Bates | Wireless Broadband Handbook | Buch | 978-0-07-137161-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 188 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 778 g


Wireless Broadband Handbook

Buch, Englisch, 500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 188 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 778 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-137161-2
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

UNDERSTANDING--AND SURVIVING THE WIRELESS EXPLOSION JUST GOT A LOT EASIER!With the wireless broadband market expected to surge from $1.8 billion this year to more than $13 billion by the year 2003, understanding and learning the basics of the new broadband technologies fast may soon be a matter of survival rather than choice. And best-selling author Regis "Bud" Bates--whose earlier books are telecom classics--has exactly the right approach, sytle, and real-world experience to help anyone working in or around the wireless communications industry do just that.In WIRELESS BROADBAND HANDBOOK, "Bud" asks the logical, business-based questions that are important to you about this hot new technology:

* What is it?
* What do I need to know about it?
* What is it going to do for me?
* How much is it going to cost me?And he provides the answers--in a straightforward, jargon-free way. You'll find descriptions and analysis of key systems and options minus the techspeak and with the surety of an expert who knows how to help you make profitable business, technical, and career decisions.WIRELESS BROADBAND HANDBOOK provides clear, plain-English discussion of:

* Applications and implementations of technologies
* Regulatory and standards development
* Generic pricing and business models
* Wireless IP
* GSM around the world
* What's going on with WAP
* What changes to expect from 3G (and why is it sometimes called UMTS). along with product photos and descriptionsThere's no other guide that tackles and clarifies the chaotic acronym-ridden world of broadband wireless like WIRELESS BROADBAND HANDBOOK. and no other author but Regis "Bud" Bates has the formula to give you the "instant expertise" you need to compete and win in this rapidly advancing field.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: The History of Wireless. Chapter 2: Radio Technologies and Systems. Chapter 3: Access Techniques for Radio-Based Systems. Chapter 4: Cellular Communications. Chapter 5: Personal Communications. Chapter 6: Global System for Mobile (GSM). Chapter 7: Wireless Data Communications Services. Chapter 8: Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). Chapter 9: Wireless Innovations in Broadband. Chapter 10: Emerging Wireless Standards. Chapter 11: Wireless Applications.

Bates, Regis Bud J.
Regis J. "Bud" Bates (Phoenix, AZ), president of TC International Consulting, has 40 years of experience in telecommunications and information systems. He is a wireless systems expert who specializes in network operations and planning. Bates is the author of more than 15 technology-oriented books.

Mr. Bates has more than 35 years of experience in telecommunications and information systems. He oversees the overall operation of TC International Consulting, Inc. (TCIC) of Phoenix, Arizona. TCIC is a full-service management consulting organization that specializes in designing and integrating information technologies. TC International Consulting leads the pack in strategic development and implementation of new technologies for carriers and corporations alike.Bud's experience has served in major network designs from local area networks (LANs) to wide area networks (WANs) using high-quality, all-digital transmission services: T1, T3, and SONET/SDH. His studies and recommendations have resulted in significant financial savings. One project included the design and implementation of a Frame Relay network that spanned over 14 countries and 80 locations. This project resulted in huge monthly savings while preserving sub-second response times across the network.His articles have been published in NETWORK WORLD, INFORMATION WEEK, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, and others. He has authored numerous books published by McGraw-Hill and Artech House. His recent published books--VOICE AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS, Third Edition and the BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK--are on McGraw-Hill's 2000 bestseller list. But also develops and conducts various public seminars throughout the world, ranging from managerial overviews to very technical instructions on voice, data, and LAN communications. He spends much of his time working with the major telecommunciations manufacturers in training their staff members on the innovations of technology and the convergence of voice and data networks for the future. Many of his materials are used throughout the higher education institutions in certification and graduate-level classes in telecommunications management.

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