Bishop | Leadership for Nursing and Allied Health Care Professions | Buch | 978-0-335-23917-7 |

Buch, Englisch


Leadership for Nursing and Allied Health Care Professions

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23917-7
Verlag: Open University Press

"Good leadership is more creative and satisfying than simply managing. But it takes a book as good as this to help us realise that. Wherever you are in your career - this book offers a great deal to inspire and to provoke thought. We could all learn from it."

Nursing Standard

"This book is timely. The increasing emphasis on the need for good leadership is signalled by the establishment across the world of new leadership development initiatives. In the United Kingdom, for example, this includes the new NHS National Leadership Council that will champion the transformation of leadership capacity and capability across the healthcare system. Effective leadership is crucial for improving the quality of care for patients and others and for developing staff. This highly readable and informative book, written by experts in the field, will be of interest to all nursing and allied health professionals, particularly those aspiring and emerging leaders."

Professor David R Thompson, University of Leicester, UK

"This is a book that all students studying leadership in health care have been waiting for. It provides an excellent broad perspective on aspects of leadership common to all disciplines. It aims to empower all health care providers to fully realise their potential as a leader and demonstrates how this can be achieved in reality. It is inspirational, exciting to read with its many different case studies, exercises to bring about reflection and should result in a more empowered and enlightened work force."

Phil Halligan, University College Dublin, Ireland

"With the increased focus on clinical leadership this book is a welcome addition to the vast array of leadership books currently available and will appeal to a wide range of practising clinicians looking for an introduction to the subject. The use of historical case studies allows comparison of leadership styles of a range of well known figures and sets the scene for an exploration of some of the multitude of leadership theories that are available in the literature. Readers who are currently practising clinicians, regardless of profession, should use this opportunity to 'stand up and be counted' and to take forward the leadership agenda in their professions for the benefit of patients and inform future practice and knowledge."

Mark Sewell, Postgraduate Student, University of Birmingham/University of Manchester, UK

It is time to take stock, to promote and support our articulate and strategic thinkers, and to let them shine!

This inspiring book is a wake-up call to nurses and allied health professionals to develop their leadership skills and to make a real difference to global health and social development. Veronica Bishop uses high profile historical case studies to illustrate the concept of leadership and put it into a context that is easily understood.

The book demystifies the key elements of leadership, highlights the difference between leadership and management and identifies the essential components for successful leadership amongst health care professionals. The book incorporates:

- A new research based theory of leadership that embraces clinical excellence

- Educational and practice based concepts to support key leadership skills

- Case examples of real experiences

- Exercises for developing your own leadership skills at the end of each chapter

Contributions from experts from a wide range of countries and with diverse knowledge bases make a topic that is often presented as highly complex and ‘out of reach’ readily accessible.

Leadership for Nursing and Allied Health Care Professions is key reading for all nurses and allied health care professionals aspiring to be leaders.

Contributors: Sue Antrobus, Mary Lovegrove, Annie Macleod, Abigail Masterson, Dawn Freshwater, Iain Graham, Philip Esterhuizen, David Stanley, Mike Saks, Veronica
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Weitere Infos & Material

Notes on contributors


preface Veronica Bishop

1 What is leadership?

2 Leadership and management: a new mutiny?

3 Leadership challenges: professional power and dominance in health care

4 Leadership for the allied health professions

5 Developing political leaders in nursing

6 Educating leaders for global health care

7 Clinical leadership and the theory of congruent Leadership

8 Leadership for health globally: grasping the nettle.


Veronica Bishop is Visiting Professor of Nursing at City University, London, UK and is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Research in Nursing.

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