Building Bridges | Buch | 978-94-6300-489-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 230 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 322 g

Building Bridges

Rethinking Literacy Teacher Education in a Digital Era
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-94-6300-489-3
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

Rethinking Literacy Teacher Education in a Digital Era

Buch, Englisch, 230 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 322 g

ISBN: 978-94-6300-489-3
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

Literacy learning continues to be central to schooling, and is currently of major concern to educators, policy developers, and members of the public alike. However, the proliferation of communication channels in this digital era requires a fundamental re-thinking of the nature of literacy and the pedagogy of literacy teaching and teacher education.

This text brings together papers by experts in teacher education, literacy, and information technology to help chart a way forward in this complex area. Because of their background in teacher education, the authors are realistic about what is appropriate and feasible—they do not just jump on a technology bandwagon—but they are also able to provide extended examples of how to embed technology in the practice of teacher education.
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