Alexander / Bluman / Greisberg | Advanced Reconstruction: Foot and Ankle 2: Print + Ebook | Buch | 978-1-9751-2267-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 267 mm, Gewicht: 1678 g

Reihe: AAOS - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Alexander / Bluman / Greisberg

Advanced Reconstruction: Foot and Ankle 2: Print + Ebook

Buch, Englisch, 500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 267 mm, Gewicht: 1678 g

Reihe: AAOS - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

ISBN: 978-1-9751-2267-6
Verlag: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Confer with leading surgeons on the most effective way to solve complex surgical problems. - 110+ pioneering surgeons share tips, pearls, and strategies
- Step-by-step guidance for 65+ challenging techniques
- 600+ illustrations demonstrate crucial details
Developed in collaboration with the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS), this techniques-oriented resource puts the expertise and wisdom of top surgeons at your fingertips.

Sections include: - Conditions of the Hallux
- Conditions of the Lesser Toes
- Adult-Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
- Degenerative Conditions of the Ankle
- Amputations
- Sports-Related Conditions
- Diabetic Conditions
- Trauma
- Neurologic Disorders
Techniques chapters are clearly organized for efficient pre-surgical review: - Indications
- Contraindications
- Alternative Treatments
- Results
- Techniques
- Setup and exposure
- Instruments / equipment / implants required
- Procedure
- Wound Closure
- Postoperative Regimen
- Avoiding Pitfalls and Complications
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience - Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
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Alexander / Bluman / Greisberg Advanced Reconstruction: Foot and Ankle 2: Print + Ebook jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1 - Conditions of the Hallux
Editor: Ian J. Alexander, MD

Hallux Rigidus
Chapter 1: Surgical Decision Making for Advanced Hallux Rigidus
Jeffrey Junko, MD

Chapter 2: Cheilectomy for Late-Stage Hallux Rigidus
Kenneth J. Hunt, MD
Chapter 3: Complex First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis for Revision of Failed First Metatarsophalangeal Procedures
Joel M. Davis, MD; Stuart D. Miller, MD

Hallux Valgus
Chapter 4: Preserving the Length of the First Metatarsal in Surgical Management of Hallux Valgus
Christopher Chiodo, MD

Chapter 5: Revision Joint-Sparing Surgery for Hallux Valgus: Solutions for Salvage of Failed Surgery for Hallux Valgus
Sigvard T. Hansen, Jr, MD; Michael E. Brage, MD; Michael D. Johnson, MD

Section 2: Conditions of the Lesser Toes
Editor: Ian J. Alexander, MD
Chapter 6: Metatarsal Osteotomy to Manage Metatarsal Prominence
Donald R. Bohay, MD; John G. Anderson, MD; Nicholas A. Cheney, DO
Cuchulain Luke Rust, MD

Chapter 7: Strategies for Managing Complications of Osteotomies of the Lesser Metatarsals
Hans-Jörg Trnka, MD; Reinhard Schuh, MD

Chapter 8: Closing Wedge Osteotomy for Freiberg Infraction
Paul G. Talusan, MD; John S. Reach, Jr, MSc, MD

Chapter 9: Plantar Plate Repair and Reconstruction for Lesser Metatarsophalangeal Instability
Caio Nery, MD; Ian J. Alexander, MD

Chapter 10: Ganglions of the Lesser Toes
Thomas C. Dowd, MD

Section 3 - Adult-Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Editor: Ian J. Alexander, MD

Chapter 11: Surgical Decision Making in the Adult-Acquired Flatfoot
Mark J. Berkowitz, MD; Brian G. Donley, MD

Chapter 12: Residual Forefoot Supination Following Correction of Adult-Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Jeffrey E. Johnson, MD; Jeremy J. McCormick, MD

Chapter 13: Rigid Flatfoot with Compromised Soft Tissues
Anand M. Vora, MD; Mark S. Myerson, MD; Clifford L. Jeng, MD

Chapter 14: Adult-Acquired Flatfoot Deformity with Substantial Uncovering of the Talar Head
Scott M. Holthusen, MD; Bruce J. Sangeorzan, MD

Chapter 15: Spring Ligament Insufficiency Reconstruction for Adult-Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Jonathan Deland, MD

Section 4 - Degenerative Conditions of the Ankle
Editor: Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD

Chapter 16: Subtalar Arthrodesis After Ankle Fusion
Ian J. Alexander, MD

Chapter 17: Ankle Distraction Arthroplasty with External Fixation
Douglas Beaman, MD

Chapter 18: Joint-Sparing Treatment of Ankle Arthritis with Coronal Plane Deformity
Beat Hintermann, MD; Markus Knupp, MD; Alexej Barg, MD

Chapter 19: Total Ankle Allograft Reconstruction in Patients with Ankle Arthritis
Michael E. Brage, MD; Keri R. Zickuhr, MD; Michael D. Johnson, MD

Chapter 20: Revision Ankle Arthrodesis
Christopher Bibbo, DO, FACS

Chapter 21: Total Ankle Arthroplasty Design
Victor Valderrabano, MD, PhD; Alexej Barg, MD

Chapter 22: Effects of Total Ankle Arthroplasty Malalignment
Norman Espinosa, MD

Chapter 23: Takedown of Ankle Fusion and Conversion to Ankle Replacement
Justin K. Greisberg, MD; Sigvard T. Hansen, Jr, MD

Chapter 24: Alignment in Total Ankle Arthroplasty with Coronal Plane Deformity: Bony and Ligamentous
Mark E. Easley, MD

Chapter 25: Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Managing Osteolysis and Subsidence
James A. Nunley, MD

Chapter 26: Converting Failed Ankle Arthroplasty to Arthrodesis
David Thordarson, MD; Deborah Castañeda, MD

Ankle Fusion
Chapter 27: Ankle Fusion in the Setting of Bone Loss
Nicholas T. Haddock, MD; L. Scott Levin, MD; Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD
Keith L. Wapner, MD

Section 5 - Amputations
Editor: Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD

Chapter 28: The Pirogoff Amputation
Aernout R. J. Langeveld, MD; Duncan E. Meuffels, MD, PhD; Marco T. C. Hoedt, MD

Chapter 29: Syme Ankle Disarticulation
Michael S. Pinzur, MD; Adam P. Schiff, MD

Chapter 30: Revision Transtibial Amputation: The Ertl Procedure
Scott B. Shawen, MD; Adam T. Groth, MD; Benjamin K. Potter, MD

Section 6 - Sports-Related Conditions
Editor: Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD

Chapter 31: Nonneuromuscular Flexible Pes Cavus
D. Joshua Mayich, MD; Timothy R. Daniels, MD

Chapter 32: Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Approach Through Medial Malleolar Osteotomies
David B. Thordarson, MD; Steve Kang, MD

Chapter 33: Lateral Approaches to Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus for Open Osteochondral Grafting
Thomas C. Dowd, MD; Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD

Chapter 34: Surgical Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus Using Autograft from the Ipsilateral
Jeremy T. Smith, MD; Michael G. Wilson, MD, MBA

Chapter 35: Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Sandro Giannini, MD; Marco Cavallo, MD

Chapter 36: Matrix-Based Reconstruction of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus with or Without Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation
Markus Walther, MD

Chapter 37: Particulate Juvenile Cartilage Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Cassandra A. Lee, MD; Eric W. Tan, MD; Eric Giza, MD; Lew C. Schon, MD

Chapter 38: Structural Allograft for Large Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Steven M. Raikin, MD; Brian S. Winters, MD

Chapter 39: Allograft Mosaicplasty
Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD

Chapter 40: Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries
M. Mustafa Gomberawalla, MD; Anish R. Kadakia, MD
Chapter 41: Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Using Allograft
Norman Espinosa, MD; Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD

Chapter 42: Peroneal Tendon Reconstruction
Keith L. Wapner, MD; David Redfern, FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Chapter 43: Management of Anteromedial Impingement of the Ankle
Arthur Manoli II, MD

Chapter 44: Reconstruction of Ruptured Achilles Tendon
Carroll P. Jones, MD; J. Kent Ellington, MD

Chapter 45: Navicular Stress Fracture
John N. Tennant, MD, MPH; Annunziato Amendola, MD

Chapter 46: Subtalar Arthroscopy
Richard D. Ferkel, MD; Tristan Altbuch, MD

Chapter 47: Posterior Ankle Endoscopy
Florian Nickisch, MD; Chris Pearce, MBChB, FRCS; Phinit Phisitkul, MD; Brad D. Blankenhorn, MD

Chapter 48: Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
William McGarvey, MD; Richard Beaver, MD

Chapter 49: Nonunion of the Fifth Metatarsal: Inlay Technique
George B. Holmes, Jr, MD

Section 7 - Diabetic Conditions
Editor: Justin K. Greisberg, MD

Chapter 50: Reconstruction of Charcot Midfoot Deformity With Realignment and Arthrodesis
Vincent J. Sammarco, MD

Chapter 51: Ankle Fractures in Patients With Diabetic Neuropathy
Jeffrey E. Johnson, MD; Sandra E. Klein, MD

Section 8 - Trauma
Editor: Justin K. Greisberg, MD

Traumatic Conditions of the Midfoot
Chapter 52: Management of Arthritis of the Fourth and Fifth Tarsometatarsal Joints
Scott B. Shawen, MD; Robert B. Anderson, MD

Chapter 53: Spanning Fixation of Lisfranc Joint Injuries
Bruce Cohen, MD

Chapter 54: Arthrodesis of the Tarsometatarsal Joint for Acute Midfoot Injuries
J. Chris Coetzee, MD

Chapter 55: Cuboid-Spanning Internal Fixation
Stephen K. Benirschke, MD; Patricia Ann Kramer, PhD

Chapter 56: Massive Bone Loss as a Result of Blast Trauma
Adam T. Groth, MD; MAJ Tobin T. Eckel, MD; Scott B. Shawen, MD

Traumatic Conditions of the Ankle
Chapter 57: Anterolateral Approach to Pilon Fractures
Michael P. Clare, MD

Chapter 58: Dual Plating of Pilon Fractures
Roy W. Sanders, MD; John P. Ketz, MD

Chapter 59: Posterior Approach for Posterior Pilon Fractures
Justin K. Greisberg, MD

Chapter 60: Malunion of the Talus
Stefan Rammelt, MD, PhD; Hans Zwipp, MD, PhD

Chapter 61: Fractures of the Lateral Process of the Talus
Mark Drakos, MD; Mark J. Berkowitz, MD

Chapter 62: Revision Ankle Open Reduction and Internal Fixation: Fibular Lengthening
Arthur K. Walling, MD; Scott A. Swanson, MD

Chapter 63: Subtalar Distraction Arthrodesis
Steven K. Neufeld, MD

Chapter 64: Sesamoid Excision
Justin Weatherall, MD; Robert B. Anderson, MD

Section 9 - Neurologic Disorders
Editor: Justin K. Greisberg, MD

Chapter 65: Flexible Deformity in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
Kelly L. Apostle, MD, FRCSC; Bruce J. Sangeorzan, MD

Chapter 66: Rigid Deformity in Adult Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
James J. Sferra, MD; Eva Umoh Asomugha, MD

Chapter 67: The Bridle Procedure for the Management of Dorsiflexion Paralysis of the Foot
Raoul P. Rodriguez, MD

Chapter 68: Split Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer
David R. Richardson, MD; Norfleet B. Thompson, MD

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