Blaxter / Hughes / Tight | How to Research | Buch | 978-0-335-22953-6 |

Buch, Englisch

Blaxter / Hughes / Tight

How to Research

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22953-6
Verlag: Open University Press

Praise for the first edition:

".an excellent choice for any student about to start a research project for the first time."

British Journal of Educational Technology

Praise for the second edition:

"How to Research is best used as a reference tool to dip in and out of when required. Not only is it an excellent starting point for new researchers and students, but undoubtedly the more experienced researcher will also find it valuable. Furthermore, those involved in teaching research methods or supervising research students would find this a useful source of information, exercises and ideas."

SRA News

How to Research is a practical handbook for those carrying out small scale research projects and discusses the practice and experience of doing research in the social sciences.

The new edition has been updated throughout and includes extensively revised chapters on introductory thinking about research and data analysis. Building on the strengths of the previous edition, Blaxter, Hughes and Tight include new material on:

- Writing research proposals

- Making presentations

- Researching in your own workplace

- Data collection software and time management

- Case studies of small scale research projects

It is written in an original, accessible and jargon free style using a variety of different forms of presentation to support the researcher. It is written for all those who are required to complete a research project as part of their studies and is invaluable for those conducting research in the workplace.
Blaxter / Hughes / Tight How to Research jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

List of boxes

All at sea but learning to swim

Getting started

Thinking about methods

Reading for research

Managing your project

Collecting data

Analysing data

Writing up

Finishing off



Lorraine Blaxter and Christina Hughes are based at the University of Warwick. Lorraine Blaxter is a lecturer in the School of Health and Social Studies and Christina Hughes is a reader in Sociology.

Malcolm Tight is a professor in teh Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.

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