Biggs / Tang | Teaching for Quality Learning at University | Buch | 978-0-335-24276-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 228 mm

Biggs / Tang

Teaching for Quality Learning at University

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 228 mm

ISBN: 978-0-335-24276-4
Verlag: Open University Press

"This book is an exceptional introduction to some difficult ideas. It is full of downright good advice for every academic who wants to do something practical to improve his or hers students’ learning."

Paul Ramsden, Brisbane, Australia

"Biggs and Tang present a unified view of university teaching that is both grounded in research and theory and replete with guidance for novice and expert instructors. The book will inspire, challenge, unsettle, and in places annoy and even infuriate its readers, but it will succeed in helping them think about how high quality teaching can contribute to high quality learning."

John Kirby, Queens University, Ontario, Canada

This best-selling book explains the concept of constructive

alignment used in implementing outcomes-based education. Constructive alignment identifies the desired learning outcomes and helps teachers design the teaching and learning activities that will help students to achieve those outcomes, and to assess how well those outcomes have been achieved. Each chapter includes tasks that offer a 'how-to' manual to implement constructive alignment in your own teaching practices.

This new edition draws on the authors' experience of consulting on the implementation of constructive alignment in Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland and Malaysia including a wider range of disciplines and teaching contexts. There is also a new section on the evaluation of constructive alignment, which is now used worldwide as a framework for good teaching and assessment, as it has been shown to:

- Assist university teachers who wish to improve the quality of their own teaching, their students' learning and their assessment of learning outcomes

- Aid staff developers in providing support for departments in line with institutional policies

- Provide a framework for administrators interested in quality assurance and enhancement of teaching across the whole university. The authors have also included useful web links to further material.

Teaching for Quality Learning at University will be of particular interest to teachers, staff developers and administrators.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword to original edition

Preface to fourth edition


The outcomes we intend readers to achieve

Part 1: Effective teaching and learning for today's universities

The changing scene in university teaching

Teaching according to how students learn

Setting the stage for effective teaching

Contexts for effective teaching and learning

Knowledge and understanding

Constructively aligned teaching and assessment

Part 2: Designing constructively aligned outcomes-based

teaching and learning

Designing intended learning outcomes

Teaching/learning activities for declarative intended learning outcomes

Teaching/learning activities for functioning intended learning outcomes

Aligning assessment tasks with intended learning outcomes:


Assessing and grading for declarative intended learning


Assessing and grading for functioning intended learning


Part 3: Constructive alignment in action

Implementing, supporting and enhancing constructive


Constructive alignment as implemented: some examples



John Biggs has held Chairs in Education in Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong. He has published extensively on student learning and the implications of his research for teaching.

Catherine Tang is the former Head of Educational Development Centre in the Hong Kong Institute of Education and also in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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