The present voLume is the first in a series of suppLement voLumes to the beryLlium voLume which appeared in 1930. This voLume" BeryLLium" SuppLement VoLume A 1 is divided into the following chapters: 1. The Production of Beryllium 2. Uses 3. Nuclides 4. Atoms and Ions 5. MoLecuLes 6. ChemicaL Reactions H 7. The ChemicaL Behavior of Be in SoLution 8. ToxicoLogy of Beryllium Chapter 1 describes the steps from ore dressing to obtaining the metaL and then further refining and preparing speciaL forms. No differentiation is made between processes per formed on an industriaL scaLe and a Laboratory scaLe. In Chapter 2 are shown various uses, taken from review literature, of Be as a metaL, in aLLoys, and in compounds. Chapter 6 presents the reactions of Be metaL with various eLements and compounds. In the section on the reactions with metaLs is incLuded its behavior in binary metaL systems (e.g. diffusion). 2 In Chapter 7 the behavior of Be + in soLution is limited to hydration, hydroLysis, and a short survey of the anaLytically most important precipitation reactions. The compLex chemi caL behavior will be described in detaiL Later in a speciaL voLume. The crystallographic and physicaL properties, and the eLectrochemicaL behavior will be treated in a Later voLume of the series" BeryLLium" SuppLement A.
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Weitere Infos & Material
Beryllium.- 1 The Production of Beryllium.- 2 Uses.- 3 Nuclides.- 4 Atom and Atomic Ions.- 5 Molecules.- 6 Chemical Reactions.- 7 The Chemical Behavior of the Be2+ Ion in Solution.- 8 Toxicology of Beryllium.- Table of Conversion Factors.