Aznar / Footer | Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Volume 4, 2012 | Buch | 978-1-84946-532-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 4, 408 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 169 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 640 g

Reihe: Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law

Aznar / Footer

Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Volume 4, 2012

Vol. 4: 2012

Buch, Englisch, Band 4, 408 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 169 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 640 g

Reihe: Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law

ISBN: 978-1-84946-532-8
Verlag: Hart Publishing

This is the fourth in the Series of Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) featuring the most important and interesting papers presented at the Fifth Biennial Conference on 'Regionalism and International Law', organised by ESIL and the University of Valencia in 2012. As usual, the best papers from that conference have been re-written, edited and drawn together by the two editors to present a perspective on what is a flourishing forum for the discussion of new ideas and scholarship on international law.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Mariano J Aznar and Mary E Footer
Part I: The History and Concept of Regionalism
1. Regionalism: From Concept to Contemporary Practice
Louise Fawcett
2. Regionalism (Re-)constructed: A Short History of a 'Latin American International Law '
Liliana Obregón
3. Comments on Fawcett and Obregón
Bernardo Sepúlveda-Amor
4. Quelques réflexions sur des concepts de régionalisme et de region
Jean Salmon
Part II: Regionalism and the Unity of International Law
5. Regionalism and the Unity of International Law from a Positivist Perspective
André de Hoogh
6. Theoretical Premises of 'Regionalism and the Unity of International Law'
Dirk Pulkowski
7. Commentaire sur de Hoogh et Pulkowski
Mathias Forteau
8. Regional Challenges to the Law of State Immunity
Philippa Webb
Part III: Regionalism, International Organisation and Integration
9. Quelques remarques à propos de la problématique de l ' intégration dans le cadre des organisations internationals à vocation universelle ou régionale: contre la dictature de la ligne droite
Jean-Marc Sorel
10. L'évolution des relations entre les Nations Unies et les organisations régionales de la Charte à nos jours
Santiago Villalpando
11. Commentaire sur Sorel et Villalpando
Karel Wellens
Part IV: Regionalism and Globalisation
12. L'impact de la globalisation sur la société internationale et son droit
Ana Peyr ó Llopis
13. New Regionalism and Global Constitutionalism: Allies, not Rivals
José Manuel Pureza
14. Commentaire sur Peyró et Pureza
Antonio Remiro Brotóns
Part V: Allocating Interests: States' Legal Policies between Universalism and Regionalism
15. The Challenge for States of Universal and Regional Cooperation
Anders Rönquist
16. Universalism and Regionalism - A Balance of Power Re-Struck
Daphna Shraga
17. Human Security and Universal Human Rights of Undocumented Migrants: Transnational Vulnerabilities and Regional Traditions
Dorothy Estrada-Tanck
Part VI: Regionalism, Peace and Security
18. L'Union Africaine, une organisation régionale susceptible de s'émanciper de l'autorit é du Conseil de Séurité? Opinio juris et pratique ré centes des Etats
Olivier Corten
19. Extraterritorial Application of the ECHR: A Relevant Contribution of Regionalism to Peace and Security?
Ana Salinas de Frías
20. Commentaire sur Corten et Salinas
Mohamed Bennouna
21. Regionalism in the Field: The Case of South Sudan
Juan Jorge Piernas López
22. Regional Practices before the International Criminal Court: The Situations in Northern Uganda and Sudan
Alma Corina Borjas Monroy
Part VII: Regional Integration: Some Perspectives on Trade, Investment and Development
23. Public Interest in EU Foreign Investment Policy
Irene Blázquez-Navarro
24. Le régionalisme commercial africain
Ousseni Illy
25. Comments on Blázquez and Illy
Gabrielle Marceau
26. L'utilisation contemporaine du développement en Droit international des investissements: la m é connaissance des réalit és régionales
Nitish Monebhurrun
Part VIII: Regionalism and Human Rights
27. The Judicial Activism of Regional Human Rights Treaty Bodies and the Sovereignty of States
Theodore Christakis
28. L'activisme judiciaire des organes de contr ô le et la souveraineté des Etats: Commentaire sur Christakis
Djamchid Momtaz
29. Quelques réflexions sur les systèmes régionaux dans le cadre de l'universalit é des droits de l'homme
Antonio A Can ç ado Trindade
Part IX: Universal and Regional Responses to the Environment and Our Common Heritage
30. L'articulation des approches universelle et régionale en matière de protection du climat
Géraud de Lassus Saint-Geniès
31. Are the Polar Regions Converging? A Study of the Evolution of the International Regime Governing the
Arctic Region Compared to the Antarctic Treaty System
Yoshinobu Takei
32. The Delimitation Process in the Central Arctic Seabed: Sovereign Rights or a Condominium or Res Communis Omnium?
Claudia Cinelli

Aznar, Mariano J
Mariano J Aznar is Professor of Public International Law at the University Jaume I.

Footer, Mary E
Mary E Footer is Professor of International Economic Law at the University of Nottingham.

Mariano J Aznar is Professor of Public International Law at the University Jaume I.
Mary E Footer is Professor of International Economic Law at the University of Nottingham.

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