Ariffin / Abdullah / Ali | Fracture and Strength of Solids VII | Buch | 978-0-87849-210-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 1484 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 2800 g

Ariffin / Abdullah / Ali

Fracture and Strength of Solids VII

Erscheinungsjahr 2011
ISBN: 978-0-87849-210-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Buch, Englisch, 1484 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 2800 g

ISBN: 978-0-87849-210-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).This two-volume set of 339 peer-reviewed papers covers the broad areas of Composite, Polymer and Ceramic Materials, Fracture Mechanics and Mechanisms, Materials, Mechanical Structure, Strength and Dynamics, Interface Failure and Failure Analysis, Nano-Mechanics and Structures, Damage and Failure, Structural Design and Optimisation, Fatigue and Crack Propagation, Materials Modelling and Computation, Concrete, Rock and Soil, Dynamic Fracture and Impact, Erosion and Corrosion, Smart Materials and Structures, Biomechanics and Other Novel Methods of Computer Modelling in Engineering and Science.
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Preface, Acknowledgements, Committee
Mechanical Behavior of 2D C/SiC Composites at Elevated Temperatures under Uniaxial Compression
Newly Designed Adhesive Joint for Torque Loaded Tube
Comparing Study of Energy-Absorbing Behavior for Honeycomb Structures
Electrically Conductive Fibers/Yarns with Sensing Behavior from PVA and Carbon Black
Fracture and Plasticity in Nano-Porous Particle-Polymer Composites
The Effect of Aging and the Protective Coating on the Oxidation Behavior of 6061Al/SiC Composite at High Temperatures
Fatigue Damage Mechanism Analyses of Oriented Sheets of Polymethyl Methacrylate Glasses
An Approach for Landslide Stability Evaluation by Numerical Method
The Stress and Strain Concentrations Associated with Two Interacting Holes in a Finite Thickness Elastic Plate Subjected to Tensile Stress
Crack Closure Behavior under High-Load Ratio for AISI 4340 Steel
Analytical Concepts for Recent Development in Fatigue Crack Growth under Variable Amplitude Loading. Part I: Qualitative Interpretation
Effect of Static Pre-Strain on Low Cycle Fatigue Life of AISI 316L Stainless Steel
Effect of Ni Content on Dissolution Properties of Cu in Molten Sn-Ag-Cu-Ni-Ge Alloy
Analysis of Stress-Strain Hysteresis Loop and Prediction of Thermal Fatigue Life for Chip Size Package Solder Joints
Effect of Ag Content on Mechanical Properties of Lead-Free Sn-Ag-Cu-Ni-Ge Alloy
Buckling Analysis and Optimization of Stiffened Cylindrical Shells under Uniform Axial Compression
Influence of Strength Level of Steels on Fatigue Strength and Fracture Morphology of Spot Welded Joints
Effect of Material Composition on Mechanical Properties of Ceramics-Metal Composite Materials
Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis by a Digital Image Correlation Method and the Three-Dimensional Local Hybrid Method
Development of the Auto Mesh Generation Program for a Digital Image Correlation Method
Damage Assessment of a Structure by a Digital Image Correlation Method
Vibrational Fatigue Analysis of a Strain Loading Using the Frequency and Wavelet Filtering Methods
Analysis of an Instrumented Charpy Impact Using Power Spectrum Density
Effect of Notched Parameters on Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Shaft with Annular Notch under Cantilever Bending
Calculation Stress Intensity Factor for Asphalt Pavement Basing on Weight Function Theory
Influence of Processing Parameters on Electrophoretically Deposited La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-d Films
On the Crack Propagation Trajectory of Central Cracked Plates under Mixed Mode Loading Conditions
Finite Element Analysis of Indentation Cracks for Brittle Materials under Static Loading
Effect of Notched Parameters on Stress Field of Shaft under Torsional Loading
Effects of Locations of Adhesive Hollows on Interfacial Stress
Propagation Behavior of Interfacial Fatigue Cracks in RC Beams Strengthened with Pre-Stressed FRP
Analysis of Concrete Early-Age Shrinkage Based on the Theory of Humidity Diffusion
Fatigue Strength Degradation by Irreversible Hydrogen in Cold Drawn Eutectoid Steels
Stress Distribution Analysis on Four Types of Stress Corrosion Cracking Specimen
Elastic-Plastic Flange Wrinkling of Circular Plates in Deep Drawing Process
Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics under Hot-Wet Environment
Comparison on Compressive Behaviour of Aluminium Honeycomb and Titanium Alloy Micro Lattice Blocks
Analysis of Mechanical Performance of Crumb Rubber Concrete by Different Aggregate Shape under Uniaxial Compression on Mesoscopic
Optimising Real-Time Performance of Genetic Algorithm Clustering Method
Pre and Post Processing for Boundary Element Method (BEM) 3D Reinforced Concrete Corrosion Simulation
Durability Assessment of Quad Flat No-Lead Package Using Signal Analysis
Inelastic Seismic Response of RC Building with Control System
Effect of Interfacial Reaction in Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Alloy with Ni Addition
Study on Joint Deflection of Existing Joint Plain Concrete Pavement upon Adoption of Hot Mixture Asphalt Overlay
Effect of Beam Height on Elastic Impact Load Subjected to Transverse Impact of Bar
Performance of the Casing-Plug Joints of Square Steel Tube Structures
Out-of-Plane Secondary Bifurcation Buckling Behavior of Elastic Circle Pipe Arch
Fracture Analyses for Interface Corners in Elastic Materials Subjected to Thermal Loading
Necking Prediction in Tube Hydroforming by Stress-Based Forming Limit Diagrams
Finite Element Analysis of 4-Step 3-Dimensional Braided Composite Structure under High Velocity Impact
Experimental Investigation of Residual Thermal Stress in Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC)
Numerical Analysis of Elastoplastic Behavior of Foams with Ellipsoidal Pores
Effect of Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Addition on Wear and Mechanical Properties of Al-Si Alloy Composites Fabricated by Stir Casting Process
Characterisations of Cu-Based Coated Al7075 via Plasma-Spray Technique
Stability Analyses of an Earth Dam Using Limit Equilibrium and Finite Element Methods
Premature Failure of Gas Turbine Blade
A New Realization on Electro-Elastic Love Waves In Piezoelectric Layered Solids
The Development of Validation Technique in Variable Amplitude Loadings Strain Repetitive Data Collection
Micro-Hardness and Residual Stress Relaxation of 2024 T351 Aluminum Alloy
The Resistance of Metallic Sandwich Plates to Blast Loading
Effect of Aqueous Environment on High Cycle and Very-High-Cycle Fatigue Behavior fo

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