Akkermans / Berlee | ‘Sjef-Sache’ | Buch | 978-94-6236-197-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 18, 602 Seiten, Format (B × H): 165 mm x 240 mm

Reihe: Maastricht Law Series

Akkermans / Berlee


Essays in honour of Prof. mr. dr. J.H.M. (Sjef) van Erp on the occasion of his retirement

Buch, Englisch, Band 18, 602 Seiten, Format (B × H): 165 mm x 240 mm

Reihe: Maastricht Law Series

ISBN: 978-94-6236-197-3
Verlag: eleven

Since 1997 Sjef van Erp has been professor of civil law and European private law at Maastricht University. Throughout his career he established the field of comparative and European property law not only as a field of research, but also as a field to teach in. His pioneering work in comparative property education has been an example throughoutthe world. His work to gather property experts to make a Ius Commune Casebook on property law, widely used throughout the world as one of the first and very few books on comparative property law, underlines these efforts.
In the last decade Sjef van Erp has also been instrumental in bringing researchers together in the European Law Institute that he co-founded, as well in various international working groups focusing on the challenges brought forward by technological developments on the law of property. He has become recognized as an international scholar in the field of PropTech (or property and technology). Throughout all these international activities, he has retained his teaching post at Maastricht and introduced generations of students into the field of property law from a comparative and European perspective.
In January 2021 Sjef van Erp has retired as professor of civil law and European Private Law at Maastricht University. On the occasion of his retirement a group of international authors have come together to prepare and offer him a book to commemorate this occasion.
Akkermans / Berlee ‘Sjef-Sache’ jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Part I Comparative Law and Methodology; (Normative) Models of Property Law – Using Van Erp’s Framework to Advance Sustainable Property Law (Bram Akkermans); The Nature of Comparing (Jill Robbie); The Role of Comparative Law in European Private Law: A Janus-Faced Enterprise? (Luisa Antoniolli); The Common Patterns of Property Law: a Principled Perspective on the Reform of Belgian Property Law (Vincent Sagaert); The Argentine Civil and Commercial Code (2015) and the Contract of Fideicomiso: Mapping a De- to Re-Codification Experience (Agustín Parise); Global and National Property Law – Osmosis, Antagonism, or a Middle Ground? (Amnon Lehavi); Spirits of Law from the Girdle of Emerald – On Adat and Custom in Indonesian, Dutch and Comparative Law (Michael Milo); Part II Concept of Property; Reflections on the Fluidity of Ownership – An Essay in Honour of Sjef van Erp (Elsabé van der Sijde); The Metamorphosis of the Right to Property (James Gordley); Vermogensongelijkheid: heeft het goederenrecht een antwoord op Piketty? (Jan Smits); Is Our Concept of Property Sustainable? – A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective (Katja Zimmermann); Part III Patrimonial Law; Lindenbaum/Cohen in de Bouillonstraat (Gerrit van Maanen); Wonderen verwachten van crisiscontractenrecht? (Ton Hartlief); Pandbelening, gestolen goederen en derdenbescherming (Jan Biemans); Limitation Periods and Works of Art (Lars van Vliet); Property Torts and the Restatements (Peter B Kutner); Part IV Legal translations; Uniform Legal Languages and Comparative Law: Seeking for the National Criptotypes (Elena Ioriatti); Between Pragmatism and Perfectionism in Legal Translation (Patrick O’Callaghan); Part V Security Rights; Fixtures, Accessories and the MAC-Protocol – The Cape Town Convention Touches Ground (Eva-Maria Kieninger); Retention of Title Clauses, Their Enforceability and the Free Movement of Goods (Björn Hoops); Securing Debt in a World Without Collateral (Willem Loof); Part VI Notariat and Land Registration; Het Nederlandse Notariaat in een Stroomversnelling (Leon Verstappen); Land Register: ‘Title by Registration’ or ‘Principle of Good Faith’? (Monika Hinteregger); Landregistratiedata – Van wie, voor wie en waarvoor? (Jacques Vos); Part VII Succession; Disinheritance in an Ageing Society (Antoni Vaquer); Reflections on “nemo pro parte testatus pro parte intestatus decedere potest” (Reinhard Zimmermann); Part VIII Marital Property Law; De Objectieve Conflictregels van de EU Verordening Huwelijksvermogensstelsels (Sabine Heijning); Part IX Property and Technology; “Data Property”: Entitlements Between “Ownership”, Factual Control and Access to Commons (Christine Godt); Comparative Law and Legal Issues Arising From Distributed Ledgers and Smart Contracts (Jasper Verstappen); Digital Property and the Law Reformer – An Essay in Honor of Professor Sjef van Erp (Christopher K. Odinet); The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4iR) and the Law: Challenges and
Opportunities (Wian Erlank); Rights in Co-Generated Data – A New Data Ownership Debate? (Christiane C. Wendehorst); Part X Sjef in Data; A Digital Selfie (Gijs van Dijck); 01010011011010100110010101100110 (Anna Berlee)

The Contributors: Bram Akkermans, Luisa Antoniolli, Anna Berlee, Jan Biemans, Gijs van Dijck, Wian Erlank, Christine Godt, James Gordley, Ton Hartlief, Sabine Heijning, Monika Hinteregger, Björn Hoops, Elena Ioriatti, Eva-Maria Kieninger, Peter B Kutner, Amnon Lehavi, Willem Loof, Gerrit van Maanen, Michael Milo, Patrick O’Callaghan, Christopher K. Odinet, Agustín Parise, Jill Robbie, Vincent Sagaert, Elsabé van der Sijde, Jan Smits, Antoni Vaquer, Jasper Verstappen, Leon Verstappen, Lars van Vliet, Jacques Vos, Christiane C. Wendehorst, Katja Zimmermann and Reinhard Zimmermann.

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