Austin / Boyd | Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing For Canadian Practice | Buch | 978-1-4511-9087-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 1076 Seiten, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1973 g

Austin / Boyd

Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing For Canadian Practice

Buch, Englisch, 1076 Seiten, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1973 g

ISBN: 978-1-4511-9087-8
Verlag: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Help your baccalaureate students develop generalist-level knowledge and skills in psychiatric and mental health nursing (PMH) with Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing for Canadian Practice, 3rd Edition. Reflecting current Canadian practices, this acclaimed book is based on the biological-psychological-sociological aspects of mental illness. Thorough chapters describe the biological foundations of psychiatric disorders and give students opportunities to apply content in every chapter.
The book’s focus on the unique elements of Canadian healthcare is enhanced by an online supplements program designed specifically for Canadian students. New to this edition are DSM-5 updates, new content on sleep disorders, integrated coverage of ethical considerations, a greater emphasis on the recovery model, and a dynamic new art program. The Third Edition enables you to:

Extend your students’ learning online with robust learning resources designed specifically for Canadian nursing students.
- Web links direct students to excellent sources of additional information on topics of interest.
- Movie/Novel/Biography suggestions provide a rich, evocative means of raising and exploring complex ideas, along with points to consider for discussion and analysis.
- Full chapter references/citations give students access to key research in the field.
- Chapter Review Questions promote critical thinking and deeper understanding of chapter concepts.
- Journal Articles, updated for this edition, offer access to current research available in LWW journals.
- ClinSim Case Studies walk students through case studies and put them in real life situations, helping them develop clinical decision-making skills.
- Movie Viewing Guides highlight films depicting individuals with mental health disorders and provide students the opportunity to approach nursing care related to mental illness in a novel way.
- Self-Study Questions help students master key concepts.
Save time planning and spend more time with your students with online Instructors’ Resources:

- Case studies provide additional real-life scenarios you can use to help students apply key concepts.
- Assignments/Activities provide a wealth of exercises and learning activities you can assign to students to help them master the topics of the course.
- Sample Syllabi help you jump start your course prep.
- PowerPoint slides speed lecture preparation.
- A robust test generator bank makes building tests and exams quick and easy.
- A complete image bank enhances lecture and exam preparation.
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