Arnott / Atherley / Pye | Introduction to Community Nursing Practice | Buch | 978-0-335-24472-0 |

Buch, Englisch

Arnott / Atherley / Pye

Introduction to Community Nursing Practice

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24472-0
Verlag: Open University Press

“On every page the work of the community nurse shines through. Exercises, a reflective commentary and case studies provide an integral link between the ‘real world’ of practice and the underpinning knowledge and critical thinking necessary to become an effective and evidence-based community nurse. This is an excellent, practical and informative book that is already poised to become the leading resource in its field.”

John Keady, Professor of Older People’s Mental Health Nursing, The University of Manchester/Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK

This new textbook is perfect for understanding how community nursing works, and how to work effectively in community settings. The skills required to work with the challenges of community nurse activities are clearly introduced, from working in people’s homes, working with carers, developing assessment skills to working with other professionals.

By drawing on vivid case studies set in the fictional town of Chettlesbridge, the authors skilfully bring to life the world of community nursing practice enabling you to apply new learning to real situations.

Key features:

- Includes patient case studies, practical tips, bullet lists, sample worksheets, examples and simple visual aids

- Provides chapters with a series of guided exercises to stimulate a deeper level of reflection and discussion

- Covers areas such as working with vulnerable groups and working with carers and their families

Introduction to Community Nursing Practice is key reading for pre-registration nurses undertaking modules that cover community nursing, community care, and undertaking community based placements. It will also help student nurses from the mental health, child and learning disabilities pathways where health care in the community setting is part of the curriculum.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Jane Arnott is Senior Lecturer and the Professional Lead for Community Nursing at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

Siobhan Atherley is Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

Sarah Pye is Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

Joanne Kelly is a Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

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