Brand / Abdullah / Means | The Ten-Foot Chain | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 62 Seiten

Brand / Abdullah / Means The Ten-Foot Chain

E-Book, Englisch, 62 Seiten

ISBN: 859-654710219-9
Verlag: DigiCat
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 6 - ePub Watermark

'The Ten-Foot Chain' is an anthology that encompasses an astounding amalgamation of narratives, spanning across various genres and themes, underscored by the diverse literary styles of its contributors. This collection offers a panoramic view of the early 20th century fiction, weaving through the intricate tapestries of adventure, morality, and the human condition. The selections within embody the range from the thrilling escapades in exotic locales to the profound depths of psychological introspection, making it a rich ground for scholarly exploration and literary enjoyment. The anthology is notable not only for its broad spectrum of narratives but also for its demonstration of the evolving storytelling techniques of the period. The authors – Max Brand, Achmed Abdullah, E.K. Means, and P.P. Sheehan – bring to the table their unique backgrounds, ranging from adventure and romance to ethereal and philosophical writing. Their collective works mirror the sociocultural and literary shifts of the early 20th century, reflecting the complexities of colonialism, race, and identity. This blend of voices not only highlights the period's literary diversity but also its interconnectedness amidst distinct cultural backdrops. 'The Ten-Foot Chain' is, therefore, an indispensable addition for readers and scholars alike, offering a tapestry of experiences that are bound to enrich one's understanding of early 20th-century literature. This anthology serves as a unique gateway to exploring multifaceted narratives, encouraging readers to appreciate the depth and breadth of literary craftsmanship presented by these authors. It promises not just a journey through the riveting plots and characters, but also an immersive experience into the historical and cultural dialogues of its time.
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Max Brand, a pseudonym for Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944), was an illustrious American author best known for his works in the Western genre. He was a prolific writer, with over 500 novels and numerous short stories, and many of his tales have been adapted for film. His rich narratives often depict rugged landscapes and the complex psyches of his characters, resonating with a fundamental human truth and ethos embedded in the zeitgeist of the American West. 'The Ten-Foot Chain' is one of his notable works, brimming with the vivid descriptions, high-stakes adventure, and moral quandaries characteristic of Brand's storytelling. While the Western genre defines much of his output, Brand's literary style is notable for its exploration of human nature, honor, and resilience, transcending the confines of the genre to speak to universal themes. His storytelling artistry forged an indelible legacy within the canon of American literature, and his influence persists in the Western genre's evolution. Brand's work remains essential reading for aficionados of Westerns and students of American literary culture.

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