Blakemore / Griggs | Social Policy | Buch | 978-0-335-22952-9 |

Buch, Englisch

Blakemore / Griggs

Social Policy

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22952-9
Verlag: Open University Press

"This is something of a best seller and it is easy to understand why. It will serve the needs of both Level 1 and other students of social policy well [and] it carries off the exploration of specific theoretical issues within discrete policy areas particularly well."

Social Policy & Administration

"This is an extremely useful updated text for students of social policy and other related areas, such as social work. The book is clearly written and enables students to develop an understanding of how and why social policies are constructed. Key points are well made and highlighted examples/boxes are provided in the text. There is reference made at the end of each chapter to further reading."

Bernard Melling, University of Salford

- What are social policies?

- How are social policies created and implemented?

- Why do certain policies exist?

This revised edition has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the latest developments in the fields of social policy and welfare. It includes:

- A new chapter on criminal justice

- Revised chapters on education, community and social care, and health

- An updated and expanded glossary of key terms and annotated further reading including websites

- Annotated further reading- including websites

Social Policy is essential reading for students beginning or building on their study of social policy or welfare. The book is also suitable as a reference resource for practitioners and professional policy makers in fields including health, medicine and nursing, housing, social services and counselling, education, law and criminology.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction: The subject of social policy

2. Ideas and concepts in social policy

3. The development of social policy in Britain

4. The contested boundaries of social policy: The case of criminal justice policy

5. Who gets what? Slicing the welfare cake

6. Social policy, politics and social control

7. Who makes policy? The example of education
8. Work and welfare

9. Are professionals good for you? The example of health policy and health professionals

10. Utopias and ideals: Housing policy and the environment

11. Community and social care

12. Devolution and social policy

13. Conclusion: the future of social policy

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