, Long Distance and High-Lift Water PipelineStudy on Nitrite Accumulation in Biological Aerated Filter Treating Municipal WastewaterModeling of Headloss Development in Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) ??. Equations DevelopmentPhosphorus Removal and Recovery in Novel Seed Crystal Media FilterModeling of Headloss Development in Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) ??. SimulationConstructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in Mainland China: Two Decades of ExperienceDegradation of Refractory Wastewater by Chlorine Dioxide OxidationStudy on the Adsorption of Reactive Black on Nature DiatomiteThe Development of Research on Emergency Water SupplyStudy on Coupled Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer Based on Internal Heat SourceThe Effectiveness Analysis of Some Large-Scale Central Heat Supply System Energy Conservation TransformationThe Computational Analysis of Parameter Setting on Secondary Network Distribution Heat Source in Central Heating SystemMethods of Excavation Core DrillingProcess Simulations of the Cold Recovery Unit in a LNG CCHP System with Different Power CyclesAnalysis of the Influence that Residential Building Indoor Temperature Controls for Heating Energy ConsumptionAHP-Based Method for Military Defence Project Risk AssessmentReview on the Research of Indoor Environment Quality and Building Energy ConsumptionLiterature Survey on Building Rankings by Indoor Environment QualityOptimum Performance Characteristics of an Irreversible Four-Temperature-Level Absorption RefrigeratorAnalysis of Heat Loss of Ground Pipeline of Thermal Production OilfieldA Model-Based Online Fault Detection Method for Air Handling Units of Real Office BuildingsApplication of Fieldbus and Frequency Conversion Technology in Air-Condition VWV SystemAnalysis of Heat-Pump System Based on the Control of Refrigerant Mass FluxMatching of the Pump Lift in the Distributed Power SystemDeterioration and Evaluation Method of Mechanics Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Column under Sulfate AttackThe Temperature Field Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Beam after Fire Based on ABAQUSRockfall Motion Trace of Road Slope Based on Damping and Rebounding Osculation MethodProgressive Collapse Simulation of Underground Structure under Internal Blast LoadingExperimental Study on Mechanism for Self-Weight Consolidation of the Red Mud Tailings Placed in the KarstsA Comparative Study of Seismic Performance Defined by Chinese Code and Eurocode8 on Seismic Design of BridgesExperimental Study on Detecting the Building Damage Caused by Fire with Acoustic Emission TechniqueAn Experimental Study of the High Temperature Behavior of Concrete Slabs Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) with Inorganic AdhesiveVisual Inspection and Detail Evaluation for Earthquake Disaster MitigationStability Analysis of Different Stories Single Concrete Framework Due to Bottom Side Column DemolitionThe Application of E Shaped Steel Bearing on the Simply Supported Beam BridgeShear Size Effect Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column Based on Truss-Arch ModelEvaluation and Governance Design of Risk Factor of Debris Flow on GunmalingEvaluation Method of Urban Comprehensive Disaster-Carrying Capability Based on Fractal TheoryThe Influence to Modal Parameters of Retaining Wall by the Elastic Modulus of SoilHighway Slope Stability Analysis Based on Strength Decrease of the SubgradeNonlinear Analysis of Hysteretic-Friction Isolation System with Displacement-Constraint DeviceComparative Analysis of the Numerical Simulation Results Using ConWep Algorithm with the Experimental ResultsAdaptive Research on Urban Shelter and Evacuation System Plan Coping with CatastropheSelection of Independent Proposals with Random Cash Flows and Limited Total Investment CapitalsResearch on the Controlling of Typhoon EngineeringState-of-the-Art Review on Anti-Ram BollardsStudy on Seismic Response and Shock Absorption for High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Frame StructureThe Analysis on Shape Coefficient of Low-Rise Buildings WallResearch for Visualization of Mining Subsidence Prediction Based on MatlabAlgorithm and Program for Simulating Heat Transfer in Cavities of Structural Members under Fire ConditionsThe Reinforced Concrete Structural Vulnerability Analysis under Earthquake LoadsDynamic Analysis of Frame Container Wharf Subjected to Multi-Support ExcitationSoil Moisture Dynamic Discussed of the Exchanging Vegetation Reconstruction of Ying Rui Highway in the SpringEnvironmental Impact Analysis and Control Measures in Tunnel ConstructionEconomic and Environmental Assessment of Redmud as Aggregate in Cement Clinker ProductionThe Urban Barrier-Free Environment in an Aging SocietyAdaptability of Cornus Alba Seedling under Drought Stress in Highway GreeningA Regularization Homotopy Iterative Method for Ill-Posed Nonlinear Least Squares Problem and its ApplicationA Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Algorithm Based on Incremental PointsWetlands Dynamics in Nansi Lake, Shandong, ChinaThe Research of 3D Terrain Visualization Based on ArcGIS and 3DMAXAccessibility Evaluation of Guangzhou Subway Network Based on Space Syntax Model and GISResearch on the Three-Dimensional Information Extraction of Urban Buildings from Single QiuckBird Remote Sensing ImageWeb Publication of 3D Terrain Based on Java3DStudy on the Concentration of Chlorophyll a and Suspended Solid Using Hyperspectral Quantitative Model in Nansi LakeConstruction of Vehicle Dispatching Service System Based on GISThe Study of a Solution for the Rural Roads Infrastructure Data Examination

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