Aldouby | SHIFTING INTERFACES | Buch | 978-94-6270-225-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 230 mm, Gewicht: 992 g



Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 230 mm, Gewicht: 992 g

ISBN: 978-94-6270-225-7

account of media art issues in the early 21st century

Early 21st century media arts are addressing the
anxieties of an age shadowed by ubiquitous surveillance, big data profiling,
and globalised translocations of people. Altogether, they tap the overwhelming
changes in our lived experience of self, body, and intersubjective relations. Shifting Interfaces addresses current
exciting exchanges between art, science, and emerging technologies,
highlighting a range of concerns that currently prevail in the field of media
arts. This book provides an up-to-date perspective on the field, with a
considerable representation of art-based research gaining salience in media art
studies. The collection attends to art projects interrogating the destabilisation
of identity and the breaching of individual privacy, the rekindled interest in
phenomenology and in the neurocognitive workings of empathy, and the routes of
interconnectivity beyond the human in the age of the Internet of Things. Offering
a diversity of perspectives, ranging from purely theoretical to art-based
research, and from aesthetics to social and cultural critique, this volume will
be of great value for readers interested in contemporary art,
art-science-technology interfaces, visual culture, and cultural studies.

Contributors: Hava
Aldouby (The Open University of Israel), Grant Bollmer (North Carolina State
University / University of Sydney), Andrea Pinotti (University of Milan), Daniel
H. Landau (Aalto University / Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya), Wendy Jo Coones (Danube University Krems), Paul Sermon (University
of Brighton), Ryszard Kluszczynski (University of Lodz), Derek Curry (Northeastern
University, Boston), Jennifer Gradecki (SUNY Buffalo / Northeastern University,
Boston), Tsila Hassine (Shenkar College of Engineering and Design /
Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne), Ziv Neeman (independent scholar), Manuela Naveau (Ars
Electronica, Linz), Aaron Burton (University of Wollongong), Yvonne Volkart (Academy of Art and Design, FHNW Basel), Jens Hauser
(IKK & Medical Museion, Copenhagen University), Adam Brown (Michigan State
University), Jonas Jørgensen (IT University of Copenhagen), Olga Kisseleva
(Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
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Weitere Infos & Material


Shift­ing Interfaces

Hava Aldouby

I Immersion, Empathy, and Presence: Manipulating
the Boundaries of Self and Body

Immersion to Empathy: The Legacy of Einfühlung
in Virtual Reality and Digital Art

Grant Bollmer


Shi­fting Identities in a Genealogical Perspective

Andrea Pinotti

Yourself in Virtual Reality: A Performative Experiment in Self-Compassion

Daniel Landau

Art and
Presence: Investigating Embodiment in a Virtual Art Gallery

Hava Aldouby

Objective Empathy in Telematic Space

Paul Sermon

Mediation Through Media Arts

Wendy Coones

II Subjects of Surveillance: Reclaiming Human
Agency in the Big Data Universe

Poetics: An Artistic Critique of Rational Judgment

Derek Curry and Jennifer Gradecki

Shmoogle: A Critical Twist on Search Engine Ideology

Ziv Neeman and Tsila Hassine

Time: The Art of Collective Memory

Ryszard W. Kluszczynski

The Logic
of Participation in Digital Art and Network Culture

Manuela Naveau

Aesthetic Strategies
in the Wasteocene

Yvonne Volkart

III Bacteria and Smart Objects: Presences Beyond
the Human

Bacteria: An Epistemological Art/Science Interface

Jens Hauser


Adam W. Brown

From So­
Sculpture to So­ Robotics: Retracing Entropic Aesthetics of the Life-like

Jonas Jørgensen

Mortes, Live Data: The Art Object in the IoT Era

Tsila Hassine, Olga Kisseleva

Imaging of the Anthropocene

Aaron Burton

List of



Aldouby, Hava
Hava Aldouby is senior lecturer in Art History at the Open University of Israel, Department of Language, Literature, and the Arts, and artistic director of the Open University Gallery.

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