Alsop / Bencze / Pedretti | Analysing Exemplary Science Teaching | Buch | 978-0-335-22403-6 |

Buch, Englisch

Alsop / Bencze / Pedretti

Analysing Exemplary Science Teaching

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22403-6
Verlag: Open University Press

"I read lots of books in which science education researchers tell science teachers how to teach. This book, refreshingly, is written the other way round.

We read a number of accounts by outstanding science and technology teachers of how they use new approaches to teaching to motivate their students and maximise their learning. These accounts are then followed by some excellent

analyses from leading academics. I learnt a lot from reading this book."

Professor Michael Reiss, Institute of Education, University of London

"Provides an important new twist on one of the enduring problems of case-based learning. This is a book that deserves careful reading and re-reading, threading back and forwards from the immediate and practical images of excellence in the teachers’ cases to the comprehensive and

scholarly analyses in the researchers’ thematic chapters."

Professor William Louden, Edith Cowan University, Australia

Through a celebration of teaching and research, this book explores exemplary practice in science education and fuses educational theory and classroom practice in

unique ways.

Analysing Exemplary Science Teaching brings together twelve academics, ten innovative

teachers and three exceptional students in a conversation about teaching and learning.

Teachers and students describe some of their most noteworthy classroom practice,

whilst scholars of international standing use educational theory to discuss, define and

analyse the documented classroom practice.

Classroom experiences are directly linked with theory by a series of annotated

comments. This distinctive web-like structure enables the reader to actively move

between practice and theory, reading about classroom innovation and then theorizing

about the basis and potential of this teaching approach.

Providing an international perspective, the special lessons described and analysed are

drawn from middle and secondary schools in the UK, Canada and Australia. This book

is an invaluable resource for preservice and inservice teacher education, as well as for

graduate studies. It is of interest to a broad spectrum of individuals, including training

teachers, teachers, researchers, administrators and curriculum coordinators in science

and technology education.
Alsop / Bencze / Pedretti Analysing Exemplary Science Teaching jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

List of contributors

Foreword: Exemplary practice as exemplary research
William F. McComas

General Preface


INTRODUCTION: Creating possibilities¦Steve Alsop, Erminia Pedretti and Larry Bencze

PART 1: Accounts of Exemplary practice

Account 1: Kidney function and dysfunction: enhancing an understanding of science and the impact on society ¦Keith Hicks

Account 2: Episodes in physics ¦George Alex Przywolnik

Account 3: Recollections of organic chemistry¦ Josie Ellis

Account 4: The science class of tomorrow? ¦Richard Rennie and Kim Edwards

Account 5: Science with a human touch: historical vignettes in the teaching and learning of science¦Karen Kettle

Account 6: Exploring the nature of science: re-interpreting Burgess Shale fossils ¦Katherine Bellomo

Account 7: Motivating the unmotivated: relevance and empowerment through a town hall debate ¦Susan A. Yoon

Account 8: Mentoring students towards independent scientific inquiry ¦ Alex Corry

Account 9: Learning to do science ¦Gabriel Ayyavoo, Vivien Tzau and Desmond Ngai

Account 10: Practice drives theory: An integrated approach in technological education ¦James Johnston

PART 2: Account Analysis

Analysis 1: Challenging traditional views of the nature of science and scientific inquiry¦Derek Hodson

Analysis 2: Developing arguments ¦Sibel Erduran and Jonathan Osborne

Analysis 3: STSE Education: principles and practices ¦Erminia Pedretti

Analysis 4: Conceptual development ¦Keith Taber

Analysis 5: Problem-based, contextualised learning¦ Ann Marie Hill and Howard Smith

Analysis 6: Motivational beliefs and classroom contextual factors: exploring affect in accounts of exemplary practice¦Steve Alsop

Analysis 7: Instructional technologies, technocentrism and science education ¦Jim Hewitt

Analysis 8: Reading accounts: central themes in science teachers' descriptions of exemplary teaching practice ¦John Wallace

Analysis 9: Equity in science teaching and learning: the inclusive science curriculum¦Leonie Rennie

Analysis 10: School science for/against social justice¦ Larry Bencze

PART 3: Possibilities, accounts, hypertext and theoretical lenses

Reflection 1: Voices and viewpoints: what have we learned about exemplary science teaching?¦ Erminia Pedretti, Larry Bencze and Steve Alsop

Reflection 2: Integrating educational resources into school science praxis¦ Larry Bencze, Steve Alsop and Erminia Pedretti



Steve Alsop is an associate dean in the Faculty of Education, York University Canada, coordinating research and continuing professional development. Previously he directed the Centre for Learning and Research in Science Education [CLARISE] at the University of Surrey Roehampton, England; where he now holds the position of senior honorary research fellow. Steve has taught in primary and secondary schools in London, England. His research interests include affective, cognitive and epistemological issues in science education, science teacher education and internationalisation. Recent publications include; Alsop, S. and Hicks, K. (Eds.) (2002) Teaching Science. Kogan Page and Alsop, S. (Ed.) (in press) Beyond Cartesian Dualism: Encountering affect in the teaching and learning of science. Kluwer Academic Press.

Gabriel Ayyavoo (B.Sc., BEd., M.Ed.) is currently a science instructor at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. He has 18 years experience as a science teacher in Singapore and Canada. Much of his work involves promotion of student-driven science projects. Among his various activities along those lines, he is the Toronto regional coordinator for students' participation in the Canada Wide Science Fair and non-school settings.

Katherine Bellomo has been a science educator for 25 years. She has taught Science in a variety of high schools in Ontario, Canada and has been a department head and curriculum consultant for a large urban school board. Currently she teaches in the pre-service (Bachelor of Education) program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto where she is also a doctoral candidate. She has an interest is the challenges that teachers face as they construct biology curriculum, with a focus on social justice issues, for a diverse student population.

Larry Bencze (B.Sc., MSc., B.Ed., Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor in science education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Prior to this, he worked as a secondary school science teacher for eleven years and a science consultant for a school district. Larry's research programme involves development and studies of students' opportunities to be engaged in realistic contexts of knowledge building in science and technology, along with relevant pedagogical considerations.

Alex Corry (B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed.) is current a vice-principal in a secondary school in Markham, Ontario. Prior to that, he worked for several years as a teacher of science and has served as a science department head for two different school districts in Ontario. He has been, and continues to be, a major proponent of student-led science project work. As a school administrator, he current work is focused around instructional leadership, building community capacity, and assessment and evaluation practices.

Kim Edwards is Head of Lower School in Presbyterian Ladies' College [PLC]. Situated in Perth, Western Australia, PLC is a K-12 girls' school with an enrolment of approximately 1000 students. Kim has a wide range of pedagogical interests including the use of Technology Enhanced Learning.

Josie Ellis excelled at Advanced level Sciences and English at Elliott School in London. She is currently an undergraduate reading English at a University in the UK. She continues to bridge the “two cultures” with a particular interest in science and the media.

Sibel Erduran is a Lecturer in Science Education at the University of Bristol. She received her PhD in science education from Vanderbilt University, MS in Food Chemistry from Cornell University and BA in Chemistry from Northwestern University. She taught high school chemistry in Cyprus, and had research and teaching experience at University of Pittsburgh and King's College, University of London. Her research interests include cognitive and epistemological issues in science education.

Ann Marie Hill (Ph.D., Ohio State) is Professor of Education and

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