Aston / Strouther | The Student Nurse Handbook | Buch | 978-0-335-24476-8 |

Buch, Englisch

Aston / Strouther

The Student Nurse Handbook

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24476-8
Verlag: Open University Press

“The Student Nurse Handbook not only answers the questions you have, it also answers the questions you have not thought of. yet”

Zoe Wilkes, Director of Placement Learning, University of Hull, UK

“This invaluable book brings together a wealth of good advice and experience. It contains a wide range of information which is not readily available in any other single source and will be extremely useful for students in preparing for practice placement.”

Dr. Heidi Cheung, Director of Placement Learning, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

By students. for students!

Co-published with the Nursing Standard, this fun and friendly guide to being a student nurse is written by student nurses for student nurses. The book offers invaluable peer to peer advice on the key challenges of the pre-registration nursing cause, based on real experiences and with commentary from two experienced nurses.

- Preparing to start a nursing programme

- Getting the most out of your placement

- Understanding the types of support available to you as a student

- How to develop your portfolio

- How to get your first job as a staff nurse

This book is an invaluable guide to anyone considering nursing as a career as well as those already pursuing a pre-registration nursing course. A must buy!
Aston / Strouther The Student Nurse Handbook jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Liz Aston is Associate Professor in the Division of Nursing at University of Nottingham, UK, where she leads Practice Learning.

Lesley Strouther is Lecturer in the Division of Nursing at the University of Nottingham, UK where she is a CFP (first year) lead for pre-registration students.

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