Zschocke / Hoffmann | Vademecum Metabolicum | Buch | 978-3-13-243551-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Broschiert (KB), Format (B × H): 121 mm x 183 mm, Gewicht: 308 g

Zschocke / Hoffmann

Vademecum Metabolicum

Diagnosis and Treatment of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Forword by William L. Nyhan, San Diego, USA
5th Auflage
ISBN: 978-3-13-243551-3
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

Diagnosis and Treatment of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Forword by William L. Nyhan, San Diego, USA

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Broschiert (KB), Format (B × H): 121 mm x 183 mm, Gewicht: 308 g

ISBN: 978-3-13-243551-3
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

Immediate access to expert advice.

Every so often a physician will be confronted with a patient who has an inborn error of metabolism. This can be a challenging situation, particularly in an emergency when rapid, specific investigations and effective treatment are essential for a good outcome. It is exactly then that it is good to have the Vademecum Metabolicum at hand. This concise book …

- explains the typical presentation patterns of the various metabolic disease groups;

- describes essential differential diagnostic procedures;

- summarises the main features of all metabolic diseases from the clinician’s point of view.

With its unique approach, easy accessibility, and availability in 10 different Languages, Vademecum Metabolicum is the most successful book on inborn errors of metabolism worldwide! Highly valued by practitioners in all specialities (particularly paediatricians, geneticists, general physicians, neurologists, laboratory physicians) as well as midwives, nurses and medical students.
Zschocke / Hoffmann Vademecum Metabolicum jetzt bestellen!



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