As You Like It | Buch | 978-93-87472-47-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Paperback

As You Like It

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-93-87472-47-1
Verlag: PHI Learning

A pastoral comedy written by William Shakespeare, As You Like It is regarded as one of his greatest comedies for more than four centuries now. The play is set up mostly in the Forest of Arden, and it narrates the story of Rosalind and Celia's experiences with disguises and desires. While the readers also remain engaged with the issues of primogeniture and exile informing the tensions between the two sets of brothers Oliver Orlando and Duke Senior (Ferdinand)-Duke Frederick, respectively, the play’s true captivating nature is lent by characters like Audrey, Silvius, Phoebe and Adam, who come from the lower social strata. The play ends on a note of forgiveness, reunion and understanding. The analysis of ‘The idea of the pastoral’ and ‘The operations of gender’, both the primary subjects of criticism, have been given a special focus in the two extremely informative critical essays included at the end of the book.

Key Features - Fully-annotated text explained in an easy-to-understand language.
- Detailed introduction to the play encourages readers to critically examine the background and the various aspects of the play.
- Act-wise Summary given at the end of each Act.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Introduction
- Text with Annotations and Commentary
- Critical Essays
- The Golden Arden: Pastoralism and Comedy in As You Like It
- Gendering As You Like It: Text and Performance
- References

Kashish Dua is Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University. She has worked as a Teaching Assistant for the MHRD, Government of India funded NPTEL online certification course, ‘The Renaissance and Shakespeare’. She has also extensively contributed in the development of e-lessons for the undergraduate courses of Delhi University’s the Institute of Life Long Learning. She is currently engaged in research on gender studies.

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