Bullock / Wikeley | Whose Learning? | Buch | 978-0-335-22443-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Bullock / Wikeley

Whose Learning?

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22443-2
Verlag: Open University Press

The traditional role of the form or class tutor has developed into that of an academic or personal tutor; that is, an adult who works with students to guide, support and help them manage their learning. Academic or personal tutoring as a practice of learning benefits many students in secondary schools and colleges. It is increasingly adopted and specifically customised by a range of institutions who believe it will establish good habits of learning now and in the future.

Whose Learning? explores the concept of academic and personal tutoring and brings together established theoretical arguments; current activities in schools and classrooms; and observations gleaned from the authors’ own research. It recognises the important role of the personal tutor in working individually with his or her students, and illuminates the processes, educational relationships and learning interactions underpinning this role.

The book addresses three fundamental strands of the learning process and their complex inter-relationships:

- Knowing what to learn

- Knowing how to learn

- Knowing yourself as a learner

Offering examples of good practice in supporting student learning Whose Learning? is essential reading for student, beginning and more experienced teachers in schools and colleges who want to reflect on and improve their own practices.
Bullock / Wikeley Whose Learning? jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Knowing How To Learn: Learning How To Know

Chapter 2 Personal Tutoring Chapter 3 Knowing Yourself As A Learner– The Theory Chapter 4 Helping Students To Know Themselves Chapter 5: Knowing How To Learn – The Theory Chapter 6: Helping Students Develop Skills For Learning Chapter 7 Knowing What To Learn – The Theory Chapter 8 Supporting Students In Knowing What To Learn Chapter 9 Educational Relationships References

Kate Bullock is a Senior Lecturer the Department of Education at the University of Bath. Formerly a teacher of science, she has been a research officer and lecturer in Higher Education since 1979. She has wide experience of research and evaluation in the areas of student learning, educational relationships and school organization.

Felicity Wikeley is a senior lecturer and Director of Studies for Research in the Department of Education at the University of Bath. She has taught across the age range from pre-school to adults and has been a researcher and lecturer in higher education since 1989. Her main interests are educational relationships, particulary those of parents and their children; school effectiveness and school improvement.

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