Ahrens / Prentice / Kleinpell | Critical Care Nursing Certification: Preparation, Review, and Practice Exams, Sixth Edition | Buch | 978-0-07-166789-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 701 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 1420 g

Ahrens / Prentice / Kleinpell

Critical Care Nursing Certification: Preparation, Review, and Practice Exams, Sixth Edition

Buch, Englisch, 701 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 1420 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-166789-0
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

The best review available for Critical Care certificationA Doody's Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011!Critical Care Nursing Certification is a complete step-by-step guide that thoroughly covers everything you need to know to pass the examination administered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN).Presented in short, easy-to-read chapters, the book includes subject-specific practice exams, allowing you to target your study and quickly identify weak areas. In addition, the handy "Editor's Note" feature explains changes to the exam, highlights what's important, and alerts you to the number of questions you should expect on a given topic.Everything you need to pass the Critical Care certification exam:

- NEW! Companion CD-ROM containing two complete practice exams - NEW! A section on behavioral and psychological factors in critical care - NEW! Expanded neurology section - Valuable test-taking tips to help you perform your best on the exam - A practice exam at the end of each part of the bookContent that includes every topic you will see on the exam:

Cardiovascular; Pulmonary; Endocrine; Immunology and Hematology; Neurology; Gastroenterology; Renal; Multiorgan Problems; Synergy; Behavior
Ahrens / Prentice / Kleinpell Critical Care Nursing Certification: Preparation, Review, and Practice Exams, Sixth Edition jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1.Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology
2.Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders
3.The Normal ECG
4.The 12-Lead ECG
5.Hemodynamic Monitoring
6.Acute Coronary Syndrome (Angina Pectoris and Myocardial Infarction)
7.Conduction Blocks
8.Congestive Heart Failure, Pulmonary Edema, and Hypertensive Crisis
9.Cardiogenic Shock
10.Hemorrhagic (Hypovolemic) Shock
11.Interpreting Dysrhythmias
12.Cardiomyopathies and Pericarditis
13.Treatment of Cardiac, Valvular, and Vascular Insufficiency, and Trauma
Cardiovascular Practice Exam
14. Pulmonary Anatomy and Physiology
15. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Disorders
16. Alternative Methods of Ventilatory Support
17. Acute Respiratory Dysfunction
18. Acute Pulmonary Embolism and Aspiration
19. Thoracic Trauma and Air Leak Syndromes
Pulmonary Practice Exam
20. Introduction to the Endocrine System
21. Anatomy, Physiology, and Dysfunction of the Pituitary Gland
22. Anatomy, Physiology, and Dysfunction of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
23. Anatomy, Physiology, and Dysfunction of the Pancreas
24. Anatomy, Physiology, and Dysfunction of the Adrenal Glands
Endocrine Practice Exam
25. Physiology of the Immunologic and Hematologic Systems
26. Diagnosis and Treatment of Immunologic and Hematologic Problems
27. Hematologic and Immunologic Failure and Its Effects on Other Organ Systems
28. Organ Transplantation
29. Life-Threatening Coagulopathies
Immunology and Hematology Practice Exam
30. Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System
31. Intracranial Pressure
32. Acute Head Injuries and Craniotomies
33. Stroke
34. The Vertebrae and Spinal Cord
35. Encephalopathies, Coma, and Brain Herniation
36. Meningitis, Guillain-Barré, Muscular Dystrophy,and Myasthenia Gravis
37. Seizures and Status Epilepticus
Neurology Practice Exam
38. Anatomy and Physiology of the Gastrointestinal System
39. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage and Esophageal Varices
40. Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatic Failure, and Acute Pancreatitis
41. Intestinal Infarction, Obstruction, Perforation, and Trauma
42. Management of the Patient with a Gastrointestinal Disturbance
Gastroenterology Practice Exam
43. Anatomy and Physiology of the Renal System
44. Renal Regulation of Electrolytes
45. Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Renal Failure
46. Renal Trauma
Renal Practice Exam
47. Sepsis and Multiorgan Syndrome
48. Toxic Emergencies
49. Airway Obstruction
50. Burns
Multisystem Organ Dysfunction Practice Exam
51. Professionalism and the Synergy Model
Synergy Practice Exam
52. Behavior and Psychological Factors in Critical Care
Behavioral Practice Exam


Ahrens, Thomas
Thomas S. Ahrens, RN, MSN, DNSc
BJC Health Care
Center for Nursing Research
4444 Forest Park Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63108Thomas S. Ahrens, RN, MSN, DNSc, is a Research Scientist at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. He has extensively published, including 5 books and over 100 papers. He has lectured both nationally and internationally on critical care topics. In 2006 he was selected as an Edge Runner by the Academy, which is designated for those people who are developing innovative solutions that eventually become mainstream solutions, for his work with families of hospitalized patients. In 2008 Dr. Ahrens was awarded the "Flame of Excellence" award from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses for sustained and influential work in critical care

Kleinpell, Ruth
Ruth Kleinpell, PhD, RN-CS, CCRN
Rush University
College of Nursing
600 S. Paulina, Suite 1080
Chicago, IL 60612-3869Ruth Kleinpell is Director of Clinical Research and Scholarship, and Professor.

Prentice, Donna
Donna Prentice, RN, AMSN(R), ACNS-BC, CCRN is a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri. Responsible for the standards of care in the Medical Intensive Care Unit and Surgical and Trauma Intensive Care Unit, critical care education, critical care policy and procedure, developed critical care skills/competency validation, clinical consultation, staff development, nursing research and evaluatin of critical care products.

Thomas S. Ahrens, DNS, RN, CS, FAAN
Research Scientist
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO
Donna Prentice, RN, APRN, BC, CCRN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO
Ruth M. Kleinpell, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAANP, FCCM
Director, Center for Clinical Research and Scholarship
Rush University Medical Center
Rush University College of Nursing
Nurse Practitioner, Our Lady of the Resurrection
Medical Center
Chicago, IL

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