Biggs / Tang | Teaching for Quality Learning at University | Buch | 978-0-335-23506-3 |

Buch, Englisch

Biggs / Tang

Teaching for Quality Learning at University

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23506-3
Verlag: Open University Press

"This book is a sophisticated and insightful conceptualization of outcomes-based learning developed from the concept of constructive alignment. The first author has already made a significant contribution to the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning in universities…Together with the second author, there is now added richness through the practical implementation and practices. The ideas in this book are all tried and shown to contribute to more successful learning experience and outcome for students."

Denise Chalmers, Carrick Institute of Education, Australia

Teaching for Quality Learning at University focuses on implementing a constructively aligned outcomes-based model at both classroom and institutional level. The theory, which is now used worldwide as a framework for good teaching and assessment, is shown to:

- Assist university teachers who wish to improve the quality of their own teaching, their students' learning and their assessment of learning outcomes

- Aid staff developers in providing support for teachers

- Provide a framework for administrators interested in quality assurance and enhancement of teaching across the whole university

The book's "how to" approach addresses several important issues: designing high level outcomes, the learning activities most likely to achieve them in small and large classes, and appropriate assessment and grading procedures. It is an accessible, jargon-free guide to all university teachers interested in enhancing their teaching and their students' learning, and for administrators and teaching developers who are involved in teaching-related decisions on an institution-wide basis. The authors have also included useful web links to further material.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The changing scene in university teaching

Teaching according to how students learn

Setting the stage for effective teaching

Using constructive alignment in outcomes-based teaching and learning

Designing intended learning outcomes

Contexts for effective teaching and learning

Teaching/learning activities for declarative knowledge

Teaching/learning activities for functioning knowledge

Aligning Assessment with Intended Learning Outcomes: Principles

Assessment and grading for declarative knowledge

Assessment and grading for functioning knowledge

Implementing constructive alignment

Constructive alignment as implemented: Some examples


John Biggs is Honorary Professor of Psychology and Adjunct Professor, Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching, University of Hong Kong.

Catherine Tang is Adjunct Associate Professor, Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching, University of Hong Kong, and an educational consultant based in Australia.

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