Abbott / Sapsford | Research into Practice | Buch | 978-0-335-23043-3 |

Buch, Englisch

Abbott / Sapsford

Research into Practice

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23043-3
Verlag: Open University Press

Praise for the first edition of Research Into Practice and Research Methods for Nurses and the Caring Professions:"These books provide a good introduction for the uninitiated to reading and doing research. Abbott and Sapsford provide a clearly written and accessible introduction to social research.One of their aims is to 'de-mystify' research, and in this they succeed admirably.After reading the text and the articles in the reader, and working through the various research exercises, readers should have a clear appreciation of how to evaluate other people's research and how to begin their own."
- David Field, Journal of Palliative MedicineThis is a thoroughly revised and up-dated edition of the bestselling reader for nurses and the caring professions. It offers carefully selected examples of research, all concerned in some way with nursing or the study of health and community care. It illustrates the kind of research that can be done by a small team or a single researcher, without large-scale research grants. The editors have chosen papers which show a great diversity of approaches: differing in emphasis on description or explanation, different degrees of structure in design and different appeals to the authority of science or the authenticity of emphatic exploration. They show the limitations typical of small-scale projects carried out with limited resources and the experience of applied research as it occurs in practice, as opposed to how it tends to look when discussed in textbooks. The chapters have been organized into three sections representing three distinct types of social science research: observing and participating, talking to people and asking questions, and controlled trials and comparisons. Each section is provided with an editorial introduction.Features: - Thoroughly revised and up-dated edition of bestselling text - New articles in line with latest trends in nursing and other practitioner research, with more stress on evidence-based practice, action research and self-evaluation - New user-friendly format - Very well-known authors in the field
Abbott / Sapsford Research into Practice jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

A: Observing and participating
Labouring in the dark
a developmental influence?
A postscript to nursing
B: Talking to people and asking questions
Leaving to it to Mum
Planning research
a case of heart disease
Home helps and district nurses
Studying policy and practice
C: Controlled trials and comparisons
Treatment of depressed women by nurses
The mortality of doctors in relation to their smoking habits
Ethnic variation in the female labour force
a research note

Pamela Abbott is Professor and Director of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Teesside. She has previously worked at the Universities of Derby, Plymouth and Brighton when she had considerable experience of teaching nurses and other health care professionals. She is a well known researcher in the field of health and community care.

Roger Sapsford is Senior Lecturer in Research Methods at the Open University. He was previously employed by the Home Office Research Unit and in market research. He is an experienced designer and teacher of research methods courses.

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