Blanchard | Teaching Learning and Assessment | Buch | 978-0-335-23918-4 |

Buch, Englisch


Teaching Learning and Assessment

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23918-4
Verlag: Open University Press

"This down-to-earth and timely book demonstrates that assessment is at the very heart of the teaching and learning process. It gives highly practical ideas and strategies to help make learning powerful and effective. It reminds us not only about what works in classrooms but also about what works in adult learning and informal learning too."

Steve Munby, Chief Executive,

National College for School Leadership, UK

This book deals with formative assessment, that is, assessment designed to inform and enhance learning, rather than simply produce test results and qualifications. Formative assessment considers how pupils learn, what they learn and why, and encourages pupils to direct their own learning.

Based on real life experiences of students and teachers, this book develops a practical framework for thinking about formative assessment, based on a five-year research project undertaken by Portsmouth Local Authority schools and the University of Sussex. Rich in case studies, quotations, examples and recommendations collected from the project, the book offers practical advice for making formative assessment work.

Its key features include:

- A framework for formative assessment

- Focus on professional and whole-school development

- Prompts for reflection

- Real-life examples and case studies from work carried out by pupils, teachers, assistants and leaders

The central message is that assessment should be fundamental to the whole learning process, and is as relevant to early years as to primary, secondary and post-compulsory settings across the curriculum.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment is important reading for all teachers whether undertaking initial teacher training or continuing professional development.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1 Getting started: a model for formative assessment

2 Formative assessment needs interesting activity

3 Ten things to be clear about in teaching and learning

4 'How do we work together?'

5 'What do we know about this topic?'

6 'What are we trying to achieve?'

7 'What might be interesting about this?'

8 'How can we know how well we do?'

9 'How do we tackle it?'

10 'What can we do when we get stuck or go wrong?'

11 'What have we achieved?'

12 'How can we improve?'

13 'How can we use what we learn?'

14 Whole-school and continuing professional development

15 Formative versus summative assessment

16 The project's methodology and research context

Appendices: materials to support development





John Blanchard is an Independent Consultant for Schools, Local Authorities and Higher Education Institutions.

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