Zuo / Huang / Chen | Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology I | Buch | 978-3-03785-335-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 426 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 900 g

Zuo / Huang / Chen

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology I

Erscheinungsjahr 2012
ISBN: 978-3-03785-335-1
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Buch, Englisch, 426 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 900 g

ISBN: 978-3-03785-335-1
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

The present volume comprises peer-reviewed papers covering engineering/product/industrial design, manufacture and production, engineering materials, CAD/CAM/CAE, robotics, automation and control, sustainable technology, environment-friendly design and manufacture, web/internet technologies, artificial intelligence and smart computing in design and manufacture, enterprise management and other related topics. The content will be of great interest to production and research engineers, research students and academics.
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Chapter 1: Advanced Material Technology
A Bluge Rotational Tool in Thin Film Nanostructures Removal
A Surface Residual-Stress Model of Optimizing Milling Parameters for Milling Aluminum Alloy 6061
Application of Uniform Design in Experiments of WEDM in Gas
Constitutive Relation Study for Vibration Isolation Rubber of Geometric Nonlinearity and Material Nonlinearity Based on Experimental Data Support
Custom Micro Tooling for Mechanical Ductile-Mode Micro/Nano Machining of Hard and Brittle Materials
Cutting Thickness of High Speed Ball-End Milling Hardened Steel
Design Knowledge Origin Characteristics and Classification
Design of Automatic Steam Boiler Heated by Electricity
Effect of the Cutting Speed and Temperature on the Cutting Behavior of Hardened Steel 42CrMo with PCBN Tool
Effects of Nano-Al2O3p on High Temperature Frictional Wear Behaviors of NiCoCrAIY Cladded Coatings
Electrical Discharge Characteristics of Polycrystalline Diamonds
Experimental Investigation on Chip Deformation in Drilling 1Cr18Ni9Ti
Experimental Investigation on Conventional Grinding of TC4 and TC11 Using SiC Abrasive
Experimental Investigation on Drilling PCB Through-Holes
Experimental Investigations of Surface Hardening for Aviation Aluminum Alloy in High Speed Milling
Fabrication of Micro-Precision Sieves with High Open Area Percentage Using Micro-Electroforming Technology
Flexible Cam Profile Synthesis Method Using NURBS and its Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm
Formation of Cutting Direction Burr/Fracture in Orthogonal Cutting
Grey New Information GRM(1,1) Model Based on Accumulated Generating Operation of Reciprocal Number and its Application
Grey New Information Unbiased GRM(1,1) Model Based on Accumulated Generating Operation in Reciprocal Number and its Application
Influence of Technical Parameters on the Residual Stress in the Diamond Coating
Investigation on Tool Wear about High Efficient Axial Turning-Grinding of Engineering Ceramics
Mathematical Model and Tooth Surface Representation of Face-Gear Drive with Curvilinear-Tooth Cylindrical Gear
Microstructure and Properties of 7A04 Alloy Prepared by Thixo-Forging
Microstructure and Stress Variation of Semisolid 7A04 Alloy during Isothermal Compression
Modeling Growth Ring Mechanical Properties of Coniferous Wood Based on FEM
Optimal Design Study on the Radian and Length of the Guide Plates for the Pipeline Elbow
Performance of Alloyed CVD-Coated and PVD-Coated Carbide Tools in Dry Machining Nickel Based Alloy Inconel718
Physical Field Evaluation Model of High Speed Ball-End Milling Hardened Steel
Research of Detection and Control System for Lunar Dust Effects Simulator
Research on Electrolysis Manganese Negative Plate Straighten Based on Image Processing
Research on the Nano-Hardness of Single Crystal Aluminum
Selection of Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Parameters in Milling of Ti-6Al-4V
Study on Machining Distortion of Residual Stress Release
Study on Micro-Deformation Behavior of Sicp/Al Composites at Low Stress
Study on the Machinability of Free-Cutting Steels 1214 and 12L15 with Coated Tool
Study on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiB2-Ti(C,N) Composite Ceramic Tool Materials
The Deformation Analysis on Tooth Profiles with Electroplated CBN Hard Gear-Honing-Tools
The Influence Analysis of Globular Indexing Cam Mechanism Size Parameters on Transmission Performance
The Influence of High-Speed Cutting Technics Parameter No Materials Removal in Turning High Alloy Antifriction Cast Iron
The Influence of Residual Stress on the Machining Deformation
The Performance Research of Automotive Crankshaft Based on ANSYS Workbench Collaborative Platform
The Study on Surface Defects on the Machined Surface in High Speed Milling of SiCp/Al Composites
Tool Life Prediction and Cutting Parameter Optimization for Coated Carbide in Ti6Al4V Turning
Chapter 2: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
An Experimental Investigation of the Cutting Force in High Speed Ball-End Rough Milling of Cr12MoV
An Improved Method for Acquisition of High-Speed Cutting Zone Temperature Based on Heat Conduction Reverse Seeking
Analysis and Simulation of BIG-PLUS Tooling System
Compound Finish Processes Using Grinding and Ultrasonic Electropolishing on Hole-Wall Surface
Cutting Properties on Interpenetrating Network Composites by Cutting Simulation
Dynamics Simulation Analysis of Roller Gear Indexing Cam Mechanism with Friction Gap
Experimental Investigation on Cutting Aluminum Alloy Thick Plate with Brazed Diamond Wire Saw
Experimental Research on the High Speed Drilling of PCB Using Microdrill
Fabrication Technology of Miniaturized Loop Heat Pipe
Factor Analysis and Compensation Method on NC Machining Error
Finite Element Analysis of Cutting Force and Burr Formation in Micro-Cutting of Titanium Alloy Considering Tool Edge Radius
Geometric Error Compensation Methods of Numerical Control Machine Tool
Micro Grinding Technique of Mutilcore Fiber Endface Using 3D Flock-Structured Film
Milling Process Simulation Based on Quadtree-Array Representation
Minute Displacement Measurement with Eddy Current Sensor
Multi-Level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Hydraulic Oil Performance
Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Helical Gear Transmission Based on the Theory of Grey Classification
Process Based Machining Deformation Control for End Milling
Research of Bionic Design on Tools with Chewing Mouthparts of Insects
Research of Hybrid Congestion Control Mechanism
Research on Ellipsoid Drill Point’S Molding Simulation and the Influence Factors of the Key Structure Angles
Research on the Cutting Mechanism of High-Speed Precision Cutting TC4
Research on the Propagation of the Crack Parallel to and Lying on the Interface in the Cermet Cladding Part
Research on Thermal Error Modeling of YK3610 Hobbing Machine
Simulation Research on Dynamic Tribological Systems of Plain Bearing
Stability Limits of High-Speed Milling of Thin-Walled Workpiece
Study on Surface Roughness of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Milling
Structure Design and Simulation of Viscometer Based on Velocity Attenuation
Study on the Life of High Speed Steel Taps with Cryogenic Treatment
Surface Integrity Analysis on High Speed End Milling of 7075 Aluminum Alloy
Surface Residual Stress Analysis Based on the Molecular Dynamics on Micro/Nano Scale
The Composite Tool Design Technologies of Aircraft Composite Parts in Autoclave Forming
Tooth Profile Modification of Sprocket in Dual Meshing Silent Chain
Wear Behavior of Carbide Inserts in Face Milling TA19 Alloy
Wear Behavior of PCBN Tool in High Speed Turning TC4
Chapter 3: Other
A Method for Enhancing the Accuracy of On-Machine Inspection for Five-Axis CNC Machines
A Process Equipment Networked Service Platform Based on SOA
Applied Civil Engineering Training Location Study
Management Information System for Tools Life Cycle Based on Laser Character Marking
Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Networked Control System Based on Fuzzy Control
On the Business Information Safety under the Context of E-Commerce
Research on Negotiation for Slotting Allowances between Retailers and Suppliers Based on Game Theory
Study on an Ontology-Based Design Knowledge Modeling Algorithm
The Point Cloud Collection of the Incisor Teeth of Beaver and Re-Construction of its Curved Surface
The Research of CNC Grinder System with Online Detection
Ultra-Precision Shaping and Ultra-Smooth Polishing Investigation of High-Purity Quartz Glass in Nanoparticle Colloid Jet Machining
Wireless Order-Meal System Design Based on QT and ARM

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