Abbott / Sapsford | Research Methods For Nurses And The Caring Professions | Buch | 978-0-335-23044-0 |

Buch, Englisch

Abbott / Sapsford

Research Methods For Nurses And The Caring Professions

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23044-0
Verlag: Open University Press

Praise for the first edition of Research into Practice and Research Methods for Nurses and the Caring Professions:These books provide a good introduction for the uninitiated to reading and doing research. Abbott and Sapsford provide a clearly written and accessible introduction to social research. One of their aims is to 'de-mystify' research, and in this they succeed admirably. After reading the text and the articles in the reader, and working through the various research exercises, readers should have a clear appreciation of how to evaluate other people's research and how to begin their own.
-David Field, Journal of Palliative MedicineThis book, now substantially revised in its second edition, is about the appreciation, evaluation and conduct of social research. Aimed at nurses, social workers, community workers and others in the caring professions, the book is particularly focused on research which evaluates and contributes to professional practice. The authors have provided many short, practical exercises in the text, and the examples are drawn mostly from projects carried out by one or two people rather than large research teams. The clear, accessible style will make this the ideal introductory text for those undertaking or studying research for the first time.The book may be used in conjunction with Research into Practice (Open University Press), a reader of useful examples selected by the same authors.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section one
Finding out and making sense
Section two
Assessing research
Reading research reports
Reading open interview research
Reading observation research
Reading about controlled trials
Reading survey research
Reading secondary-source research
Section three
Doing research
Using secondary sources
Survey research
design and sampling
Experimental practice
Open interviewing
Analysing text
Participant observation
Section four
Writing up
In conclusion
research into practice

Pamela Abbott is Director and Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Teesside. She is a well known researcher in the fields of health, nursing, women's employment and community care.

Roger Sapsford is a senior lecturer in research methods at the Open University. He has carried out extensive research in a number of fields and was previously employed by the Home Office Research Unit and in market research.

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