Booth / Brien | Electrocardiography for Healthcare Professionals | Buch | 978-1-260-09831-0 |

Buch, Englisch

Booth / Brien

Electrocardiography for Healthcare Professionals

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-1-260-09831-0
Verlag: Open University Press

Electrocardiography for Health Care Personnel prepares users for a national ECG certification examination, as well as providing ECG skills training for health care students and health care personnel who are interested in mastering additional skills. The text includes the essential skills needed to perform an ECG, including anatomy of the heart, basic characteristics, equipment, appropriate intervention, and other technical applications, such as Holter monitoring and stress testing. Emphasis throughout the text is placed on troubleshooting.
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Weitere Infos & Material

CHAPTER     1ElectrocardiographyCHAPTER     2The Cardiovascular SystemCHAPTER     3The ElectrocardiographCHAPTER     4Performing an ECGCHAPTER     5Rhythm Strip Interpretation and Sinus RhythmsCHAPTER     6Atrial DysrhythmiasCHAPTER     7Junctional DysrhythmiasCHAPTER     8Heart Block DysrhythmiasCHAPTER     9Ventricular DysrhythmiasCHAPTER  10Bundle Branch BlockCHAPTER  11 Pacemaker RhythmsCHAPTER  12 Cardiac Stress TestingCHAPTER  13 Ambulatory MonitoringCHAPTER  14Clinical Presentation and Management of the Cardiac PatientCHAPTER  15Basic 12 Lead ECG InterpretationAPPENDIX  ACardiovascular MedicationsAPPENDIX  BStandard and Isolation PrecautionsAPPENDIX  CMedical Abbreviations, Acronyms, and SymbolsAPPENDIX  DAnatomical TermsAPPENDIX  EGlossary

Booth, Kathryn
Kathryn A. Booth, RN-BSN, RMA (AMT), RPT, CPhT, MS is a registered nurse (RN) with a masters degree in education as well as certifications in phlebotomy, pharmacy tech, and medical assisting. She is an author, an educator, and a consultant for Total Care Programming, Inc. She has over 30 years of teaching, nursing, and healthcare experience that spans five states. As an educator, Kathy has been awarded the teacher of the year in three states where she taught various health sciences, including medical assisting in both a classroom and an online capacity. Kathy serves on the AMT Examinations, Qualifications, and Standards committee, as well as the advisory board for two educational institutions. She stays current through working at various practice settings as well as obtaining and maintaining certifications. Her larger goal is to develop up-to-date, dynamic healthcare educational materials to assist her and other educators and to promote healthcare professions. In addition, Kathy enjoys presenting innovative new learning solutions for the changing healthcare and educational landscape to her fellow professionals nationwide.

O'Brien, Thomas
Thomas E. OBrien, AS, CCT, CRAT, RMA, is the Allied Health Program chairperson
at Remington College, Fort Worth, Texas. Tom also works as an author
of CME activities and editor with Practical Clinical Skills ( www.practical ). He is also on the Board of Trustees and Exam Chair for the
Certified Cardiographic Technician and Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician
Registry Examinations working with Cardiovascular Credentialing International
(CCI). His background includes over 24 years in the U.S. Air Force and
U.S. Army Medical Corps. Toms medical career as an Air Force Independent
Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) has taken him all over the United States and
the world. He has several years experience working in the Emergency Services
and Critical Care arena (Cardiothoracic Surgery and Cardiac Cath Lab).
He was awarded Master Instructor status by the U.S. Air Force in 1994 upon
completion of his teaching practicum. He now has over 15 years of teaching
experience; subjects include Emergency Medicine, Cardiovascular Nursing,
Fundamentals of Nursing, Dysrhythmias, and 12-Lead ECG Interpretation. His
current position provides challenges to meet the ever-changing needs of the
medical community and to provide first-rate education to a diverse adult education

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