Aston / Wakefield / Mcgown | The Student Nurse Guide to Decision Making in Practice | Buch | 978-0-335-23906-1 |

Buch, Englisch

Aston / Wakefield / Mcgown

The Student Nurse Guide to Decision Making in Practice

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23906-1
Verlag: Open University Press

"This book is extremely enjoyable to read. The practical and real life exercises take this book to the next level and make a heavy subject enjoyable and educational. a must have guide for all student nurses."

Lisa Perraton, Student Nurse, University of Chester, UK

This practical book provides a framework to assist student nurses in developing skills as decision makers. The book uses cases and practical examples to help relate theory to practice, starting with the transition to becoming a student nurse and moving through the different stages of a pre-registration nursing course.

Key topics explored include:

- Learning to make clinical decisions

- Using knowledge to inform decisions

- Making decisions as part of a team

- Reflecting on practice and building a portfolio

- Understanding ethical and legal issues involved in decision making

- Making the transition from being a student to making clinical decisions as a registered nurse.

Clinical scenarios are used to highlight key points within the book and reflective activities are included for students to complete and use as part of their portfolio and skill development.

The Student Nurse Guide to Decision Making in Practice is designed to be used throughout the whole nursing programme, is suitable to all nursing branches and offers a useful guide for ongoing practice.


Ian Simpson, Dawn Ritchie, Anne Bacon
Aston / Wakefield / Mcgown The Student Nurse Guide to Decision Making in Practice jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Making the transition to student nurse

Using professional skills to support decision making: reflecting and learning from


Using evidence based practice to support decision making

Getting the most out of your mentor when making decisions

Making decisions as part of a team

Ethical and legal issues in decision making

Increasing complexity in decision making

From student to registered practitioner

Liz Aston is Associate Professor and Lead for Practice Learning at School of Nursing,

Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham. Jill Wakefield is a Lecturer at

the University of Nottingham. Rachel McGown is Practioner Health Lecturer at the University of Nottingham.

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