Alavi | The Sepoys and the Company | Buch | 978-0-19-564595-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 139 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 369 g


The Sepoys and the Company

Tradition and Transition in Northern India 1770-1830
Erscheinungsjahr 1999
ISBN: 978-0-19-564595-8
Verlag: Oxford University Press

Tradition and Transition in Northern India 1770-1830

Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 139 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 369 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-564595-8
Verlag: Oxford University Press

This work examines the factors that the British utilized when forming the East India Company's Bengal Army in the period 1770-1830. Kinship groups, diet, and caste played as important a part as the more practical financial incentives provided by pension schemes and invalid pay, in providing a loyal high-status army for the emerging colonial authority.

Professor Alavi examines the factors used by the British when forming the East India Company's Bengal Army in the period 1770-1830. Kinship groups, diet, and caste played as important a part as the more practical financial incentives offered by pension schemes and invalid pay in providing a loyal high-status army for the emerging colonial authority.

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