Ashalatha / Deepa | Practice Workbook in Anatomy and Physiology | Buch | 978-93-5152-535-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 170 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 250 g

Ashalatha / Deepa

Practice Workbook in Anatomy and Physiology

Buch, Englisch, 170 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 250 g

ISBN: 978-93-5152-535-6
Verlag: JP Medical

Ashalatha / Deepa Practice Workbook in Anatomy and Physiology jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction to Human Body

2. Introduction to Chemistry of Life

3A. Organization of Human Body—Cellular Level

3B. Organization of Human Body—Tissue Level

4. Blood

5. Lymphatic System

6. Resistance and Immunity

7. Nervous System

8A. Musculoskeletal System—Muscular System

8B. Musculoskeletal System—Skeletal System

8C. Musculoskeletal System—Joints

9. Respiratory System

10A. Cardiovascular System—Heart

10B. Cardiovascular System—Blood Vessels

11. Digestive System

12. Urinary System

13. Introduction to Genetics

14. Reproductive System

15. Endocrine System

16. Special Senses

17. Skin and Temperature Regulation

18. Introduction to Nutrition

Model Question Papers (Physiology)


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