Breman | Mobilizing Labour for the Global Coffee Market | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 440 Seiten

Reihe: Social Histories of Work in Asia

Breman Mobilizing Labour for the Global Coffee Market

Profits from an Unfree Work Regime in Colonial Java

E-Book, Englisch, 440 Seiten

Reihe: Social Histories of Work in Asia

ISBN: 978-90-485-2714-4
Verlag: Amsterdam University Press
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Coffee has been grown on Java for the commercial market since the early eighteenth century, when the Dutch East India Company began buying from peasant producers in the Priangan highlands. What began as a commercial transaction, however, soon became a system of compulsory production. This book shows how the Dutch East India Company mobilised land and labour, why they turned to force cultivation, and what effects the brutal system they installed had on the economy and society.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Table of contents Prologue: The need for forced labour Intrusion into the hinterland Retreat of princely authority Territorial demarcation and hierarchical structuring The Priangan highlands as a frontier Clearing the land for cultivation Source: F. de Haan – Priangan, vl. 1, p. 376 Source: F. de Haan – Priangan, vl. I, p. 368 The composite peasant household Higher and lower-ranking chiefs Rendering servitude Peasants and their lords in the early-colonial era Source: Perpustakaan Nasional Indonesia Collection, Jakarta A colonial mode of production From free trade to forced delivery The start of coffee cultivation Source: Perpustakaan Nasional Indonesia Collection, Jakarta Increasing the tribute Coercion and desertion Indigenous management Source: Perpustakaan Nasional Indonesia Collection, Jakarta Under the Company’s control Tardy population growth Tackling ‘cultivation delinquency’ Clashing interests Failing management After the fall of the VOC A conservative reformer Strengthening the government apparatus Social restructuring Stepping up corvee services Source: J. Crawfurd, vl. 1, 1820 The land rent system Source: F. de Haan – Priangan, vl. 1 Source: NA Source: KITLV Collection Source: KITLV Collection Source: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Source: NA Source: KITLV Collection Discovery of the village system Land sale In search of a new policy The deregulation of coffee cultivation, except in the Priangan Patching up leakage and other irregularities Increasing leverage for private estates The downfall of the free enterprise lobby The policy dispute continues Political turmoil at home Shifting coffee cultivation to gardens Mobilizing labour Source: F. de Haan – Priangan, vl. 1, p. 165 Expansion of forced labour Source: KITLV Collection Beyond the reach of the government The obligation to perform coolie labour and the need for tight surveillance In search of the hidden labour reserve Indispensability of the chiefs, for the time being The Priangan variant as a ‘colonial constant’ Spreading benevolence at home and on Java A new surge in the colonial tribute Coffee and more More and more coffee Approaching the workfloor Source: F. de Haan – Priangan, vl. 1, p. 485 The happiness of the innocent Stagnation Crisis Non-compliance ‘A system that is arbitrary, repressive and secretive’ Taxation, resistance and retribution Source: KITLV Collection Cultivating coffee and growing food The welfare of the people Good governance Source: KITLV Collection Source: KITLV Collection Source: KITLV Collection From protectors to exploiters The reform operation Release from servitude The dilemmas of political expediency A turn for the better? Impact of the reforms on the peasantry Establishment of the village system Shifting the onus of servitude Source: KITLV Collection Source: KITLV Collection The contours of a new economic policy Source: KITLV Collection The agrarian underclasses Epilogue: Servitude as the road to progress Glossary List of abbreviations Color plates Other illustrations Archival sources Index of names

Breman, Jan
Jan Breman is emeritus professor of comparative sociology at the University of Amsterdam. He continues his scholarly research, mainly focused on work and labour in Asia, as Fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research and as a Honorary Fellow at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam

Breman Jan:
Jan Breman is emeritus professor of comparative sociology at the University of Amsterdam. He continues his scholarly research, mainly focused on work and labour in Asia, as Fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research and as a Honorary Fellow at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam

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