Behaviour | Brill | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 15 Ausgaben pro Jahr


Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 15 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 1568539X

Behaviour is interested in all aspects of animal (including human) behaviour, from ecology and physiology to learning, cognition, and neuroscience. Evolutionary approaches, which concern themselves with the advantages of behaviour or capacities for the organism and its reproduction, receive much attention both at a theoretical level and as it relates to specific behaviour.

The journal Behaviour has its roots in ethology and behavioural biology (see historical note), in which the emphasis is not so much on how animals compare with humans under strictly controlled conditions (as in comparative psychology), but more on tracing the phylogeny and evolution of natural behaviour as shown under naturalistic or natural conditions. Specialized cognition and communication are part of this approach. Well-controlled laboratory experiments are needed and welcome, but by no means the only approach. Behaviour has a long tradition of publishing systematic observations of spontaneous behaviour.

Behaviour covers the whole animal kingdom, from invertebrates to fish, and from frogs to primates. The study of animal behaviour remains vibrant and keeps attracting young, talented scientists, who will find Behaviour a journal with a quick turn-around time (we strive for first reviews within a month) read by a wide range of students and researchers of animal behaviour.
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Animal behaviour

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