Abell / Braselton | Differential Equations with Maple V | Buch | 978-0-12-041560-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 719 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

Abell / Braselton

Differential Equations with Maple V

Buch, Englisch, 719 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-0-12-041560-1
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

This book is an indespensable tool for anyone using Maple V in computing ordinary and partial differential equations.

Key Features* Updated to be completely compatible with Maple V, Release 5* Complete coverage of constructing and numerically computing ordinary and partial differential equations using Maple V* New applications from engineering, physics, and biology* Presentation of Maple V with respect to popular applications of mathematics* Step-by-step instructions for all Maple V implementations* Includes CD-ROM with all Maple V example code from book
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This text intends to transform students from passive observers of mathematics to participants in it. The book employs a spiral development of ideas to blend the requirements of problem solving, analytical thinking, computational technique, and applications, and emphasizes the interplay of algebraic and geometric concepts. It includes an extensive number of exercises, ranging from routine to challenging. The Third Edition offers 40 percent new material, including manynew applications. It incorporates MATLAB to demonstrate how computational software tools can be used in this field.

Abell, Martha L.
Martha L. Abell and James P. Braselton are graduates of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Ohio State University, respectively, and teach at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro where they have extensive experience in Mathematica-assisted instruction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Martha recently received Georgia Southern's award for 'excellence in research and/or creative scholarly activity.' In addition, they have given numerous presentations on Mathematica, throughout the United States and abroad. Other books by the authors include 'Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition' and Statistics with Mathematica.

Braselton, James P.
Martha L. Abell and James P. Braselton are graduates of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Ohio State University, respectively, and teach at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro. Martha recently received Georgia Southern's award for 'excellence in research and/or creative scholarly activity.' Both authors have extensive experience with using Mathematica as well as Mathematica-assisted instruction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, they have given numerous presentations on Mathematica, throughout the United States and abroad. Other books by the authors include 'Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition' and 'Statistics with Mathematica'.

Martha L. Abell and James P. Braselton are graduates of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Ohio State University, respectively, and teach at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro where they have extensive experience in Mathematica-assisted instruction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Martha recently received Georgia Southern's award for 'excellence in research and/or creative scholarly activity.' In addition, they have given numerous presentations on Mathematica, throughout the United States and abroad. Other books by the authors include Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition and Statistics with Mathematica. Martha L. Abell and James P. Braselton are graduates of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Ohio State University, respectively, and teach at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro. Martha recently received Georgia Southern's award for 'excellence in research and/or creative scholarly activity.' Both authors have extensive experience with using Mathematica as well as Mathematica-assisted instruction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, they have given numerous presentations on Mathematica, throughout the United States and abroad. Other books by the authors include Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition and Statistics with Mathematica.

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