Boundy / Stockert | Calculation of Medication Dosages | Buch | 978-0-7817-5854-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 336 Seiten, Trade Paper, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 635 g

Boundy / Stockert

Calculation of Medication Dosages

Practical Strategies to Ensure Safety and Accuracy

Buch, Englisch, 336 Seiten, Trade Paper, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 635 g

ISBN: 978-0-7817-5854-3
Verlag: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

This text equips nurses with the decision making skills to ensure that medication dosages are calculated correctly and administered safely. The book integrates critical thinking and decision making into the dosage calculation process and uses a realistic case study approach, with photos of nurses, patients, tablets, solutions, syringes, injectables, and drug labels. The formula method and ratio and proportion method are both presented for all problems, and a separate appendix explains the dimensional analysis method.
Tables of equivalents, formulas, and abbreviations used in medication orders appear on the inside cover. A pocket card with common measurements and conversions is included.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: Mathematics Review

Chapter 2: Systems of Measurement

Chapter 3: Preparing Drugs for Administration and Selecting Equipment

Chapter 4: Interpreting Drug Orders Accurately

Chapter 5: Reading Drug Labels Correctly

Chapter 6: Strategies & Methods for Calculating Dosages Correctly

Chapter 7: Calculating Oral Medication Dosages

Chapter 8: Calculating Parenteral Medication Dosages

Chapter 9: Calculating Intravenous Rates

Chapter 10: Advanced Intravenous Calculation Skills

Chapter 11: Calculating Pediatric Dosages Safely

Chapter 12: Using the Dimensional Analysis Method

Comprehensive Practice Exams

- Exam I
- Exam II
Answers to Practice Exams

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